12 Dec 2022


Effect of Video Games on Children Behavior in UAE

Format: Other

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 329

Pages: 1

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Various research studies suggest that excessive use of video games and other technologies may affect children's behavior; for instance, a child is likely to become more aggressive or violent ( Greitemeyer & Osswald, 2010). Ba sed on the research done on the effects of video games in the UAE, content validity is present. It entirely looks at the impacts of video games on children living in the UAE. Besides, the domain is well represented, and its relevance is stated across the research. The study encompasses 75 responses from teens under 18 years and adults in each case. Most of the children are victims of playing video games at their homes or playstations. A section of the respondents has the following nationalities; UAE, Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Jordan, and Egypt. These respondents are over 18 years based on their employment status. 

The respondents strongly agree with playing video games, as shown by a more significant percentage on the pie chart. Similarly, respondents strongly agree that PlayStation 4 is the most played game. Respondents are undecided about how the games have shaped their behaviors. This is also the case with whether the games interfere with their time with the family. A larger number of participants agree that the games affect their actions. Other participants strongly agree on the negative implications of video games on children's health and well-being. Participants strongly agree on spending 1-10 hours having fun. Most of the adult participants are Egyptians and full-time employees. The majority of the respondents agree that the act negatively affects their school or college performances. At the same, time participants are undecided about video games deteriorating their health. Respondents have various suggestions regarding the positive future outlook of video games in education. Regarding the results, playing video games affects the health and well-being of children, especially psychologically. However, the effects are felt in regards to the usage of the games. Children admit to playing the games regularly and consuming up to ten hours per day. However, they are unsure about the effects of the games on their well-being. Adult participants confirm the process being destructive in their academic life. In general, playing video games is healthy for children when used appropriately and vice versa ( Greitemeyer & Osswald, 2010). 

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Greitemeyer, T., & Osswald, S. (2010). Effects of prosocial video games on prosocial behavior.  Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (2), 211. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Effect of Video Games on Children Behavior in UAE.


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