28 Jul 2022


Depression and Anxiety: What You Need to Know

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 3171

Pages: 13

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The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) provides that approximately 17.3 million adults in the United States have suffered a major depression (NIMH, 2019). This constituted 7.1% of the entire US population (NIMH, 2019). Besides, 13.1% of the affected people are between the ages of 18-25 (NIMH, 2019). In the past, NIMH and WHO have consistently established that women are more prone to suffer from the condition. People need to understand depression since it is a common issue that is disastrous to health, may affect one any time, and is associated with overwhelming levels of stigma. All in all, depression contributes significantly to poor health in society than asthma, angina, arthritis, and diabetes. Depression causes other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and substance use disorder. The paper will explore peer-reviewed sources concerning the impact of depression on health, my analysis of the research, how the information related to my community, and possible solutions to the issue. 

Peer-Reviewed Academic Sources 

Heart diseases: Depression causes heart diseases. According to Allabadi et al (2019), mental health has a significant impact on cardiac diseases. In a research done where 1053 patients with cardiac conditions participated, 54% and 19.2% were confirmed to suffer from severe depression and anxiety, respectively (Allabadi et al., 2019). Psychological distress causes a high blood clotting rate, high blood pressure, and a rapid heartbeat. Besides, depression and anxiety can also lead to high cholesterol and insulin levels in the body. The condition strains the heart since it is forced to work beyond its typical limit. All of these conditions lead to cardiac diseases. In 2015 alone, cardiovascular diseases claimed 17.9 million lives globally. Since depression affects approximately 300 million people in the world, cases of cardiovascular diseases are likely to continue rising. Correspondingly, the mortality rate due to cardiovascular conditions caused by depression and anxiety will be higher hence overall poor health. If depression and anxiety are controlled, the health and mortality rate due to cardiovascular conditions will also be checked. Therefore, depression and anxiety contribute significantly to poor health and death in society. 

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Drug and substance abuse: Depressions and anxiety also encourage substance abuse in society. Mossie et al (2016) provide that depression is associated with decreased energy, loss of interest, poor concentration, poor sleep, low self-worth, and depressed moods. An individual experiencing these particular symptoms may find it hard to live a healthy life. For instance, a person experiencing a feeling of low self-worth may find it challenging associating with others at the workplace. Such people opt to use drugs and substances. For example, one may choose to use marijuana as a way of enhancing their confidence, eliminate depressed moods, and increase their energy. As a result, they become addicted to the drug and abuse it (Mossie et al., 2019). On the other hand, the usage of these drugs is linked to other health conditions. For example, tobacco has always associated with lung cancer. Alcohol has been associated with liver cirrhosis. In this case, they contribute adversely to overall poor health in society. Besides, they increase mortality in society. Therefore, depression and anxiety have an indirect adverse impact on health. If the conditions are addressed, many people would not be encouraged to abuse drugs and destroy health. 

Diabetes: Depression and anxiety lead to diabetes. In 2015, 9.4% of Americans had diabetes. In that year, the condition was the seventh leading cause of death. Depression hurts one's ability to perform tasks well and think clearly. In this case, they are likely to make wrong lifestyle decisions that may impact their health. For example, they may do less exercise, eat unhealthy diets, and smoke. The poor lifestyle is a risk factor for diabetes. In the long-run, one suffered from diabetes. According to Sartorius (2018), the prevalence of diabetes is determined by lifestyle changes that could be influenced by depressions and anxiety. Depression and anxiety are also likely to cause complications in patients with diabetes. For instance, depression can enhance the risk of macro-vascular complications and cardiovascular illnesses. Thus, it worsens their condition leading to a higher mortality rate among diabetes patients (Sartorius, 2018). Therefore, depression and anxiety cause or worsen diabetes conditions. In the long-run, it leads to deteriorated health and a significantly high mortality rate. Thus, depression and anxiety are vital contributors to poor health in the United States of America and globally. 

Productivity hence low income: Then also, depression and anxiety lead to low productivity and performance. This happens in almost all sectors of the economy, such as agriculture. Since depression and anxiety cause decreased strength, feeling of low self-worth, depressed moods, and poor concentration, it adversely impacts productivity (Mossie et al., 2019). For example, affected individuals may find it hard attending to work. This negatively impacts their income and overall yields (Mossie et al., 2019). In this case, people affected by depression and anxiety have less money to spend on their health matters. They also have a limited income to cater to healthy foods (Mossie et al., 2019). As a result, such people are prone to suffer from a wide range of diseases that could be avoided by taking healthy foods and frequently visiting healthcare facilities. Most of them even die since they cannot afford medication. Therefore, depression and anxiety have indirectly lead to poor health and a high mortality rate in the society. 

For example 

Economic Burden on Individuals, Healthcare Facility, and Society: Depression leads to a high financial burden imposed on individuals and society at large. First, people suffering from depression and anxiety are typically less productive due to decreased energy, feeling of low self-worth, and lack of confidence. As a result, their income deteriorates, making them to depent on others. Secondly, healthcare facilities have been forced to spend purchasing drugs, medical equipment, and establishing more healthcare facilities to cater for health condition associated with depression and anxiety. For example, medical facilities to cater to people suffering from a cardiovascular disease, which is sometimes associated with depression and anxiety, have been built. Thirdly, the high mortality rate, especially among adults, has led to a situation where orphans are many. They need to be taken care of by other people and society. Therefore, people have been forced to spend more on people suffering from depression and anxiety since they are less productive. A family may opt to provide their basic needs. For example, $10,000 could be spent on issues related to depression and anxiety, $8000 on education, $4000 on food, and $3,000 on school fees. 

On the other hand, healthcare facilities have been forced to spend more money on healthcare. Thus, there is an enhanced economic burden on individuals, healthcare facilities, and society at large. These funds could be used to improve diets, organize seminars and workshops to teach people on health, or be invested to generate more revenue. Therefore, depression and anxiety have led to a high economic burden on individuals, healthcare facilities, and society at large hence undermining their ability to spend on health matters. 

High suicide cases: Depression and anxiety cause suicide. According to Brådvik (2018), death due to suicide is currently standing at 1.4% of all death globally. However, psychosis, substance abuse, and depression, and anxiety are the principal risk factors. Depression is strongly associated with suicidal attempts and ideation. In a research that was contacted by the Australian Rural Mental Health, where 1051 participated, it was determined that 364 were suffering from depression. It was ascertained that 16% of the 364 had in their past attempted suicide. On the other hand, 48% of the 364 has portrayed lifetime suicidal ideation in the past (Brådvik, 2018). This shows that depression is one of the significant causes of suicide in the world today. 

  Percentage (%)  Number of people 
Suicidal ideation  48  175 
Attempted suicide  16  58 

Suicide leads to loss of talents, the enhanced economic burden on individuals and the society, and stigma. All these effects hurt health. For instance, id productive people die, the overall income in a family is reduced hence limited spending on proper diet and medication. Then also, extended family members, friends, and the society at large can be forced to spend taking care of orphans left behind after a parent commuted suicide. Therefore, depression and anxiety caused suicide, which in turn undermines the health of society. 

Analysis of the Research 

First, the research contributes to significant knowledge concerning the impact of depression. The whole process incorporates various scholarly articles that equip readers with unique insights on how depression affects health. In this case, depression and anxiety had been proved to cause diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, substance abuse, limited income, and enhanced economic burden, and suicide. Through a robust theoretical attitude, the research links the effects of depression and anxiety on health. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and substance have been proved to contribute to overall poor health and high mortality rate. Limited income and overwhelming economic burden on individuals, healthcare facilities, and the society at large have been proved to lead to limited spending in health matters. For instance, little is spent on medical visits and healthy foods. Therefore, the research is highly objective since no personal beliefs, perceptions, and judgments have been included. All facts and statistics have been supported by evidence. Therefore, the claim that “depression and anxiety lead to poor health” is objectively valid. Thirdly, the research incorporates sources which research-based. Researchers and authors of these sources are knowledgeable about depression and anxiety. For instance, the study by Brådvik (2018) in which 1051 and those done by Allabadi et al (2019) were 1053. This clearly shows that claims in the research are drawn from research. Thus, in-depth ideas from the sources have been used in the study to support claims and facts. In this case, it can confidently be asserted that depression and anxiety impact the health of many people in society. Then also, the research shows that the issue of depression and anxiety is global. Based on scholarly works incorporated therein, it is clear that depressions and anxiety are key risk factors of health not in the United States but the whole world. Everyone is likely to suffer from it regardless of their age, gender, and race. Next, the research shows that the prevalence of depression is increasing with time. In the past, it was significantly low, whereas today, it is high. This condition social, economic, and political challenges that impact people in various parts of the world. Markedly, these challenges are more rampant today than they were in the past. The whole issue is caused by an increased population and scarcity of resources. Their research shows that there is a need for long-lasting and effective measures to curb the issue since it is a problem that is continuously hurting society. Also, the research provides that the issue of depression and anxiety can be a causal agent of a health condition or a symptom of a problem. For instance, the study proved that depression and anxiety could cause diabetes but also shows that having diabetes can lead one into depression. Taking a step to address it or determine an underlying issue could be a right way of preventing further damage to health. The same applies to substance abuse. Drugs can lead one into depression. For instance, an addict can experience depressed moods, a decrease in energy, and a feeling of low self-worthiness when they withdraw from it. On the other hand, one can opt for drugs if they are depressed. Therefore, the research incorporates scholarly works that consistently prove the idea that depression and anxiety impact healthy. The works also show that there is an urgent need for a solution since the prevalence of the condition has been increasing over the years and could go higher. Besides, it also shows that depression and anxiety is a global issue that needs to be addressed promptly. Finally, the research successfully links the topic of depression and anxiety to the deteriorating health in society. 

How This Information Relates Specifically to the Local Community 

First, people in society suffer from conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, which can be a source of stress. Therefore, people in society need to understand this, having stress, anxiety, and falling into depression can only worsen the situation or lead to other medical complications. Through concept can be used in my community to encourage people to embrace positivity while suffering from various medical conditions. This would be instrumental in curbing the prevalence of depression and anxiety in the community. Secondly, people in my local community need to understand the essence of being productive and economically empowered. A condition such as depression and anxiety and other related medical condition will be controlled if people have the income to go for medications, afford medicine, and healthy diets. Therefore, the information in the research would be entirely instrumental in fostering this idea in my local community. Thirdly, the local community can understand the relationship between depression and anxiety and economic burden. The condition is likely to affect the dependency ratio, which would, in turn, impact people spending on health matters. My local is impacted similarly hence a need for measures to curb depression and anxiety. Also, other parts of the world and my local community have people facing social, economic, and political challenges. For instance, the rising prices of necessities may pose a severe financial challenge to a family and especially to breadwinners. Based on the information, such a condition is likely to generate stress and lead to depression and anxiety. If not checked, the condition could easily lead to one committing suicide. Therefore, my community can be enlightened by this information and be wary of how they handled their moments of distress. They can think of ways of preventing social, political, and economical that may drive them into such a state. Next, participants in the works incorporated in these research show that no one is immune to depression and anxiety regardless of their age, gender, and race. The same applies to my community, which people with diverse personal characteristics. They all need to understand they can be affected by the condition if they do not lead a healthy lifestyle. Everyone has a role in play in ensuring a fight against the condition in society. Next, other areas have their economic activities that significantly contribute to their income. In my community, agriculture and entrepreneurship are the main economic activities. Therefore, the information can enable people in my community to examine the correlation between income generated and depression and anxiety. Based on the information in the research, low incomes are likely to generate stress, leading to anxiety and depression. Thus, people in the community should understand the essence of being fully committed to their economic activities as a way of fighting depression and anxiety. Also, the information in this research shows that a lack of information on how o manage distress makes people opt to use drugs. Through this information, people in my community can understand that there are better ways of handling adversity, and substance abuse is not one of them. Lastly, other parts of the world where the researches were contacted, and my community have healthcare facilities. Through the study, the emphasis has been placed on the essence of visiting medical facilities in controlling depression and anxiety. People in my community can gain these particular insights, work hard, get substantial incomes, and pay for medical check-ups and visits to healthcare facilities. Therefore, the information in this research closely related to the community. The people, resources, and conditions in the study are also evident in my local community. 

Possible Solutions 

Strengthening of social support: People in society should be encouraged to establish ideal social support networks to reduce depression and anxiety. It entails having a network of friends and family members who can come in handy in case of a crisis (Maheri et al., 2018). Members within the network can help one who is distressed to develop the strength of carrying on and developing (Maheri et al., 2018). In this case, one will not have time to think about the challenges of life. This will prevent risks the risk of depression and anxiety and other related health condition (Maheri et al., 2018). Therefore, people can establish and develop social support networks that can come in handy to help them overcome challenges and in turn, prevent depression and anxiety. 

Physical activity: People should be encouraged to take part in physical activities such as sports. Being physically active does not allow one time to think over their challenges and worries of life. Therefore, they stay in a happy, relaxed mood. In this case, their heartbeat remains, blood pressure, cholesterol, and insulin levels remain normal; hence, their hearts do not strain (Craft & Perna, 2004). People can engage in lower intensity exercise such as stretching and yoga, and higher intensity ones such as dance and aerobics (Craft & Perna, 2004). Thus, physical exercise can be instrumental in eliminating worries and improving mood (Craft & Perna, 2004). This would significantly prevent depression and anxiety and other related condition such as cardiovascular disease 

Establishment of programs to educate the public about depression and anxiety: The local authority can organize seminars, workshops, and open forums where people can equip with knowledge, insights, and concept about depression and anxiety. Through these platforms, they can be taught the causes, effects, and how they can control depression (Zhao et al., 2019). People attending this kind of education will have an opportunity to ask questions that would be addressed by experts in attendance (Zhao et al., 2019). Besides, they can also share their experiences and hence given practical advice from professionals in mental health. They can apply what they have learned in their daily lives (Zhao et al., 2019). Therefore, educating people through seminars, workshops, and open forums will be an appropriate way of fighting depression and anxiety. 

People should embrace proper diet: Besides taking a balanced diet, people should be selective in what they eat based its impact on depressions and anxiety. For instance, people should avoid alcohol and caffeine as they have chemicals that adversely affect the brain. On the other hand, people should eat regularly to prevent feelings of fatigue and irritability caused by the prolonged duration between meals (Firth et al., 2019). However, foods should be taken in small amounts to prevent similar effects. Therefore, people in the society should uphold the culture of being keen on whatever they eat (Firth et al., 2019). Foods that have adverse effects on the brain should be avoided, and they should small foods regularly to curb depression and anxiety. 

The culture of meditation should be encouraged in society: People can also practice meditation to prevent psychological factors that could lead to depression and anxiety. Meditation enables one to be aware of what is happening to them. In this case, they learn to accept the situation and focus on how to live with it or derive a suitable solution out. Hence, one connects with their feelings and emotions. This relieves one worries and anger. Besides, it makes it easier to figure out a solution to the problem. For example, one who has failed an exam can enter a room, sit down, relax, and think deeply about the issue. In this case, they can judge the situation and focus on how to improve next time. Therefore, people in the society can establish and uphold the culture of meditating when they are in distress to curb depression and anxiety. 

Frequent medical check-ups: People should go to regular medical check-ups. This would help curb health conditions such as diabetes that could cause depression and anxiety. The success of handling the medical condition in their preliminary stages is much higher. For instance, people should be encouraged to attend the screening for cancer, HIV/AIDs, diabetes, and many other diseases. This will facilitate prompt cure and prevent the distress that comes with handling such conditions. In this case, people will experience the emotional pain associated with such medical conditions. Hence, going for earlier medical check-ups will prevent depression and anxiety conditions. 

Economic empowerment: The local authority can come up with economic empowerment programs that can play a critical role in curbing challenges that could lead to depression and anxiety. Through these programs, people can learn how I identify opportunities and tap them to improve their economic status (Asaolu et al., 2018). In connection with this, people can also be taught how to make thoughtful decisions by thinking wisely (Asaolu et al., 2018). For example, they can think and make decisions on which kind of business they can run to generate more income. The income generated by people after they have been economically empowered can be used on their necessities (Asaolu et al., 2018). This will curb economic challenges, which are vital factors that influence the development of depression and anxiety. People will lead a comfortable that is free from much stress. 


Depression and anxiety have influenced the development of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and substance abuse disorder. Besides, they also lead to enhanced economic burden, lowered productivity, and high suicide cases. All these are risk factors to the poor deteriorating health in society. The research incorporates scholarly works that consistently prove the idea that depression and anxiety impact healthy. It also shows that there is an urgent need for a solution since the prevalence of the condition has been increasing over the years and could go higher. In addition to this, the research proves that depression and anxiety is a global issue that needs to be addressed promptly. The information in this research closely related to the community. The people, resources, and conditions in the study are also evident in my local community. A possible solution to address the issue includes establishing empowerment programs, frequent check-ups, and the culture of meditation, proper dieting, strengthening social support, being physically active, and education programs. 


Allabadi, H., Alkaiyat, A., Alkhayyat, A., Hammoudi, A., Odeh, H., Shtayeh, J., … Probst-Hensch, N. (2019). Depression and anxiety symptoms in cardiac patients: a cross-sectional hospital-based study in a Palestinian population.  BMC public health 19 (1), 232. 

Asaolu, I. O., Alaofè, H., Gunn, J., Adu, A. K., Monroy, A. J., Ehiri, J. E., … Ernst, K. C. (2018). Measuring Women's Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the Demographic and Health Surveys.  Frontiers in psychology 9 , 994. 

Brådvik, L. (2018). Suicide Risk and Mental Disorders. International Journal of environmental research and public health 15 (9), 2028. 

Craft, L. L., & Perna, F. M. (2004). The Benefits of Exercise for the Clinically Depressed.  Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry 6 (3), 104–111. 

Firth, J., Marx, W., Dash, S., Carney, R., Teasdale, S. B., Solmi, M., … Sarris, J. (2019). The Effects of Dietary Improvement on Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.  Psychosomatic medicine 81 (3), 265–280. 

Maheri, A., Sadeghi, R., Shojaeizadeh, D., Tol, A., Yaseri, M., & Rohban, A. (2018). Depression, Anxiety, and Perceived Social Support among Adults with Beta-Thalassemia Major: Cross-Sectional Study.  Korean Journal of family medicine 39 (2), 101–107. 

Mossie, A., Kindu, D., & Negash, A. (2016).  Prevalence and Severity of Depression and Its Association with Substance Use in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia. Depression Research and Treatment, 2016, 1–7.   

National Insitute of mental health. (NIMH). (2019). Major Depression. Retrieved from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/major-depression.shtml 

Sartorius, N. (2018). Depression and diabetes.  Dialogues in clinical neuroscience 20 (1), 47–52. 

Zhao, Y., Yu, F., Wu, Y., Zeng, G., & Peng, K. (2019). Positive Education Interventions Prevent Depression in Chinese Adolescents.  Frontiers in psychology 10 , 1344. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Depression and Anxiety: What You Need to Know.


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