14 May 2022


Decreased Risk of Cancer

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 914

Pages: 3

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Framing the Issue

The essay seeks to explore the following research question which is also the topic of the feature; how is it possible for some foods to decrease the risk of cancer? Readers would need to understand that empirical research has proven that some foods such as cruciferous vegetables are known to reduce the risk of contracting cancer. The readers also ought to know that incorporation of some groups of foods in a person’s diet is important in significantly safeguarding against cancer. It is crucial for the audience to appreciate the information that how people eat and drink affects their overall health in various ways. Several types of foods contain myriad substances that either increase or decrease a person’s chances of being diagnosed with cancer. The readers should understand that the likelihood of developing cancer is influenced by the food choices made. Eating heathy foods reduces the risk of getting cancer but does not eliminate it to zero. 

Evidence Gathering

The feature posits that although no single food component can protect a person from the risk of cancer by itself, research that confirmed that a combination of food or diet constituting a series of whole grains, vegetables and fruits do lower the chances of contracting cancer. Additionally, the feature reaffirms that largely, the higher percentage of a person’s lifetime risk of cancer can be controlled by the choice of foods. For example, adopting a healthy diet plays a vital role and has a powerful effect on a person’s health. What people eat and what they do not has a long term effect on the risk for cancer. According to the feature, research has pointed to an association between specific food choices and risk of cancer. Dietary habits for example, do have a major influence on a person’s cancer risk. Making a change in diet and behaviors has a notable difference on a person’s long term health.

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The article notes that incorporation of cruciferous vegetables such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, dark leafy greens for example arugula and kale in one’s diet significantly is good for one’s health. The foods are high and rich in nutrients, minerals, Vitamin C, E, K and low in calories (Rabin, 2018). According to the article, whether or not cruciferous foods prevent cancer is a subject of intense research. The reading explains that multiple studies have been unable to link the intake of cruciferous vegetables to prevention of rectum, prostate, lung, breast or colon cancer. However, the article notes that some few studies have found an association between eating of foods high in cruciferous vegetables and reduced risk of prostate cancer among men. The studies also reported that women whose diets are rich in cruciferous foods has a significantly lowered risk of breast cancer (Rabin, 2018). Cruciferous foods are non-starchy and is among the types of foods that lower the risk of colorectal cancer. The American Institute of Cancer Research as the article explains concluded that cruciferous vegetables ‘probably’ lower the risk of mouth, throat and voice box cancers. 

The feature enumerates the evidence that foods high in fibre such as some vegetables keep the cancer causing compounds moving before they can cause bodily harm. The feature asserts that colorectal cancer and other digestive types of malignant growths can be prevented by eating food high in fibre. The article on the other hand discusses evidence that one Dutch study found that women whose diet had cruciferous vegetables reported a lowed risk of colon cancer (Rabin, 2018). Additionally, the reading reports that women who had more than five servings of cruciferous vegetables per week significantly reduced their risk of lung cancer. Scientists made a finding that approximately half of the world’s population lacks a gene that would determine the retention of protective compounds provided by cruciferous vegetables.

The article and the feature share similarities on the role played by certain categories of foods in reduction of cancer risk. Both agree that although the foods do not guarantee cancer prevention, the right choice of diet that incudes vegetables and fruits may help lower the risk of cancer. Additionally, the two note that there are cancer fighting foods that can prevent the process of free radical formation which create a favorable environment for cancer cells.


My answer to the research question is that foods such as cruciferous vegetables have a cancer curbing chemical termed as sulforaphane that inhibits cancer cell growth ultimately reducing the risk of malignant formation. Cruciferous foods are a good source of fibre and compounds such as indoles and isothiocynates which have been confirmed by research to have anti-cancer effects (Rabin, 2018). 


Cruciferous foods help lower the risk of development of liver, lung, bladder, breast and stomach cancers. The bioactive components of cruciferous foods produce positive effects in reducing growth of abnormal cells ultimately decreasing the risk of cancer. The conclusion however is constrained by several limitations. First, no research has proven that cruciferous vegetables can completely prevent cancer. Secondly, the foods can actually increase the risk of cancer for example due to overcooking or consumption of inorganic cruciferous foods laden with pesticides. It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle by sticking to recommended food choices such as cruciferous vegetables and fruits to lower the risk of cancer. 

Using the feature and the article

The research question under study has enlightened me on need to adopt healthy food choices and the types of foods that have been researched on and known to reduce cancer. The evidence discussed by the article is problematic as it does not report on the effect of consuming highly cooked cruciferous vegetables. The cancer preventing compounds are heat sensitive which implies that overcooking inactivates and reduces sulforaphane. The evidence however does not acknowledge that fact. Conclusively, some foods such as cruciferous vegetables only decrease the risk of cancer but do not eliminate it completely. Unhealthy food choices such as intake of alcohol, red meat and processed foods increase the risk of cancer while healthy foods such as cruciferous vegetables significantly reduces the chances of cancer. 


Rabin, C., R. (2018). Do Cruciferous Vegetables Really Fight Cancer?

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Decreased Risk of Cancer.


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