8 Jul 2022


Child and Adolescent Psychology Conception, Birth, and the Newborn Worksheet

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Academic level: College

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Words: 656

Pages: 2

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Part 1 

1 Month 

The stage facilitates fetal development. Thus, it marks the formation of the baby’s heart, spinal cord, backbone as well as the digestive system. Under most circumstances, records indicate that the baby measures ¼ inches in length (Stangor & Walinga, 2019). The stage marks the development of the placenta. 

7 Weeks 

The phase culminates in the baby's acquisition of facial features. Furthermore, their arms begin to manifest and their hands assume a paddle shape. An umbilical cord forms in the duration creating a connection between the mother and baby. 

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3 Months 

At this stage, the baby processes arms, toes, hands, feet as well as fingers. Moreover, it can easily open or closed its fists as well as the mouth. The nails on the fingers and toes start developing. The stage results in the manifestation of external ears and the formation of teeth. It also marks the formation of reproductive organs. 

4 Months 

The phase culminates in well-defined fingers as well as the baby’s toes. Furthermore, additional features such as the hair, eyelids, eyelashes couple with eyebrows begin manifesting. The bones become denser (Stangor & Walinga, 2019). Moreover, its nervous system begins functioning. 

5 Months 

Hair grows at this point covering the baby's head. The lanugo covers the temples, shoulders as well as the back. Vernix caseosa coats the baby's skin to protect it from the amniotic fluid. The development of muscles results in the baby's movements in an effort to exercise them effectively. The fetus length recorded at this point is often 10 inches with a weight of ½ - 1 pound. 

6 Months 

After 6 months, the baby often weighs an estimated 2 pounds with a length of 12 inches. The skin assumes a reddish hue with wrinkles. As a result of the translucent skin on the fetus, the veins become easily visible in addition to the prints on the fingers and toes. The eyelids part and the eyes open. 

7 Months 

The duration marks the deposition of fat in the baby's body. At this point, he/she measures roughly 36 cm and weighs an estimated 900 to 1800g (Stangor & Walinga, 2019). Stimuli instigate some reactions from the fetus. In addition, the baby possesses a fully developed a system which enables them to hear. 

8 Months 

At this point, the baby measures an estimated 46 cm. In addition, the infant weighs 2.27kgs. Their body continues developing fat reserves. The stage is marked by rapid brain development. However, the lungs remain immature. 

9 Months 

The period culminates in the baby's development of their lungs. In addition, he or she can experience efficiently coordinated reflexes. The head can turn easily whereas the fingers can grasp objects firmly. 

Part 2 

Question One 

Teratogens relate to agents with a capacity to disturb the embryo’s development. Children sustain birth defects as a result of their presence. In other cases, they stop the pregnancy altogether. Their effects take root upon a pregnant woman’s exposure (Sulik, 2018). They include alcohol as well as cocaine whose implications depend on how long a woman remains exposed to teratogenic substances. It also depends on their amount and the extent of the embryo’s development. In most cases, they also affect a baby’s behavioral and emotional development. Moreover, teratogens negatively affect a fetus’ intellectual quotient. Under extreme circumstances, preterm labors become evident and some women even suffer miscarriages. Moreover, abortions may occur spontaneously. For instance, alcohol causes extensive damages to a baby's brain cells and culminates in mental retardation as a result of their exposure during gestation. Furthermore, it causes facial abnormalities which may also affect the head’s size. Cocaine culminates in slow growth and negatively impacts other body parts. 

Question Two 

During gestation, the mother forms a bond with their baby. Their bond becomes heightened during birth owing to the release of oxytocin. In addition, breastfeeding the baby positively affects the connection between mother and child (Fisher et al., 2018). In such circumstances, the woman becomes the primary caregiver in guaranteeing the baby's welfare. Moreover, the woman bathes the newborn and relieves them of soiled clothes. As such, their connection deepens. 

However, fathers assume different roles which facilitate a connection with their newborns. While in the womb, fathers can take up the responsibility of talking and reading stories. In addition, they can also sing for the babies prior to birth. Fathers must establish skin-to-skin contact with newborns to foster a connection after oxytocin is released. In addition, consistently interacting with the child provides an impetus of maintaining eye-to-eye contact which serves as an essential factor in enhancing their bond. Moreover, bonding occurs through bottle feeding and changing soiled diapers. 


Fisher, D., Khashu, M., Adama, E. A., Feeley, N., Garfield, C. F., Ireland, J., ... & Thomson-Salo, F. (2018). Fathers in neonatal units: Improving infant health by supporting the baby-father bond and mother-father coparenting.  Journal of Neonatal Nursing 24 (6), 306-312. 

Stangor, C., & Walinga, J. (2019). 14.1 Conception and Prenatal Development.  Introduction to Psychology

Sulik, K. K. (2018). Prenatal alcohol exposure and abnormal brain development–findings from basic research. In  Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)  (pp. 37-48). Springer, Cham. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Child and Adolescent Psychology Conception, Birth, and the Newborn Worksheet.


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