20 Nov 2022


Emergent Literacy: What It Is and How You Can Help Your Child Develop It

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Academic level: College

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Words: 499

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Question One 

Emergent literacy skills are developed in child at infancy and toddler stages of growth. During the mentioned growth stages, the child learns to use language for self-expression through the help of the people they frequently interact with. Emergent literacy skills are not developed in a short time period and do not aim to teach a baby how to read and write. Instead, the process of acquiring emergent literacy skills is gradual and mandates the party interacting with baby to be patient ( Emergent Literacy and DAP Literacy Environments , n.d.) . Techniques to enhance emergent literacy skills acquisition in babies include listening, talking, and reading to the child. The beneficiary acquires literacy concepts in the home environment, which is where most toddlers and infants spend their time. Finally, emergent literacy skills development process requires the parent or guardian to undertake activities that purposefully aim to develop the child’s language abilities. 

In contrast, reading readiness skills are developed in a child who has the language prowess that can be applied in reading and writing activities. Children start acquiring readiness reading skills in pre-school and they learn how to read first and then are taught to write ( Emergent Literacy and DAP Literacy Environments , n.d.) . Common techniques used to increase reading readiness skills include use of age-appropriate workbooks, reading to the child, and asking them to express what they understood. Finally, reading readiness skills are developed in separate lessons and the child may be allowed to undertake other useful activities during the day, such as modeling or playing with toys. 

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Question Two 

Examples of emergent literacy skills are vocabulary development and letter knowledge. In contrast, two examples of reading readiness skills are concentration and attention, and endurance expressed by sitting for moderately long periods to listen to a teacher reading a story book. 

Question Three 

When preparing a pre-school child to have excellent reading skills in the future, the teacher should explore several things. First, the teacher should tune in to what the child says by being attentive to the learner’s expressed words and emotions and maintaining an eye contact to show they are on equal levels. The teacher should also show they are interested in the child by talking to them frequently to build their vocabulary ( Emergent Literacy and DAP Literacy Environments , n.d.) . Talking skills could include aspects, such as commenting on what the child is doing, narrating a story, or employing descriptive language to compliment them. Furthermore, the teacher could enhance reading readiness skills in a preschool child by asking them open-ended questions frequently, reading aloud to the child, and recognizing new words together. Finally, the teacher could help a preschool child improve their reading readiness skills by reading a wide variety of books together and illustrating learned concepts. 

Question Four 

A literacy rich environment is important because it develops a child’s reading skills, phonology, vocabulary, word knowledge, and oral language. Additionally, a literacy rich context develops a learner’s social, cognitive, physical, and emotional aspects ( Importance of Early Literacy , n.d.) . Exemplary literacy rich environments should have reading materials everywhere in a classroom. For instance, the teacher could use charts, print materials, books, laminated photos, and blocks. Other materials the teacher could use in a literacy rich environment include magazines, newspapers, maps, picture books, recipe cards, and cook books. The literacy rich environment should have clipboards, pens, writing tools, stickers, displayed alphabets, and letter stamps. A poor literacy environment would lack interactive materials for children, such as books, charts, pens, blocks, and any colorful interactive materials a child would enjoy. 


Emergent Literacy and DAP Literacy Environments  [PowerPoint]. (n.d.). 

Importance of Early Literacy  [PowerPoint]. (n.d.). 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Emergent Literacy: What It Is and How You Can Help Your Child Develop It.


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