30 Oct 2022


Building Attitude Respectfully Program

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Capstone Project

Words: 1530

Pages: 5

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Student performance has been the concern of their parents, guardians, and teachers ( Ferrero-Ferrero, 2018) . The building attitude program aims at examining the relationship between the three players in the academic life of the student, the influence, and the impact of each one of these player s (Gunderson, 2018) . Studies have shown that there has been a recorded high level of students drop out of college, also high impassiveness of the high school student towards the teacher knowledge. The program is very effective in addressing the current barriers to performance in most of the classroom and lecture halls ( Chung, J, & Lee, 2019) . The global competition for quality educator students has gone a level up. The job standards out there are compared using high school scores and graduation rates. For individual students to successfully compete in the competitive era students need to perform distinctively. Yet with this, the holistic performance of the student is still very low. Thanks to the BAR program as it aims to provide a solution to these challenges that the education sector is facing. Attitude is imperative as it affects the student's positive or negative perception of the subject and that ultimately affects the academic achievement s of the students. 

Barrier and solutions to academic achievement addressed by Building Attitude Respectfully Program 

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The poor relationship between teachers and students affects in a profound way student performances ( Banerjee, 2016) . It has affected the overall performance of the student and this is mirrored in their academic achievement. The teacher may be very unapproachable for the student to create a rappel with. This instills fear and ultimately the academic results are negative. A disrespectful teacher who lower the student's self-esteem and kills their will to continue learning. It is because of one boring encounter with the teacher. BAR solution is the teacher's change of attitude towards their students. Teachers need to be respectful and be friendly to the student. This will help raise the self-confidence in kids and the learning process will be very enjoyable and beneficial. The healthy student-teacher relationship will help in unleashing the student hidden potential ( Kintu, 2017) . BAR will make sure that academics responsibilities are owned and cherished by all individual students. This way there will be high expectations and motivation by students encouraging them to march toward academic excellence. The checkpoint that BAR provides is platforms created to connect the student with the community, student’s behavior towards learning, attitude towards learning material, their perception about teachers and teaching methods ( Yeboah, A, & Smith, 2016) . Interaction with the teacher will determine a student’s success percentage. Positive interaction with teachers will definitely influence the student's self-concept of education performance. 

Another barrier is the loose relationship between families and school (Hanushek, 2019) . Few people are aware of how such kind of relationships is detrimental to the student's school life. The dysfunction between teacher and parents to provide the best environment and corporation to nature student has a part in the low performance and high level of school drops we see every day. The solution will be creating avenues and platforms where parents and teachers meet to discuss the degree of responsiveness a certain curriculum is to the students. laster 2006 note that the collaborative efforts between family and school positively impact learners. Also, the integration of family and teacher in the learning program n has been seen to influence the cognitive abilities grants 16. BAR will provide the various checkpoints to evaluate guardians' engagement and partnership with a school in terms of activities, attitudes, values, and behaviors exhibited by both parent s and school in student support ( Arincorayan, 2017) . The guardian can support the student by, reading together, talking about school interest abs activities, communicating high educational expectations, and attending all parent-school programs that are scheduled. 

The poor role model that the students look up to is another challenge BAR tries to address. This has negatively influenced the academic achievement of the student. Most students adapt to what they often see and associate with ( Balkis, 2018) . There are those who look out and emulate a person of bad character. As they try to live like them failure and low performance are inevitable. The student’s functionality is not engaging as would a normal kid due to these bad influences. BAR comes up with the recommendation of having coaches and mentors to guide students and model them into the right path. This helps instill a sense of self-awareness and the meaning of life to the students. The hiring of coaches who will identify students at risk who need support to improve their academic performance. It will be the mentor's work to rehabilitate the student's minds and make them receptive to education .developing robust bonds between the mentors will help in changing attitude, it helps the student to realize their abilities, individual students to appreciate the need to appreciate the importance of academic Excellency. BAR gives the various evaluation point. One is to target student attachment with the school: one of the major roles of mentors and coaches is to impart a feeling o importance to self-isolated students( Culnane, 2016) The second checkpoint will be the frequency of school attendance: remember it is the work of the coaches to bring back school dropout and monitor if they always attend classes to prevent them from another dropout 

Financially needs are other hampers of the journey to academic achievement. Most students have been recorded to drop out of schools and colleges because of financial constraints. Also, performance has been associated with a lack of fund by students or student’s families to provide the optimal learning environment which enhances performance

Ofori, & Achaia, 2018) . Schools may also have inadequate funds to meet the academic requirements of the students. The school has to survive on a constrained budget, hence recording a high level of among the students and the mean performance of the school is also below average. BAR provides a solution to the problem of financial need. The program pushes funds putting into consideration the unique needs of each student and school. This way school accommodating a high population of learners will be able to operate efficiently which will be reflected in the overall performance of the students. More funding will mean the acquisition or better reading material, hiring skilled teachers, increasing the number of classes, and sustaining other basic services in the school. The evaluation can be done on the basis of; efficiency of the mechanisms in allocating and distribution of funds, a mechanism to manage existing resources, presence of budgets with necessary adjustment. It is the work of the BAR program to see fiancé are well managed, hat here is equitable sharing of resources, reduction of unnecessary procedures. 

Irrelevant learning impedes the student’s road to academic success. Most students have dropped out of schools and colleges because of the disengaging and uninteresting curriculum or content presentation methods. Most teachers will engage the student in learning methods that makes them very passive and detached, having this monologue session creates a layer of impermeability to students. The rigidity that this student surrounds their minds makes it difficult to grasp anything during lessons or lectures. The ultimate result s will be a terrible academic performance by the student. To address this issue, the BAR program ensures that the learning methods used by the teacher are relevant and appropriate. The learning approaches used should interactive as possible to allow the students to feel part of learning and actually own the learning process ( Oakden-Rayner, 2020, April) . The program offer solution by providing students with opportunities to practical engage in the learning process making learning relatable, this way students will embrace learning and change their attitude towards academic Excellency. 

The culminating goal for the BAR program is to ensure that there is a 100% transition of learners from primary, to high school and finally to college for students. The transitioning process is addressed in a special way by BAR .the program develops effective intervention to address the issue of lower transition rate from high school to college. Students who quit school do not understand the dire consequences that follow. The effectiveness of the program can be measured by contrasting the number of candidates during the previous year and those that transitioned. There are a host of challenges in implementing the BAR program. But this should be treated like vital information that will be useful in improving the program. The program is a progressive one and will evolve to accommodate any changes that will be helpful to the learner. BAR aims to establish directly the correlation with the chance of passing and graduating from high school ( Connors, (2020) . The program gives a close inspection of these impediments to quality education and at the same time offering solutions to address these challenges. The emphasis on proactive measures by the stakeholder of education is emphasized. The measures establish are achievable and doable and the strategies can be implemented. BAR has been successful in terms of its objective, although no 100% transition every day the program moves closer to realizing this dream. 


Ferrero-Ferrero, I., Fernández-Izquierdo, M. Á., Muñoz-Torres, M. J., & Bellés-Colomer, L. (2018). Stakeholder engagement in sustainability reporting in higher education.  International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

Gunderson, E. A., Sorhagen, N. S., Gripshover, S. J., Dweck, C. S., Goldin-Meadow, S., & Levine, S. C. (2018). Parent praise to toddlers predicts lower grade academic achievement via children's incremental mindsets. Developmental psychology 54 (3), 397. 

Chung, J. Y., & Lee, S. (2019). Dropout early warning systems for high school students using machine learning.  Children and Youth Services Review 96 , 346-353. 

Banerjee, P. A. (2016). A systematic review of factors linked to the poor academic performance of disadvantaged students in science and maths in schools. Cogent Education 3 (1), 1178441. 

Kintu, M. J., Zhu, C., & Kagambe, E. (2017). Blended learning effectiveness: the relationship between student characteristics, design features, and outcomes. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 14 (1), 7. 

Yeboah, A. K., & Smith, P. (2016). Relationships between Minority Students Online Learning Experiences and Academic Performance.  Online Learning 20 (4), n4. 

Hanushek, E. A., Peterson, P. E., Talpey, L. M., & Woessmann, L. (2019).  The unwavering ses achievement gap: Trends in us student performance  (No. w25648). National Bureau of Economic Research. 

Arincorayan, C. D., Applewhite, L., Garrido, M., Cashio, V., & Bryant, M. (2017). Resilience-enhancing relationships: what we can learn from those with a history of adverse childhood experiences.  US Army Medical Department Journal , 25-33. 

Balkis, M. (2018). Academic amotivation and intention to school dropout: the mediation role of academic achievement and absenteeism.  Asia Pacific Journal of Education 38 (2), 257-270. 

Culnane, M., Eisenman, L. T., & Murphy, A. (2016). College peers mentoring and students with intellectual disability: Mentors' perspectives on relationship dynamics. Inclusion 4 (4), 257-269. 

Ofori, K. N., & Achiaa, G. T. E. A. E. (2018). The effects of indiscipline on the academic performance of junior high school students in the Fanteakwa District of Ghana. JEP 9 (21). 

Oakden-Rayner, L., Dunnmon, J., Carneiro, G., & Ré, C. (2020, April). Hidden stratification causes clinically meaningful failures in machine learning for medical imaging. In  Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning  (pp. 151-159). 

Connors, N. A. (2020).  If You Don't Feed the Students, They Starve: Improving Attitude and Achievement Through Positive Relationships . John Wiley & Sons. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Building Attitude Respectfully Program.


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