2 Jun 2022


Competing Demands during Midlife

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Academic level: College

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Words: 300

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Among the changing priorities that adults in the midlife face are dressing in trendy clothes for the males and having cosmetic surgery for the females. Males dress according to trends to assert their masculinity while women have cosmetic surgeries so that they can look socially attractive. Both priorities can impact cognitive abilities of the brain like sensory function because aging that makes older adults experience activation levels that are lower, compared to younger adults (In Cabeza et al., 2017). 

Letting go is always a profound issue when it comes to middle-aged adults and their children. This phase of life is characterized by the parents and children becoming friends to avoid the “empty nest”. Usually, the way children see their parents’ shifts as well making the relationship to become more positive. Also, other parents experience an exodus of children from the homes. The successes of the two transitions are predicated on how much encouragement and approval the parents had shown towards their children’s autonomy attempts. 

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Middle-life adults always are mostly known for giving back to their aging parents. Daughters care for the aging parents three times more than sons. During this phase, many parents move in with the midlife adults after long periods of living independently and hence this is accompanied with adjustment problems for the two parties. Across many cultures, it is a filial obligation for children to care for their parents (Allen & Eby, 2016). 

My priorities and demands in my midlife adulthood will include ensuring there is economic security for my old age. This is because meeting my daily expenses is critical since there is no surety that my then savings will not be eroded by inflation and if the pension funds yield for me the income I anticipate. The other demand will be strict medical supervision. I will be visiting the hospital frequently for checkups so that if any disease, then proper management is undertaken. 


Allen, T. D., & Eby, L. T. T. (2016).  The Oxford handbook of work and family . In Cabeza, R., In Nyberg, L., & In Park, D. C. (2017).  Cognitive neuroscience of aging: Linking cognitive and cerebral aging

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Competing Demands during Midlife.


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