19 May 2022


Critical Thinking Skills Test Tools for Preschool Children

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Academic level: Ph.D.

Paper type: Thesis (Methodology chapter)

Words: 530

Pages: 1

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Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Revised

This is a test that measures the comprehension of 308 functionally relevant educational concepts including:






Social awareness/self



This test can be used to measure a child’s basic concept acquisition and receptive language skills. It can also assess important conceptual language capabilities in children rather than only their common vocabulary knowledge. The concepts that are assessed are typically acquired in a developmentally predictable manner that is constant across language and cultures studies. Its usage is for the measurement of basic concept development and as an assessment of school readiness.

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Boehm Test of Basic Concepts III preschool version

This is an instrument that is used to assess 26 relational concepts including:






The tests can used to measure a child’s knowledge of a plethora of relational concepts that are crucial for achievement in the first few years of school. The test can be easily and quickly administered within 20-30 minutes inclusive of time of preparation and the results can be reported as raw score, percent correct, percentile, as well as performance range. Its use is for the indication of school readiness and can be utilized as a pre or post measure.

The Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development

The purpose of this instrument is to measure the developmental skills of children. The domains of measurement include:

Pre-ambulatory motor skills and behaviors

Fine-motor skills and behaviors

Self-help skills

Social and emotional development

Basic math

Speech and language skills

General knowledge and comprehension.

This particular test is used to assess and track the developmental skills in children.

Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude - Primary Second Edition

The purpose of this test is to identity a child’s weaknesses and strengths in a myriad of developmental domains like attention, language, and motor abilities. The domains of measurement include 




The test can be administered within 15 to 40 minutes and are scored in terms of percentile ranks, age-equivalent score, and standard scores. This instrument is used to develop a profile of a child’s weaknesses and strengths or serve as a filter to recognize children that may need further assessment.

Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills

This test measures the language skills of children including the receptive and expressive vocabulary, articulation, and pre-academic skills. The domains of assessment include:

Number skills

Word and letter skills

Receptive skills

Expressive skills

The test can be administered within 15-25 minutes and scored in terms of age-equivalent score, percentile ranks, and standard scores. It is used as a screening tool or as a portion of a comprehensive language battery.

McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities (MSCA)

This is a tool used to measure the cognitive as well as motor development in children in the following domains:



General cognitive



Perceptual performance

The tests can be administered within 45 minutes and is scored in terms of mental age scores and standard scores. This tool can be used to examine the level of cognitive ability of the child as well measure the motor abilities of young children, although to a lesser extent.

Woodcock-Johnson III

This instrument measures specific and general cognitive capacities, oral language, and scholastic aptitude. The cognitive domains of assessment include:



Quantitative concepts

Spatial relations

Picture vocabulary



Memory for sentences

The test can be administered in approximately 5 minutes per test and up to 115 minutes for each full battery. They are scored in terms of age-equivalent scores as well as percentile ranks. This instrument is usually used for post/pre measures or a measure of acquisition of skills within the domain of cognitive abilities.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Critical Thinking Skills Test Tools for Preschool Children.


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