I am psychologist trained to help children and adolescents demonstrate ethical behaviour, emotions and their way of thinking. There are numerous strengths and difficulties associated with my work as a psychologist. The strength of my specialization is that I can establish a mental disorder of children and adolescent at an early stage because I use modern ways of identifying the problems ( Soto & Tackett, 2015) . For example, I operate in modern clinics since they are well equipped with modern apparatus that would assist me in childhood and adolescent examination of mental disorders. As a childhood and adolescent psychologist, I can recognize the cognitive development of children and youths and offer the necessary guidance to curb unethical behaviour they might portray. Nevertheless, I can conceptualize the problems that might affect the childhood and adolescent development. For example, predicting unethical practices of adolescent and children is important in the provision of relevant solutions to tame bad morals. Drug abuse among the adolescent can be predicted when a psychologist possess the strengths of conceptualizing adverse behaviour on the youth and consequently providing solutions to alleviate the problems ( Hubbard et al. 2010) .
The conceptualization of problems and solution among children and adolescents can be reflected in psychology specialization by utilizing strategies that would help psychologists to quickly identify issues their behaviour ( LaFontana & Cillessen, 2010) . Learning the behavioural patterns of children and adolescent is essential for me as a psychologist to be able to monitor and offer solutions to unethical behaviour among them. Being a psychological counsellor, I will critically conceptualize the problems of children and adolescents because in a manner that would advise parents on parenthood strategies that would help parents to raise their children ethically. A psychologist would be prepared to effectively identify the rationale of why children and adolescent depicts strange behavioural characteristics.
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Hubbard, J. A., McAuliffe, M. D., Morrow, M. T., & Romano, L. J. (2010). Reactive and proactive aggression in childhood and adolescence: Precursors, outcomes, processes, experiences, and measurement. Journal of personality , 78 (1), 95-118.
LaFontana, K. M., & Cillessen, A. H. (2010). Developmental changes in the priority of perceived status in childhood and adolescence. Social Development , 19 (1), 130-147.
Soto, C. J., & Tackett, J. L. (2015). Personality traits in childhood and adolescence: Structure, development, and outcomes. Current Directions in Psychological Science , 24 (5), 358-362.