18 Aug 2022


Creative Writing Tips for Beginners

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 3156

Pages: 11

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Week 1: Who Are You? 

As she sat at the passenger seat of the car parked in front of the subway waiting for her father, Angela stared in awe at the two girls across the street playing in the rain. As they hopped across puddles of water laughing delightedly, Angela pictured herself and her small sister being in the same situation. Only that while the two girls were actually playing in the rain, Angela, and Charlotte, her 7-year-old sister never got the chance to play in the rain. Not that their parents were uptight. No. In fact, their mother constantly urged them to loosen up and "be like the other kids." Only that Angela was not like the other kids. And she knew it. She did not fancy throwing balls around the field with her agemates. She did not even fancy being around them. From a young age, she had always found her strength in solitude. Those were the moments she would build castles in the air, imagine herself taking over the world. She knew she was a special child. 

The Work I Critiqued 

The writer does a great job in describing Sophie's personality by building on the factors that make her different. The expressions used give a vivid description of what life as a multiracial person in Australia means. The article is quite effective in offering transitions through Sophie's life. We see her not being able to fit in because of her different personality traits as a young woman growing up yet at her 40s; she uses these same differences to reflect her strength. She still is different, but the difference now reflects the diversity and her ability to do something more constructive, bringing onto the table a new perspective of how things should be done. It is correct to point out that the article is effective in using the various styles of writing to draw a clear picture in the transition of Sophie from a bullied introvert to a special woman in the society. The writer walks the reader through the transition Sophie goes through as a woman. All through the transition, the writer does not lose focus of the character’s personality. 

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My Reflection 

As a young child, I loved listening to stories. I recall how I would insist my father reads me a story each night before I went to bed. My love for listening to stories developed into a passion for writing stories, especially novels. A great writer is one who is able to tell a story as if they were there when the events took place and experienced the action being brought into life. And to be able to get into a character's mind and bring out raw emotions is my epitome as a story writer. I believe a good writer is one who is able to live through the character and explore their world as if they were there themselves. However, in as much as I have mastered this art, I still struggle in the area of consistency. I could blame it on my busy schedule, but I am never consistent in my writing. I write once in like two months, which is not a good thing for a writer. 

Week 2: Clichés 

Blind as a bat : Elizabeth walked into the library searching for Anthony who was seated at the corner reading the day's newsletter. She looked across the room twice before turning to her friend Maggy and sighed rather loudly, "he is not here either." 

Avoid (something) like the plague : After calling into work sick for the three days, Macy knew sooner or later she would have to go to work and report to the new supervisor. As she unlocked the door to the car that morning, she could not help but remark, "save me oh Lord." 

Tip of the iceberg : Everyone noticed when Celine walked into the office. They were used to her always being late. Only that today she did not wear the fake smile she always wore to hide the mystery that was her abusive marriage. She had decided to let the façade down. Mary could tell this time it had to be different. 

Any port in a storm : Her mother had always warned Melisa against accepting rides from strangers. But it was getting dark and soon the night would fall. "Going home Melisa?" somebody asked as their car stopped at her feet. It was Jerry, the next-door weirdo. As she jumped into the car, it amused her how the two had never spoken a word to each other for the four months Jerry’s family had moved into the neighborhood. 

The Work I Critiqued 

The writer does a great job in defining the clichés with the alternatives that create a clear picture of what the idioms meant. For instance, we see Carolyn's daughter inability to read effectively despite her use of the magnifying glasses. Additionally, it is apparent that the young girl attending the gym classes has done her best to avoid the class, including having to feign illness multiple times. What is not clear, however, is the situation in Jenifer's house. It is apparent that something is wrong with the children, but the writer does not hint to any serious problem that would be considered a tip of the iceberg. 

Week 3: Letter to A Friend 

Dear Tony, 

Hey chump, how are you doing? Please tell me that you got the lead role in the musical because that is the only news that would cheer me up this week. 

I say the only good news because on my side things are still the same. The same old hustle in school trying to prepare for the final exams. Such preparations can be quite hectic sometimes, especially when you have to sit through an English class composing dozens of literature materials for presentation. 

It is funny though how such assignments provide me with the quiet time and concentration I need to explore my imagination bringing life into paper. With the struggles to keep up with the different lessons I rarely have time to write nowadays which explains why I have not been sending you any new materials to read. 

I promise to send you a copy of the collection I am doing for the assignment. I cannot wait to have you critique my work. 

As always, it is nice talking to a friend. Take care buddy and see you once the semester is over. 



The Work I Critiqued 

Robbie's letter is full of passion for Avril judging by the first part in which he hopes Avril had a great time moving into her new house. But the passion for Avril is not the only emotion in the letter. As a member of the town council, Robbie is concerned with the current situation in which the council seems to be overemphasizing on the needs of mothers and children to the extent that they overlook persons with disabilities. By strongly stating his stand in the matter, Robbie's letter communicates so many emotions regarding the matter, and it is correct that the issue of the neglect of persons with disabilities means so much to him. Through the letter, the audience not only gets to see Robbie expressing his thoughts on the matters, but they are able to feel his anger and disappointment in the way the council handles disability issues and needs. 

Week 4: The Hook 

The woods were one of the quietest and deserted places at night. Whether it was due to the fear of the unknown or due to the multiple vampire stories told of the woods, people feared setting foot past dusk in the woods. The townspeople claimed that a century ago, there had lived a family uphill that was massacred when the neighboring town had attacked the town. This family, according to the rumors, turned into guardian spirits which roamed into the woods at night to protect the townspeople from any attacks. Rob had never understood why then the townspeople feared going into the woods. According to Rob, the guardian spirits would never harm any of the townspeople. Each morning has Rob went to school, he passed by the woods and would always imagine how it would feel walking in the woods at night. In his mind, the howling of the bats and the sounds of the cricket would be an exhilarating experience. 

The Work I Critiqued 

The hook promises so much action in the book, and as one reads the opening paragraph, they cannot help but be excited about the next parts. Right from the beginning, the writer creates an air of suspense in which the reader tries to get a picture of what is to come. The girl is unable to see her reflection in the water despite the water being still. This hints to the fact that something is off about the setting. It is unusual for such an occurrence, just as much as it is uncommon for the girl to be the only person fishing at the time. By reflecting on the words of the old man, the monster could be on the loose that is why the fishermen are not anywhere in sight. When her net starts ripping and sinking into the water, the girl shivers, just like the reader does waiting for the next cause of action. The hook succeeds in getting the reader hooked to find out what happens next. 

Week 5: Creating Characters 

At only 14 years of age, Bryan had made a name for himself in the school as one of the forces to reckon with when it came to soccer. Standing at 6 inches, he had a perfect athletic body that was way too masculine and toned for a boy his age. While most boys at this age still struggled with breaking their voice, Bryan spoke in a deep husky voice that got the girls droning over him, only that he paid no attention to any of them. His lack of interest in the girls only added to the speculations that he was gay. After all, what masculine guy with full manly features curls his hair, has dimples, is somewhat shy and quite introverted? He gave these rumors no attention. His mother had taught him better. Always be humble and do not react to hate. Not every person will cheer for you. 

The Work I Critiqued 

The author does a great job in creating an impression in the reader's mind about what Jemma looks like, her relationship with her adoptive parents and her dedication to finding out who she really is by locating her birth mother. By managing to track her down herself. Jemma comes across as an educated and quite ambitious lady who does not let go a topic or assignment until it is done. This is seen through her determination to tell her adoptive mother about her birth mother although it may not be a good time for that seeing as it is that her adoptive mother is breaking up with her husband. By being persistent in finding out about her real identity for the better part of her life although her adoptive parents had given her everything, the writer manages to portray Jemma as quite inquisitive in nature. By not merely listing these attributes, the writer does a great job in creating the character Jemma by using her actions to describe her personality. 

Week 6: Dynamic Dialogue 

As Oliver stepped out of class, he saw his mother's car parked by the entrance. He rushed happily over and hopped into the passenger seat. "Hey, mum." He said throwing his backpack over to the backseat. "Why do you always do that?" his mother asked rather annoyed as she sped out of the school. Oliver knew something was wrong. "What is wrong mother? You are not in your normal mood today." "Your father is leaving us. He sent me divorce papers today Oliver." His mother replied rather casually not taking her eyes off the road. "What…. What do you mean mother? How do you mean he is leaving us? Why is he divorcing you?" questions come rushing through Oliver's mind that he could not make sense of his words. “Why do you act shaken when he has never been a father to you? When was the last time you saw him? What is the point of having such a man?” his mother asked, now raising her voice. 

The Work I Critiqued 

The writer manages to keep the dialogue in check, making it as engaging as possible. The dialogue succeeds in drawing a picture of the setting without using additional words that are out of the context of the dialogue. For instance, we know Ben had a date judging by the questions Rick asks, just as the reader is made aware of the hickey and the unmade collar Ben has. By keeping the dialogue this much engaging, the writer manages to bring the attention of the reader to so much detail through the few words exchanged between Ben and Rick, such as the fact that Ben could be the CEO or the director of the company. Additionally, the writer does not use additional words to describe the relationship Ben has with Rick, but through the teasing and the humorous cursing, it is apparent that these two are very close. 

My Reflection 

My first assignment; Assignment 1 was about writing a fictitious short story in which the setting was supposed to depict the cunning nature of a piglet outwitting the cunny fox. To develop a story that presented this type of wit was a bit challenging because the fox by nature is considered cunning while a piglet is one of the dumbest in the face of humanity. Many would argue that there is enough inspiration when it comes to writing animal stories thanks to the increasing number of stories in the same line that would give a writer a storyline to expound on. And while this may be true, the assignment was quite challenging because it meant getting into the characters and seeing life from their perspective. But with the learning elements such as the ability to reflect on the characters and shut me out entirely as the writer helped me develop a rather captivating story. The progressive weekly learning tasks helped me build my writing by allowing me room to learn how to step back and mold my characters to fit into the setting I wanted them to be. It was like taking the characters and stripping them before remodeling them to reflect on the context of single parenthood 

Week 7: Tracking Tautologies 

Tautology is the saying of the same thing twice in different words. In creative writing, this style is used mainly to place emphasis on an idea as well as create a vivid image an action. Examples in professional writing include the phrase from the play Hamlet, by Shakespeare. " To be or not be , that is the question" (Shakespeare, Holderness & Loughrey, 2014). Another example phrase is in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven," "But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping. And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door" (Poe & Joshi, 2013). Bible texts are another source of tautologies. Consider Genesis 43:15, "And as for me, if I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved " (Walton, 2001). Commercial adverts in newspapers also portray the use of tautologies to attract attention. "The store is giving away free tickets!" and "Enjoy your added bonus!" tautologies from my own work include the last sentence I just wrote, "From my own work," and "I went to see him personally." 

Week 9: Shhh! This One's A Secret! 

A Woman Arguing with Her Partner 

The house sat on a hill surrounded by the wheat plantation. It was impossible to miss passing by the roadside. Seated far apart from any home, the house on the hill presented peace and tranquility which was ironical to what the inside of the house would have to say. Every day a wife would argue with her husband over what she considered trivial issues. Today they were arguing about the lack of meal in the house despite the man always buying all the foodstuff needed. "Why don't you buy a chef as well!" The woman shouted from the other room. "Seems to me like all you do is buy everything we might need to fix you a meal except the right person for that!" she continued, this time descending the staircase. “How about I just eat out every day!” the husband shouted back. He had never shouted at her before until now. 

Week 10: Write Your Favorite Blog 

As a student and a young person, my favorite blog is the ELLE Fashion Magazine at https://www.feedspot.com/infiniterss.php?q=site:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elle.com%2Frss%2Fall.xml . Ever since I was a young child, I had always been conscious of what I would wear and how I would look when stepping out. I mainly attribute this to the fact that I was an introvert and the shy kid who suffered from low self-esteem. Fashion, therefore, was my weapon to boost my confidence. Fashion blogs provide me with the advice I need on what to wear depending on the season and my current moods. I particularly like ELLE Fashion not only because it keeps me updated on the trends in fashion, but also because the bloggers and contributors are seasoned writers who know how to use words to express their ideas. When it comes to fashion, the sense of writing is critical because it helps create an impression in the mind of the reader about the concept being put across. Words act like the tutorial on how to dress, do the knots, buttons and such like stuff. The ability to communicate these instructions coherently is what I love most about ELLE Fashion Magazine. 

Week 11: Writing A Blurb 

“ Oh no….” This is the seventh piece of paper I am throwing into the dustbin. 

For seven times I have failed to put my feelings and thoughts into words for Grace to see. 

The boy across the room stares at me quite uneasily. 

“ Hey bro, what’s wrong, you having a bad day with your class work?” He asks crossing the room. Before I can protest, he opens my book to see the message I am trying to build on. 

“ Oh, I see. You do not need all these papers bro. You just need 14 weeks of Creative and Professional Writing training at ABC University, and I bet you will beat Romeo.” 

This sounds like a great deal. I will do anything to refine my writing skills, for Grace. 

Week 12: Writing Reviews 

One of my favorite authors, whose works I have come to love and respect is William Shakespeare. Known for tragedy, Shakespeare has made a name for himself in the play genre by being able to incorporate humor in his tragic plots. When I scrutinize some of the notable works the author has written; his strength lies in the ability to present tragedy in an entertaining yet educative manner. Shakespeare is the only author I know whose characters smile in the face of death. He is as crazy and delusional as his characters. But love him or hate him, one cannot really deny the fact that he is one of the greatest playwriters in the history of playwriting. The goal of any work of literature is to entertain and amuse the reader. Not many authors have mastered this art. If anything, most tragic works of literature tend to have a somber mood all through the plot. But Shakespeare's works are set apart by his trademark ability to incorporate humor amidst the emotional plots, such as his character’s purported insanity in the face of danger. The style of writing Shakespeare uses equally contributes to the humorous tone of his works. His works are known for the old British English style of writing which to many readers is a humorous way of writing that reflects the poetry in the works. 

Last Reflection 

I must point out that this assignment has been an experience to practice my skills in creative writing. The fact that it was not planned, and does not follow any given genre in its instructions, but instead cuts across various genres and styles of writing has been quite instrumental in helping me as a writer experience my expertise in the multiple fields. I have learned at the end the Ares of my weakness and strengths, and I now purpose to work on both of these areas holistically. While I work towards maximizing on my strengths in my genre of novels, I plan as well to do more works in other areas as well. This is because the assignment on creative writing has enabled me to realize that a good writer is one who is conversant with any genres, just like a driver is expected to be conversant with driving any vehicle. I have also learned through this assignment that as a writer it is essential to learn how to develop characters and plots of the story by disengaging from oneself as the author and then stepping into the character's shoe to be able to perceive situations from their point of view. All of these lessons I plan to incorporate into my future endeavors as a writer. 


Poe, E. A., & Joshi, S. T. (2013). The Raven: Tales and Poems . Penguin Classics. 

Shakespeare, W., Holderness, G., & Loughrey, B. (2014). Hamlet-The First Quarto (Sos) . Routledge. 

Walton, J. H. (2001). Genesis: the NIV application commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan , 97

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