12 Dec 2022


Discussion Question: The Study of Cultural Psychology

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Statement

Words: 250

Pages: 1

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The study of cultural psychology is an interdisciplinary practice where anthropologists, psychologists, philosophers, and linguists research institutions, meanings, and practices of a group of people. Several benefits accrue to researchers who conduct an in-depth psychological study of different cultures. Nevertheless, study members must first establish the meaning of culture when conducting their investigations. 

Culture is the idea that a group of people in society subscribe to. According to research, culture provides guidance on meaningful self-conduct for individuals in a community. Additionally, the ideas that culture suggests promote autonomy through transforming, reproducing, creating, and transmitting cultural routines (Hamamura, 2017). Cultural psychology contends that people cannot exist without culture, and culture may not be existent in the absence of people. Hence, culture is a common practice that guides the conduct of individuals. 

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Studying cultural psychology is essential for various purposes. First, scholars identify the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors for persons who subscribe to a particular culture. Second, elites benefit from an expansive pool of knowledge from diverse practitioners. Third, study individuals gain experience on the differences between the cultural practices of one group with another. Hence, the study of cultural psychology benefits scholars significantly. 

According to cultural psychology, groups of people that identify with a specific practice, reasoning, perception, regulation, and emotional experience have different orientations. Culture shapes some of an individual's inherent actions (Hamamura, 2017). Thus, it is impossible to apply similar psychological principles to all lifestyles globally. All cultures are exotic, and hence, they may not share similar rules and regulations. Therefore, all cultures in the world can't have the same principles. 

Cultural psychology is the multidisciplinary study approach towards different cultures. Culture is a unique motivational aspect that informs people's behavior. Thus, it is impossible to generalize psychological principles for all cultures. 


Hamamura, T. (2017). A cultural psychological analysis of cultural change.  Asian Journal of Social Psychology 1 (1), 1-10. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321272945_A_cultural_psychological_analysis_of_cultural_change

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Discussion Question: The Study of Cultural Psychology.


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