21 Jul 2022


How to Write a Journal Reflection

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 311

Pages: 1

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Athletics is a type of sporting activity that forms part of the physical education. For success to be realized in athletic as a sports competition, sports' facilities such as athletic tracks, stadia, the gymnastics, and training equipment must be properly managed. Masterman (2014) state that athletics equipment management is one the most vital administrative concerns that sports managers and administrators must indulge in to realize an overall success in the area of physical education and an impressive performance in athletics at the level of competition. Poor management that might involve limitation of any one of the vital equipment will automatically lead to an undesirable performance in the field of sports. 

Several challenges exist with regards to purchasing and maintaining safe equipment. The first challenge involves minimizing the risks that are associated with such equipment. Hambrick et al. (2015) asserted that failure to properly manage the risks that might emanate from the equipment such as those associated with improving fitness and bodybuilding might lead to potential injuries such of which might be career threatening. Purchasing and maintaining safe equipment can also be a costly procedure especially where expensive materials are involved. Maintaining of such equipment might also require monitoring from time to time to improve efficiency, all which increases the cost of management of this equipment. 

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For people who can afford outsourcing laundry services to external providers, certain benefits are enjoyed. One, they can attain energy and cost-efficient services ( Czerw et al. 2014). Through the laundry services, the outsourcing company can enjoy savings that result from using economies of scale and also allows the prospect of labor being productive. Secondly, there is an improvement in the utilization of space as much of it is saved. The space that was initially used for laundry services can be used for other productive undertakings. It finally allows the company to focus on the core competencies of their work. 


Czerw, A. I., Kowalska, M., & Religioni, U. (2014). Differences in the use of outsourcing in public and private institutions providing medical services. Archives of medical science: AMS , 10 (3), 618. 

Hambrick, M. E., Hums, M. A., Bower, G. G., & Wolff, E. A. (2015). Examining elite parasport athletes with sports involvement and sports equipment. Adapted physical activity quarterly , 32 (1), 1-18. 

Masterman, G. (2014). Strategic sports event management . Routledge. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Write a Journal Reflection.


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