7 Jul 2022


Biological Psychology: Study Applications

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2515

Pages: 10

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Biological psychology or biopsychology involves applying biological principles to the study of behavior and mental processes. It involves studying human psychology using bodily functions and mechanisms. The field of biopsychology assumes that all psychological processes have a correlation with biology, and therefore, to better understand psychology, one should follow the biological process first. Psychologists in this field use a variety of research techniques and methods in an attempt to uncover data and information that informs the human understanding of mental processes. Psychologists also help to provide valuable data that is aimed at enabling medical professionals to offer better treatment methods and interventions to patients with different physical and mental disorders. For this reason, therefore, this paper discusses some significant areas in the biopsychology field. These areas include careers within the field, professional application of bio-psychological concepts and principles, and ethical values and principles related to biopsychology ( MacDuffie & Strauman, 2017) . The paper further explains the most important lessons learned and how these lessons will be applied in the future. 


Biopsychology has historically been a relevant psychological field, and it remains a significant area of research and instructions in many nations across the world. In the past two centuries, biological psychology has devised new methods of answering old questions and has gone ahead to tackle further vital problems ( MacDuffie & Strauman, 2017) . Professionals in the field have carefully developed and implemented innovative biomedical procedures and behavioral researches, all who have been instrumental to the progress of the field. Currently, the scope of biopsychology includes brain and behavior evolution, development of behavior, and the nervous system over a person's lifespan. It also includes perceptual and sensory processes, psychopharmacology, coordination and control of actions and movements, motivation. Lastly, it includes biological sleep and rhythms, mental and emotional disorders; cognition and language; neural processes of memory and learning; and functional recovery after nervous system damage ( MacDuffie & Strauman, 2017) . Through all these different domains, biopsychology remains a significant field that has a lot to offer in terms of improving the quality of life of people with disorders and the general population. 

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Apart from being psychologists, biological psychologists can secure employment and work in many other fields. There are multiple career opportunities in the healthcare practice, educational field, law, research field, and social work. The following are different career areas where biological psychologists can work. 


Many people who have studied biopsychology choose to enter the academic field at all levels. They often take teaching courses in psychology, biopsychology, or other related disciplines in universities and colleges. College or university level teaching may require a biological psychologist to combine different activities such as writing and researching, and many universities encourage their faculty members to pursue these channels. Apart from teaching students, professors in this field may supervise students in managing research projects and in practical settings ( Kalat, 2015) . Similarly, biological psychologists can act as educational consultants, where school faculties may consult them regarding student performances and behaviors. Biological psychologists can also take careers in developmental education, where they can monitor and supervise developmental processes in elementary school children, and actively participate in developing curriculums suited for children in these age groups. Biological psychologists who work as teachers are typically required also to have a degree in teaching. 


Biological psychologists can also work as researchers in various scientific and educational fields. They can conduct experiments and also perform hands-on studies to find out useful data about how the brain functions under specific influences and conditions. Researchers may also focus on areas such as cognition, sensory perception, sleep, mental health disorders, addictions, and nutrition ( Kalat, 2015). The world is rapidly evolving because of technology and the general lifestyle. 

For this reason, continuous research about evolving human processes and functions remains a vital part of life and health ( Kalat, 2015). According to Kalat (2015), biological psychologists can continuously pursue research to answer common questions or to relinquish past incorrect assumptions or beliefs. Although scientific researchers are typically required to have a Doctoral Degree in Psychology, most of them can obtain positions as research assistants with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in many institutions. Biological psychologists can work in a variety of settings, including educational institutions, hospitals, research institutes, and medical facilities. 

Behavioral Analysts 

Biological Psychologists can also work as behavioral analysts. These professionals are experts in studying the functions of the brain and how biological processes influence motivation, behavior, and decision-making. This knowledge can be beneficial in understanding why people behave the way they do and why some people make individual decisions while others do not ( Kalat, 2015). Therefore, biological psychologists can be employed in a school, businesses, government institutions, and even religious institutions. They are responsible for assessing, analyzing, and evaluating certain situations and individuals to predict how they will act in the future, and also explain why they currently behave the way that they do. 

Professional Practice 

Biopsychology involves applying biological principles to the study of behavior and mental processes. It involves studying human psychology using bodily functions and mechanisms. The principles learned in biopsychology can be applied in different settings to help understand and explain human functions and processes. 

Healthcare Settings 

Biological psychologists can apply biopsychology principles in the healthcare industry in several ways. The can work as mental health counselors because their foundational skills and knowledge would enable them to understand the biological nature of mental disorders better. They can effectively understand the relationship between the brain and mental disorders, which can, in turn, explain irrational or abnormal behaviors. Having this information will enable counselors to better identify and relate with patients because they understand the factors that play a role in the nature of the disorder itself ( MacDuffie & Strauman, 2017) . According to MacDuffie and Strauman (2017), t hese psychologists can accurately determine the type of treatment that is required by a patient to reduce or eliminate the effects of the disorder or to alter behavior. This is because; they have studied the functions of the brains and responsible for certain behaviors. They can, therefore, establish therapies and drugs that can reach the part of the brain and alter adverse reactions. 

Indeed, biological psychologists should be qualified and permitted to act as mental health counselors. Generally, health counselors help patients to navigate through their problems such as anger, depression, suicidal thoughts, and self-image issues, among others. It is, therefore, crucial that they understand the relationship between emotions, hormones, genetics, neurotransmitters, feelings, behaviors, and the brain ( Margraf & Schneider, 2016) . For this reason, biological psychologists should be allowed to practice as mental health counselors because their studies provide them with the necessary tools, resources, and knowledge to identify these relationships in patients. 

As mental health counselors and behavioral therapists, biological psychologists should conduct assessments of diagnoses, cases, substance abuse and addiction, and psychotherapy. In other cases, they should also engage in crisis management, development of individualized care and treatment plans, the recommendation of referrals, and other crucial areas related to diagnosis, prescription, and execution of mental wellness interventions ( Margraf & Schneider, 2016) . Biological psychologists should exercise skills such as compassion, critical thinking, empathy, effective communication, and effective management in their mental health practices. 

Educational Settings 

Biological psychologists study the mind and behavior to gain an understanding of how social skills and cognitive abilities are formed through development. In connecting these disciplines, together with other appropriate scientific disciplines, biological psychology aims to achieve an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms and processes that form learning, with a focus on improving teaching practices and, eventually, learning outcomes. Therefore, in the classroom setting, biological psychologists should use their skills and knowledge of the biological processes to identify which tasks should be given to students at what time ( Margraf, & Schneider, 2016) . The tools can also help educators to identify the strengths and weaknesses of students in the class. By identifying the areas of strength and weaknesses, the teacher can reinforce the strengths, and maximize on improving the weaknesses. 

Biological psychologists should also apply skills and knowledge from the field to formulate teaching strategies that will better address the needs of students at different levels. As teachers, biological psychologists should be able to communicate effectively to their students about the various aspects of behavioral neuroscience ( Bignall, Jacquez, & Vaughn, 2015) . Lambert (2018) note that teachers should also explain to students the biological process that influences their behaviors and actions to enable students to also understand and interact with their peers in an informed manner. As teachers, behavioral psychologists should prepare students and ensure that they are informed consumers of biological psychology and behavioral neuroscience. Doing this will not only prepare students for a future in a related discipline of study or career, but it will also have positive effects on the neural and mental lives of the students. 

Law Enforcement Settings 

Biological psychologists can also offer their services in law enforcement settings such as police offices and courtrooms. As discussed above, biopsychology studies brain processes and how these processes influence and affect behaviors and actions. Many times, people are arrested and charged with certain offenses without the stakeholders understanding the biological processes that led to them conducting these offenses. For example, some people have committed first-degree murder out of anger, depression, or other mental disorders such as schizophrenia ( Haslam & Kvaale, 2015) . Courts and law enforcement agencies can use the services of biological psychologists to understand the brain processes that may have influenced criminals to engage in crime. Biological psychologists can also act as behavioral therapists for prisoners who are behind bars. They can use their experiences, knowledge, and skills learned in class to understand and empathize with offenders and work with them to ensure that they transform their mindsets, and in turn, their behaviors even after they get out of prison ( Haslam & Kvaale, 2015) . Biological psychologists can also work with families of patients or offenders, to help them better understand their loved ones’ disorders and the best way they can support and encourage them to cope with their conditions. 

Business Settings 

Biological psychologists can also apply the principles of the discipline in business settings such as the HR department, sales, and marketing department, or even in insurance agencies. Biological psychology involves the study of biological processes, especially brain functioning, about behavior and decision making. Biological psychologists can apply these theories in organizations to understand and explain employee motivation, productivity, and even resistance. For example, biological psychology examines the part of the brain that is responsible for rewards and incentives ( Haslam & Kvaale, 2015) . The study shows that the potential of a reward stimulates some parts of the brain, and therefore, they help in producing positive responses and higher outcomes. Biological psychologists can use this theory and explanation to help organizational leaders understand the reward and incentive systems in the organization. Biological psychologists can also use this knowledge to advise business leaders on how to design products and services that will meet customer demands, tastes, and preferences. 

Research institutions 

Biological psychologists can also work in government laboratories, special research organizations, and environmental research organizations as lead researchers. In these institutions, they are tasked with overseeing trials and experiments to generate accurate findings that will help to answer numerous questions about people and the world at large. Therefore, biological psychologists should use their knowledge and expertise to investigate numerous diseases such as brain diseases and mental illnesses ( Haslam & Kvaale, 2015) . According to Haslam and Kvaale (2015), t hey should ensure that they conduct accurate and relevant researches aimed at discovering preventative measures and methods for treatment administration. Biological psychologists should employ ethical measures to ensure that all subjects are protected and safeguarded during the experiments and research. They should also ensure that the findings of the research could be applied to general populations. If they can be only applied to specific populations, this should be well indicated to avoid errors and malpractices. 


Within the cultural and social difference context, specific biological psychology applications underline society. These applications also underscore the role of ethics in social behaviors and practices. Biological psychologists must understand the values of ethical applications and how they are applied in different cultures and societies to come up with best practices within the mental health discipline. Professionals should always consider the specific cultural aspects and values, while also adhering to the recommended ethical codes of practice. 

In their study, Bignall, Jacquez, and Vaughn (2015) state that people who suffer from mental disorders face many struggles and societal stereotypes. These struggles commonly include culturally biased diagnoses, and social relationships typically experienced culturally. Different cultures and societies ascribe different meanings, values, and attitudes to the mentally ill within communities. For example, in some native African cultures, it is believed that schizophrenia is not a medical illness but rather a result of a curse for wrongdoing. In such a case, people with this mental disorder are shunned, and proper medical attention to help with their symptoms is never viewed as an option. 

Similarly, some communities view depression as a sign of weakness or defeat. Many men from the African-American community do not seek help for their depression because their culture does not allow them to show weakness. Some communities also view suicidal attempts or suicide as a character flaw that should be shunned ( Bignall, Jacquez, & Vaughn, 2015) . However, through biological psychology and other mental studies, many communities now understand that suicide is a result of depression, hormonal imbalances, and other mental disorders. These are some examples of cultural and societal differences in values that are ascribed to mental illnesses and biopsychology. 

When dealing with mental health care and intervention, specific values and ethical issues must be upheld and observed at all times. Although different societies have different biases and stereotypes regarding mental health issues, ethical considerations such as compassion, empathy, and care are paramount to all people with mental disorders. All caregivers and mental health counselors are required to ensure that patients feel comfortable enough to trust them and be willing to obtain help for their conditions. In the field of mental health, there is a value-based practice concept ( Bignall, Jacquez, & Vaughn, 2015) . This concept maintains that values and ethical considerations are robust measures and tools that have a significant influence on decisions about clinical practices, health, research, and healthcare. Although it is commonly assumed that ethical values about mental health are shared across cultures, different societies and cultures assign different meanings, values, and biases to mental illnesses. Some biases and values often overlook or undermine the need for ethical considerations in the mental health field. The value-based practice supports a model of supporting clinical decision-making ( Bignall, Jacquez, & Vaughn, 2015) . It also provides practical tools and skills necessary for eliciting ethical values and considerations. Mental health caregivers and practitioners are required to uphold the ethical considerations provided by the value-based approach for them to ensure quality care, as well as improved patient outcomes and satisfaction. 

Future Life 

Before taking lessons on biological psychology, I never really understood the mechanisms of mental illnesses. I never understood why some people would slip into depression over simple problems that were not of significance to their lives. I was always conflicted about mental illnesses, and a part of me believed that people who suffer from mental illnesses were not good problem-solvers. However, biopsychology studies have altered my thoughts and informed a better understanding of mental illnesses and their care. As a health practitioner, my initial aim of pursuing psychology was to be able to understand people and be able to serve and understand the people that I was responsible for. However, I gained an interest in biological psychology. Through that, I have come to realize that the study of biology is critical in explaining and understanding psychological concepts and problems. 

The time that I spent on a single unit was reasonably short, and there was still so much to be covered in that short time. However, in the short period, I gained adequate knowledge that has offered me a deeper understanding of the connection between psychology, biology, and behavior. This study has also sparked an interest in me to pursue further studies in the field. I want to learn more about the role of biological processes in influencing behaviors and actions. Biological psychology has cultivated in me a different perspective and attitude towards mental illnesses. I now view mental illness not as a character or behavioral flaw but as a clinical condition like cancer or diabetes. I have learned that just like other diseases, patients do not have control throughout their mental illnesses. 

In the future, this understanding will help me to be more understanding, patients, empathetic, and compassionate when interacting with people suffering from mental illnesses. In the future, I want to pursue studies in biopsychology to better understand the field actively. Through this course, I can be able to take voluntary assignments in my local mental health facility to help caregivers and counselors with different needs of the patient. I hope that with future studies, I will be able to enter the field of biopsychology actively and hopefully land a career in the field. 


Bignall, W. J. R., Jacquez, F., & Vaughn, L. M. (2015). Attributions of mental illness: An ethnically diverse community perspective.  Community Mental Health Journal 51 (5), 540-545. 

Haslam, N., & Kvaale, E. P. (2015). Biogenetic explanations of mental disorder: The mixed-blessings model.  Current Directions in Psychological Science 24 (5), 399-404. 

Kalat, J. W. (2015).  Biological psychology . Nelson Education. 

MacDuffie, K. E., & Strauman, T. J. (2017). Understanding our own biology: The relevance of auto ‐ biological attributions for mental health.  Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 24 (1), 50-68. 

Margraf, J., & Schneider, S. (2016). From neuroleptics to neuroscience and from Pavlov to psychotherapy: more than just the “emperor's new treatments” for mental illnesses?.  EMBO Molecular Medicine 8 (10), 1115-1117. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Biological Psychology: Study Applications.


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