8 Sep 2022


Common Cognitive Distortions That Can Affect Your Mental Health

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Academic level: College

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Words: 284

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People engaging in mental filtering tend to take the minor negative details and then magnifies on it while ignoring the positive aspects of the situation. In a given situation, a person may pick a single minor negative detail and magnify on it and try to make the whole situation appear negative even if the positive outcome outdoes the negative. People with this kind of cognitive distortion may never see anything positive because their minds have been tuned only to ignore anything positive ( Rnic, Dozois & Martin , 2016). People with mental filtering are usually ready to make efforts to confirm that a situation is bad because of the darkened vision of the reality. 

Coaching plays a key role in helping people with distorted thinking to understand their thoughts and feelings that have an influence on their behavior. Through coaching, people can understand their own thoughts and make efforts to improve. The focus of coaching a person who dwells on the negative and ignores the positive is to raise their awareness and challenge the underlying distorted assumptions ( Kauffman & Hodgetts , 2016). It helps the client to see that there are other ways of seeing things that can best serve them. By clarifying to the client what they are saying so that they get to understand it better, it helps them increase their awareness of their thoughts and how they view things. The coach can challenge the distortion in a positive way that makes the client understand his/her thoughts and open up for more options. By trying to make the clients see more options of seeing things positively and how these options could better serve them, the client can reconsider their thoughts and enhance their awareness while viewing things. 

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Rnic, K., Dozois, D. J., & Martin, R. A. (2016). Cognitive distortions, humor styles, and depression.  Europe's journal of psychology 12 (3), 348. 

Kauffman, C., & Hodgetts, W. H. (2016). Model agility: Coaching effectiveness and four perspectives on a case study.  Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 68 (2), 157. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Common Cognitive Distortions That Can Affect Your Mental Health.


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