5 Apr 2022


Diversity in a Competitive Globalized Economy

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Academic level: College

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Words: 305

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Diversity refers to understanding, accepting and valuing differences among different people in respect to race, class, culture, gender, disabilities among others. Since the world is changing dynamically on globalization, this, in turn, attracts more interaction between people from diverse backgrounds. This enhances competitiveness and efficiency and diversity is seen as an important aspect of management. 

Diversity has, in turn, helped to beat off discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination has been plaguing the economy of this world for quite a long time, and through this approach, a lot has been done in the workplaces and this impacts the economies of the world positively since a combination of different ideas towards a problem helps to tackle it even more feasible (Ghiggino, 2007)

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The diversity approach has increased productivity which in turn creates a competitive environment since it enhances respecting individuals’ differences. This will increase marketing opportunities, creativity and recruitment in the workplace thus impacting competitiveness on the global scale ( Barzantny, 2007)

In an age characterized by creativity and flexibility in the workforce, different skills are combined by the employees in an organization to contribute much towards industrial growth since all those diverse facets of knowledge and expertise will be combined to achieve a particular goal.

Diversity enables enterprises to have a competitive edge; this is because recruiting individuals from different backgrounds in skills will contribute to different knowledge in marketing whereby a company may have different methods of marketing which other enterprises in the market mat lack, thus a competitive advantage in the economy ( Barzantny, 2007) .

Diversity fosters entrepreneurialism in an economy (Ghiggino, 2007) . This refers to coming up of with new ideas, products and innovative ways of production. This is evident since there is pooling of resources and ideas from different people and consolidating them to exploit the organizations’ full economic potential.

The workplace is ever evolving which is an increasing challenge to the management hence the need for diversity to accommodate the changes.


Barzantny, C. (2007). Managing Diversity. Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace.  Academy of Management Learning & Education 6 (2), 285-286. doi:10.5465/amle.2007.25223469

Ghiggino, M. (2007). Diversity: Ideas to Create Value in the Workplace.  Diversity , 88-101. doi:10.1057/9780230627529_6

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Diversity in a Competitive Globalized Economy.


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