16 Sep 2022


Design Rationale: How to Create a Design That Works

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1537

Pages: 5

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Technology is shaping nearly all aspects of human life. Among the endeavors that have witnessed the full impact of technology is education. Today, an increasing number of educational institutions and practitioners are abandoning outdated and traditional approaches in favor of more modern technology-driven techniques. Artificial intelligence and robotics are some of the technologies that have had a tremendous impact on learning. In addition to facilitating instruction, these technologies have also streamlined student assessment while boosting engagement. There is no doubt that as artificial intelligence and robotics become mainstream and widely adopted, the education process will undergo tremendous improvement.


The DLR that was selected involves the integration of robotics and artificial intelligence into the education process. To present these technologies and the benefits that they present for teaching, assessment and learning, such technologies as a website and Twitter are to be used. The primary purpose driving the design of the DLR is to underscore the impacts that technology can have on learning. There is some research which shows that by embracing such technologies as robotics and artificial intelligence, educators can experience a reduced workload. Furthermore, it is predicted that as artificial intelligence makes inroads into education, it will transform curricula and lead to the introduction of new approaches to instruction such as virtual teaching (Ma & Siau, 2018). It is expected that as the audience is introduced to how artificial intelligence and robotics affects education, they will gain a deeper understanding of the changes that will result as more and more schools adopt these technologies. To determine if the audience has acquired this understanding, a simple survey could be administered. The survey will seek the views of their audience on the transformation that education is undergoing thanks to AI and robotics. If the audience confirms that massive transformation is being witnessed, this will serve as indication that the purpose of the DLR has been fulfilled. Teachers and students are the main components of the audience. Should a surge in the adoption of artificial intelligence and robotics be witnessed, it will be concluded that the teachers and students have indeed recognized the critical role that these technologies play in education.

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Apart from leading teachers and students to acknowledge the importance of AI and robotics, another purpose of the DLR is to show the impact that these technologies can have on assessment. In particular, it is hoped that through the DLR, teachers will appreciate that their assessment function can be made easier when they embrace AI and robotics. These technologies will reduce their workload, thereby improving satisfaction. With the goal of determining if the DLR has fulfilled this purpose, the same survey discussed above will be employed. Furthermore, AI and robotics promise to transform education research.


Assessment is the main issue for which the DLR involving robotics and AI has been developed. There are various reasons why this issue was selected. The main factor is that questions have been raised about the accuracy and fairness of the assessment techniques that teachers are using today. For example, Pishghadam, Adamson, Shayesteh and Kan (2014) performed an evaluation to determine how burnout affects student assessment. They noted that teachers who are burnt out tend to be stressed and this limits their ability to conduct the assessment properly. Consequently, the assessment process yields inaccurate results. Since they lower the workload that teachers shoulder, AI and robotics promise to fix the problem of inaccurate assessment results. It is expected that as teachers integrate AI and robotics into practice, their hands will be free to focus on other areas of teaching and allow these technologies to perform the assessment function. Student assessment is not the only area where AI and robotics present benefits. These technologies also facilitate research. In general, technologies tend to be faster and more accurate than humans. For this reason, it is reasonable to expect that as they incorporate AI and robotics into the research process, teachers will obtain accurate results quickly.

Theoretical Framework 

The design of the DLR involved a complex design process. At the center of this process was the use of such digital technologies as Twitter and a website to deliver content on the DLR remotely. The remote delivery method was chosen because of its cost-effectiveness and reach. Furthermore, this method addresses the logistical challenges that would otherwise be encountered had a traditional instruction method been selected instead. The design approach also involves the heavy use of digital technologies because of its alignment with AI and robotics and the fact that the digital technologies have been shown to present numerous benefits. For example, Twitter and websites are some of the quickest ways to reach large audiences. Using these technologies, one is able to overcome geographical barriers and reach individuals from all the parts of the globe. The teachers and students for whom the DLR is designed stand to obtain insights without necessarily being in a single location. For example, with a smartphone or a laptop, the audience is able to receive information about the tremendous effect of AI and robotics on education research and student assessment.

There is evidence that digital technologies hold the key to effective instruction. For instance, Al-Rahmi, Zeki, Alias and Saged (2017) determined that the use of digital technologies enhances collaboration, interaction and engagement. Essentially, by relying on such tools as Twitter and the website, it is possible to elevate the audience to a platform from which they can participate actively in the learning process. For instance, using Twitter, the teachers who form part of the audiences are able to raise questions and seek clarification. It is expected that the website and Twitter will inject excitement into the learning process and challenge the teachers to become fully engaged. The SMAR framework provided the general outline for the thinking that led to the design of the DLR. Essentially, this framework facilitates the integration of technology into learning. Its main components are substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition. The substitution and augmentation allows for the seamless and smooth introduction of technology. On the other hand, modification and redefinition makes it possible for teachers to align their processes and strategies with technology in a way that reshapes the learning process. The SMAR framework was adopted because it will be used to slowly transform learning without causing harmful disruption.


Deliberate effort was committed to ensuring that the DLR maximizes learning. The main approach that was adopted to achieve this was ensuring that the digital technologies were designed in a way that is user friendly. For example, the website will include rich graphical elements. The purpose of these elements is to stimulate the audience and to sustain attention. Furthermore, the tremendous speed that websites deliver will be leveraged to ensure that the audience is fully engaged. The modifications made to the website for the purpose of promoting maximum learning are founded on research. For instance, Wilks-Harper (2018) authored a text that focuses on the impact of graphics on audience engagement. He records that graphics bring stories to life and that they allow readers to gather the most critical information. Given the overwhelming evidence that points to the effectiveness of graphics, it was felt wise to ensure that the website incorporated graphical elements perfectly.


The design process of the DLR described above was fraught with challenges. One of the challenges involved ensuring that the DLR design did not rely too heavily on theory and fail to accurately reflect the real-world situation. For example, the design of the website was based on the theoretical understanding that graphics enhance engagement and help to sustain attention and interest. To confirm that this is actually true, a comparison of two websites was conducted. One of the websites had plain text and the other included graphics. It was determined that the latter website engaged audiences for longer. Another challenge that frustrated the design process is concerned with the limited amount of information regarding the implications of AI and robotics on teaching, research and learning. It appears that the academic and research communities do not fully recognize the importance of conducting research on these technologies. This challenge was addressed by combining personal experiences and insights from peers with the little available research evidence.

Next Steps 

Now that the design of the DLR has been completed, the next step is to reflect on the issues that remain unresolved. Among these issues concern how to address the question of the cost of digital technologies. It was established that these technologies do indeed hold the key to sensitizing the audience on the importance of AI and robotics. However, there is concern that the digital technologies may be beyond the reach of many who wish to understand how they can improve teaching and research by adopting technology. Another question that remains unresolved concerns the potential damaging effects of AI and robotics. For example, it is possible that these technologies could replace teachers. When they fear that they could lose their jobs to technology, teachers are likely to resist instead of embracing AI and robotics. It is also worth noting that these technologies are not perfect and could benefit from some improvement. The main improvement involves ensuring that instead of replacing teachers, they lessen the burden that the teachers shoulder. Research is among the measures that can be implemented to facilitate the improvement of the DLR.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that the future of education rests on technology. By adopting technologies, teachers can ensure that their instruction methods are in line with the needs and aspirations of modern learners. AI and robotics are some of the technologies that promise to transform education. However, for these technologies to have an impact, it is necessary to sensitize teachers and students about the benefits that the technologies present. It is for this reason that Twitter and a website were adopted into a teaching strategy. By using these digital technologies, it will be fairly easy to challenge teachers and students to embrace AI and robotics, thereby boosting learning.


Al-Rahmi, W. M., Zeki, A. M., Alias, N., & Saged, A. A. (2017). The impact of using social media for teaching and learning in post-secondary institutes. The Anthropologist, 29 (1), 8-18.

Ma, Y., & Siau, K. L. (2018). Artificial intelligence impacts on higher education. MWAIS 2018 Proceedings. 

Pishghadam, R., Adamson, B., Shayesteh, S., & Kan, F. L. F. (2014). Conceptions of assessment and teacher burnout . Assessment in Education Principles Policy and Practice 21 (1). DOI: 10.1080/0969594X.2013.817382

Wilks-Harper, E. (2018). How do graphics encourage audience engagement? Reuters. Retrieved April 11, 2019 from https://www.reuterscommunity.com/topics/audience-development/how-do-graphics-encourage-audience-engagement/

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Design Rationale: How to Create a Design That Works .


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