9 Aug 2022


Creating Your Dream Job: Retail Store Management

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 1479

Pages: 5

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Management has always been a dream career that I have held so close to my heart. The entire operation that involves obtaining of items from the vendors via an elaborate chain and supply system to the consumer's hands is an interesting process that has always bought my attention. I am taken gape by the number of big retailers such a Coca-Cola and Unilever Company and the long process of operations that they follow an attempt to realize their giant share f the vast market. My dream job, therefore, is to one day in life become store manager of a multinational retail company. This paper aims at exemplifying the description of a retailer’s job, the job specification, the job reimbursement and advantages package associated with it. Further, this paper analyzes the job performance appraisal program to assess its performance and reward scheme. 


Job Description 

Retail store management is my ideal occupational engagement. The management of the inventory system coupled with the logistical intrigues is one that continues to excite me at any turn. The job position of a store manager falls within the department of Retails management. Retails management is all about the promotion of sales and customer satisfaction by acquiring a better knowledge about the preference of the consumers of goods or services produced by a particular company. A qualification in customer service coupled with a depth of knowledge in interpersonal relations is a plus for a retail store manager’s position. Therefore, the store manager in a retail management sector is likely to be answerable to the regional company manager, the Human Resource Manager and or even the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company. The store, in many retail occupations, is the epicenter of the whole business operation. In any case, a retail store involves way more than just the storage of the products but marketing, branding and campaigns as well. The job duties of a store manager are to handle the cash flow within the company retail management sector, to ensure the maintenance of the consumer goods and services, the performance of the functions of the hotel facilities as well as ensuring the purchase and maintenance of the retail store ( Lehner, 2015) . 

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Job Qualifications 

For an individual to work as a store manager within a retail management firm, there are specific academic and professional qualifications that have to be met . The first qualification, to begin with, is the possession of at least a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration course. It is also preferable to have a Master Degree in retail management as well as a minimum of two years of job experience. The knowledge in business administration equips the manager with the required ideas on how to account for the items in their custody and financial management. Business administration course is helpful in the timely management of deliveries as well as the assigning of various responsibilities in the business outlets. In addition to that, it is also necessary to have marketing and accounting skills, knowledge of business ethics, and communication as well as the capability to form a compliant management strategy for a retail store. Finally, someone seeking to be a retail store manager should at least have some hands-on experience of technical apparatus and applications, for instance, technological applications like Microsoft Office applications and even other database tools ( Lehner, 2015) . 

Preferred Qualifications 

Alongside the job qualifications that are must-have requirements when seeking to be a retail store manager, there are also other preferred qualifications for the job like the account payable and account receivable qualifications. Such professional courses such as a certified public accountant certified public secretarial help in emboldening the working of the store managers in a way that they can resonate with the challenges affecting the retail industry. Else, it is also preferred for one to have a good consumer relationship management capability as well as store management and administration and finally office administration qualifications ( Lehner, 2015) . Consumer management is a critical part of every organizational operation without which the business may be deemed to fail. For the same reason, it is critical that the relevant retail store managers get effective chance to train and further their customer relations knowledge and potential. 

Special Characteristics 

This section provides an overview of some of the designated characteristics that are regarded as added advantages to an individual whose dream job is becoming a retail store manager. Some of the special characteristics include the skills such as bookkeeping skills, interactive skills, and decision-making abilities as well as analytical and problem-solving skills. In addition to the skills, there are also personal traits like flexibility, honesty, and trustworthiness, respectfulness, cultural awareness and sensitivity together with the knowledge of work ethics. Finally, the store manager should always accomplish the essential knowledge, attitudes, and skills through association in practice in a retail location ( Lehner, 2015) . Most of these skills are not sought from institutions of higher learning . Instead , they are obtained form little colleges that provide them at an affordable costs . 

Description of work 

The primary responsibility of a retail store manager is to maintain consumer services and provide facilities, for instance, getting their consumers and giving proper assistance. However, the store manager is also responsible for proper performance of laundry duties within the store. Additionally, the manager is also to maintain store supplies, stock, and inventory such as how many groceries to be ordered, by checking the available stock against invoices, restocking of shelves and marking of prices of the product and even proper cash management. Finally, the work of a retail store manager involves maintenance of complete accounts of the store such as recording the prices of goods in the log book, proper cash receivable and correct change returns as well as managing cash register, and maintaining records of debt and visa accounts, manual general ledger and settlement of bank statements ( Lehner, 2015) . With the help of the operations manager and the CEO, the retail store manager is required to do regular reports that will indicate just how well the organization is getting along. At the same time, they are required to issue an insight it what is supposed to be changed to improve the business performance and to overcome the stiff market competition. 

Compensation and Benefits Package 

The job responsibility of retail store manager within a retail management firm is very demanding and opportunistic because it entails overseeing all that is being undertaken behind the scenes within a retail store to determine whatever propels it to work efficiently or instance buying, inventory or even merchandising all the way to the sales and customer services ( Slocum, Lei, & Buller, 2014) . Therefore, the job of the retail store manager is one of the most rewarding and profitable jobs and require great compensation. The compensation and benefits package of a retail store manager is as follows: 


The compensation of retail store management includes a salary of $30,531-$68,992, a performance bonus of $404- $11,945, profit sharing cost of $294-$6,834 and commission of $0.00-$16,834 resulting into a total annual pay of $26,102-$69,420. Thus, the average annual pay of someone working as a retail store manager is $44,974 per year ( Slocum, Lei, & Buller, 2014) . 


Some of the benefits of working as a retail store manager include the housing benefits which are either company-provided or paid for by the company either furnished or not furnished, with or without free utilities. Another benefit is the group insurance policies like the health or even life insurance, the disability income protection, retirement benefits, daycare, tuition compensation, and leaves like the sick leave or vacation leave paid and non-paid as well as social security ( Slocum, Lei, & Buller, 2014) . 

The rationale for Compensation and Benefits Package 

The position of the retail store manager has dedicated equally high compensation and some benefits because it involves hard work and one of the very demanding job positions hence require proper motivation for the employees to help them sustain their performance. However, this job is awarded this kind of benefits package following comparison to the benefits packages awarded to other managers ( Slocum, Lei, & Buller, 2014) . 

Performance Appraisal  

Given the fact that this job is a very vital job position with great demands and significant roles, the performance of a retail store manager is assessed on various bases set by the employing company. Some of the possible bases of performance assessment include the way of life which implies the demonstration of comprehension and participation in the job, the policies, practices, and relationships. Another basis is the attitude which entails the demonstration of a win-win positive attitude which is dependable and reliable as well as communication skills which are assessed based on the mutual respect and trust of others. Lastly, the performance of retail store manager can be assessed matters relating to the style which implies following company’s uniform policies, company grooming policies and setting examples of such ( Cravens et al., 2015). 

The rationale for Performance Appraisal 

The nature of the job of retail store management can clearly be defined in comprehensive qualitative and quantitative terms which make the process of performance appraisal very stress-free. The company, therefore, can easily assess the performance of a retail store manager by outweighing whether the set goals are achieved by the manager as well as determining whether the manager has set an example that reflects on the company grooming policies and general policies ( Cravens et al., 2015). 


Summarily, this paper embodies my dream job and concisely discusses its job description, the job specification, compensation and benefits packages as well as the rationale for the compensation and benefits package. This paper also briefly demonstrates the performance appraisal for the dream job position of retail store manager together with its rationale that can be used by the employing company. 


Cravens, K. S., Oliver, E. G., Oishi, S., & Stewart, J. S. (2015). Workplace culture mediates performance appraisal effectiveness and employee outcomes: A study in a retail setting. Journal of Management Accounting Research , 27 (2), 1-34. 

Lehner, M. (2015). Translating sustainability: the role of the retail store. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management , 43 (4/5), 386-402. 

Slocum, J., Lei, D., & Buller, P. (2014). Executing business strategies through human resource management practices. Organizational Dynamics , 43 (2), 73-87. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Creating Your Dream Job: Retail Store Management.


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