14 May 2022


Cognitive Development in Adolescence

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 363

Pages: 1

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Free time is always in association with off-duty and other related responsibilities that one is obliged to achieve. They are those times available for activities that relieve one from the tedious day to day activities. Most teens always need free time so as to explore their talents and also to build on their social relationships. In respects to this, the paper seeks to address how free time promotes the use of technology about the over scheduling of physical activities for social and cultural development in teenagers. 

Most teenagers of this current generation are becoming enslaved in technology. With such advancements especially through the media, teens get platforms to connect with other people around the globe. It is necessary for the fact that through the internet, several social network sites raise the ground for social interactions. Such interactions enrich the teenager’s social lives. Through these technological advancements, youths can get to understand certain cultures through the files they share on the internets. Contrary to the overscheduled physical activities, the social interaction is only tied to a particular location and with the same people. It does not bring about a vibrant cultural exchange.

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During their free time, the teens use the technology to find insights; they learn new things and new cultural behaviors. Through online chat platforms, these teens learn different communication skills that are helpful at school and for general communication purposes. At the same time, this can be of no help to them if they don't get to interact in person with their fellows. The Internet also provides the search engines that are helpful in conducting research and development. Teens can create contents through the web links that give them a chance to work on their creativity. It helps the students with personal developments.

While others advocate for overscheduled physical activities, it helps the teens in overcoming some health conditions like obesity caused by lack of proper exposure to physical activities. Constant contacts with the screens and other forms of technologies might cause danger associated with worsening eyesight of these young people. Therefore, it is necessary for teens to minimize the time they have with technology and back on a fair balance of time for physical activities as well. Through physical activities, teens can identify the potentiality of their talents and work on them. A good balance of time on technology and that on physical activities will mold an all-round teens.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Cognitive Development in Adolescence.


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