9 Jan 2023


Do Video Games Cause Violence?

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Academic level: College

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Words: 1113

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Innovations and advancement in technology have impacted the creation of interesting applications including virtual games that are incorporated with graphics, sound, color and imaginative characters. Compared to other types of traditional indoor games, video games are very incorporative and enhance the interaction of most of the body parts especially the mind, hands, eyes, and ears hence demand total concentration. The impacts of such games have resulted in the change of character among adults and children alike. Moreover, the social interactivity aspects of the children in the current century have become minimized and interfered with (Scutti, 2016) . 

The psychological impacts of the video games directly affect the habits, talks and characters of its players which on the other hand determine how they interact with other people around. 

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As mentioned earlier, video games demand total concentration and psychological tactics that enhance winning or getting high scores. Therefore, the increase in Mature – rated (M – Rated) video games most of which are violence filled results to bullying, aggressiveness and engagement in fights. The main reasons for the violence among video game players include the need to apply what they watch and virtually engage into. Moreover, the violent and aggressive characters possessed by the children watching violent video games is impacted from the thoughts, behaviors and the feelings acquired. Adults and children alike become immune to the violence they watch despite its intensity and therefore increase their inability to relate to others in an empathetic way. On the other hand, video gamers who become proficient in the game and score highly develop a perspective that they can also achieve highly in the physical world, resulting in the desire to practically showcase what they virtually experienced in the video games. 

Contrary to this fact, children who engage in video games are in most cases addicted to them and hence spend most of their times playing the video games. As a result, most of their times away from school and family is spent in playing and enjoying the video games. Moreover, these individuals, children and adults alike spend the time playing in locked rooms. For this same reason, these kids do not have time to interact with their fellow children and on the other hand, will not have an opportunity to engage in physical fights, and practice aggressiveness. Besides, some video games require two or more players, and hence they impact the interactive nature of children who play with other children or those who play with their parents. Besides building their social interactivity through playing with other children who include friends and siblings, these children may develop a bonding between them and their parents and/ (or) friends. The same applies to the adults who play interactive video games that need more than one player they improve their social life because they associate both virtually and physically (Rife, 2017) 

It is evident that video games that have violence in them teach the wrong values and reward the achievement of these values through the high scores. For instance, the killing, stabbing, and cruelty that an actor has to possess are rewarded with colorful congratulation messages, songs and at times celebration through dancing of animated characters. As a result, these whole sets gets into the minds of the players, and they tend to believe that the same can be applied to the physical world. Moreover, these video games demand that the player faces the opponents at the go without hesitation. Consequently, the individuals playing the games end up lacking conflict resolutions because of the inability to negotiate and give a listening ear to the opponent hence increases their chances of applying violent solutions to arising issues. Besides, characters in the games portray the male gender as the strongest, daring and tactical. The girls, on the other hand, are in most cases described as the weakest and inexperienced. In such a case, the boys playing these games possess these traits and may want to prove it in one way or the other. As for the girls, many who continuously engage in the violent video games develop a defying character that desire to go against the perspective and the notion placed on women as the weakest gender. Therefore, the females prove the society wrong and the developers of these games by engaging in fights and acting aggressively. 

While video games impact the behaviours of individuals playing them, the rewards earned are implications that the players are high achievers who can challenge any problem faced. As elaborated by Raise Smart Kids (2015), it requires perseverance to get high scores because in most cases, the players fail time and time again before they get their first win. Moreover, gamers develop the skills to respond to arising challenges which in most cases enhances their ability to stay away from trouble and circumstances that might result in engagement in violence. As a result, they equally develop their reasoned judgment that helps in identifying good from bad, and right from wrong (Marczyk, 2016) 

Therefore, cases of violence among gamers who play violent, filled video games cannot in any way increase the need to physically engage in fights and aggressively associate with other individuals for reasons of wanting to apply the virtual skills watched. 

There are many active and educative skills that players develop and sharpen while playing these games. For instance, while the games are technologically enhanced, the players are demanded to have knowledge in operating computers and other innovative devices that are computerized. The primary impact of the information technology skills earned and developed is the creation of fun in learning for children especially because of the animations, shapes and colors that are incorporated in the graphic interface of the games. Asides from the technology skills earned with the help of the video games played, the players become incredibly creative and develop cognitive skills that cannot be taught in schools or any other institute. Therefore, many are the times that the skills learned are diverted to relevant areas like development of careers, academics and innovations of many other amazing elements in our world. As a result, these individuals will have no time to engage in issues that will lead to trouble including fights or any other form of violence. On the contrary, they will be fully engaged in relevant situations that will not only impact their lives directly but including those around them in one or another way. 

Video games are fascinating just like any other kind of games played indoors or outdoors, although their impact on the players differs with the difference in the platform used. There are many pros and cons of playing video games, and both of them are justified by the impact it had on particular individuals. It is a fact that the psychological effects of video games influences the behaviors of gamers and hence determines how they handle and associate with people around them. Many factors influence the characters of individuals. Therefore whether they tend to be aggressive or gentle, violent or empathetic, caring or self-centers, it is the environment that plays a big role in shaping the characters of people, video games and humans included. So it solely depends on how one views it. 


Marczyk, J. (2016, October 22). Violence In Games Does Not Cause Real-Life Violence . Retrieved May 30, 2017, from Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/pop-psych/201610/violence-in-games-does-not-cause-real-life-violence 

RaiseSmartKid. (2015). The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games . Retrieved May 30, 2017, from Raise Smart Kid: http://www.raisesmartkid.com/3-to-6-years-old/4-articles/34-the-good-and-bad-effects-of-video-games 

Rife, S. (2017, March 22). Violent video games do not cause real-world aggression . Retrieved May 30, 2017, from Learn Liberty: http://www.learnliberty.org/blog/violent-video-games-do-not-cause-real-world-aggression/ 

Scutti, S. (2016, July 26). Do video games lead to violence? Retrieved May 30, 2017, from CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/25/health/video-games-and-violence/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Do Video Games Cause Violence?.


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