12 Apr 2022


Critical Analysis of Self Esteem in Social Psychology

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Academic level: College

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Words: 507

Pages: 2

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Research has suggested that there is a relationship among gratitude, self-esteem, life satisfaction, and social support. Studies have been conducted on undergraduate students to prove this relationship. The author of a material on this study gives several ideas on this relationship.

The author of this study material had a major purpose of informing people, using actual materials. The material is clearly and accurately presented to enable it to pass information in an orderly and coherent manner to its audience. The study on self-esteem in social psychology is intended to analyze the impacts of self-esteem and social support as associated with life satisfaction and gratitude of the undergraduate students. Additionally, the author intends to examine the link between self-esteem, gratitude, life satisfaction, and social support.

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The key mediator of the association between life satisfaction and gratitude among these students is social support, as the findings of the study suggest. This is illustrated by the multi-group analysis that was conducted. The study indicated that female undergraduate students with high scores in social support tend to have a great life satisfaction as compared to male students. On the other hand, male students with high scores in gratitude tend to have a greater social support than female students. The author provides the audience with guidance that is valuable in the implementation of psychological interventions that aim at enhancing the well-being of undergraduate students (Kong, Ding, & Zhao, 2015).

The passage provided has presented the audience with various ideas. One of the major ideas is that a person’s self-esteem, life satisfaction, and social support are directly affected by gratitude. Additionally, the life satisfaction of an individual can be indirectly affected by gratitude through social support in as well as self-esteem. Additionally, a person’s social support is affected directly by his or her self-esteem. The author proposed life satisfaction models that are supported by the ideas above. The ideas also bring the audience to understand how gratitude has an influence on a person’s life satisfaction through physical variables and psychology.

In the study, the author regards gratitude as a significant human virtue. Gratitude has always been associated with many positive outcomes that include an improved achievement in academics and better emotional and social functioning. The study gives a suggestion of the interrelation between life satisfaction, self-esteem, social support, and gratitude. Another suggestion is that gratitude has a unique association with life satisfaction. This suggestion marks an important aspect of development and adjustment. However, this aspect is relatively neglected in the society.

The material of the study is organized in an orderly and coherent manner, aimed at reaching the author’s target audience. The intended audience of the material is not only the undergraduate students, but also all of the people that have an association with these students. The author aims at informing his audience on the critical issues of the interrelationship between self-esteem, social support, life satisfaction, and gratitude. The author makes the assumption that many undergraduate students are experiencing self-esteem issues and lack of self-satisfaction. The author also assumes that gratitude is a key positive strategy of approaching the challenges faced by undergraduate students. The author uses simple, understandable, and positive language and imagery to reach the audience. 

It is important to cultivate gratitude to enable people to enhance their well-being. On the other hand, gratitude is significant in enhancing self-esteem and gaining social support from other people.


Kong, F., Ding, K., & Zhao, J. (2015). The relationships among gratitude, self-esteem, social support and life satisfaction among undergraduate students. Journal of Happiness Studies , 16 (2), 477-489.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Critical Analysis of Self Esteem in Social Psychology.


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