28 May 2022


Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory in the classroom

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2033

Pages: 7

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Articles 1 

Anthony, M. (2018). Social Development in 3-5 Year Olds. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://www.scholastic.com/parents/family-life/social-emotional-learning/development-milestones/social-development-3-5-year-olds.html 


The development of children mostly happens during the preschool years. The children stop depending on their parents and they start to be independent. They develop social and emotional skills. The age between three and six years old is the second stage in psychosocial development, and it is known as autonomy vs. shame and doubt. 

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Purpose of the article 

The article establishes how to be self-sufficient in different ways. The child learns how to feed, dress and toileting on their own. However, some of the children still require assistance with these activities, and if they are unable to meet their own needs, they may develop guilt which affects their adolescent and adult life. 

Methods used 

Secondary research on the expansion of the psychosocial theory by Erick Erickson has been conducted. The second and third stages have been expanded on and how they affect the development of the child, establishing how they are self-sufficient or how they can develop guilt. 


During the pre-school years, the individuation of the children is necessary for creating a better understanding of the person they are and how they relate to each other. When a child develops a personal identity, they can explore various fundamental aspects such as race, personality, and gender. Children begin to have unique characteristics which define them. 


Teachers in the preschool environment should create an environment which will support the development of children. Despite their disability to take care of themselves such as feeding or toileting, the teachers should educate the children and make sure that they can learn on their own. 

Practical Implication 

Parents have hardships in supporting the factors that support the development of their children and same time fostering development. A parent who is trying to curb aggression by showing the child how to control their emotions, it would be hard at times. However, methods such as initiating play help in developing children. 

Articles 2 

Cherry, K., & Gans, S. (2018, October 10). Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://www.verywellmind.com/industry-versus-inferiority-2795736 


Erik Erikson presents the industry vs. inferiority stage as the fourth in his psychosocial development theory. The stage happens between the ages of six and eleven. During this age, the school children learn to develop competency and confidence by establishing the areas they excel in. 

Purpose of the article 

The article establishes the industry vs. inferiority stage and how it promotes the development of students. When the teachers grade their students and give them feedback, it encourages the students to improve. However, a child can feel inferior if they are not encouraged on the subjects they fail. 

Methods used 

Research on the Erickson’s psychosocial development was done, concentrating on secondary research on the industry vs. inferiority stage. The factors that can promote or affect the confidence of the students are established in the research. 


It was found out that the industry vs. inferiority stage is necessary for the development of self-confidence. In school, it can be done in different approaches such as praising the children who have performed well. All the students should be given attention in the areas they have problems so that their confidence can be boosted. 


Teachers should learn that they can either grow or decrease the confidence of the students. They should come up with motivation methods since all students require confidence not only in school but also their future life. 

Practical Implication 

The theory applies most in the school environment where the teachers help develop the industrial characteristics in students. They support positive development by correcting them where they go wrong and showing the children the right approach. 

Articles 3 

Darling, K. (2016, March 08). Early childhood social and emotional development: Advancing the field of measurement. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0193397316300053 


Measuring the social and emotional development of children is necessary since it helps determine the areas they require support. It determines whether a child is ready for school readiness and the way the competencies affect the overall development of the child to adolescent. 

Purpose of the article 

The article helps establish how the social and emotional experience development affects the lives of children. The essential aspects such as emotional, social factors establish whether a child will develop competence and self-confidence required in school and other school aspects. 

Methods used 

Secondary data has been used on a previously conducted project on the trends of children and Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. 


It was established that social-emotional development of a child starts at birth but develops mostly when they are in school. It establishes if a child is ready to join the school and how they relate with other students. When the child has social and emotional problems, they experience issues at school such as making friends. 


Emotional and social development of a child is promoted from birth. The child forms a bond with the mother and later with the caregiver. If the child does not develop social skills during that age, it can be promoted when they join the kindergarten. Teachers should thus support the social and emotional development of children. 

Practical Implication 

The information can be used by the policymakers in establishing programs that should be developed in meeting the development of children. The programs can be made in collaboration with teachers who are aware of the emotional and social needs of the children. The programs will be used in developing a positive self-concept such as developing cooperation, self-control, knowledge of families and positive self-concept. 

Articles 4 

Friesen, M. D., & Besley, S. C. (2013). Teacher identity development in the first year of teacher education: A developmental and social psychological perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 36, 23-32. 


Teachers play a large role in the development of identity in students. Depending on the orientation a student is given as they join schools determines the development and social perspective the student will take. Students learn from the teachers, and the identity the teachers establish affects the development of the students. 

Purpose of the article 

The article establishes the methods in which an educator can develop their identity. The identity is developed in the first year of education, and it is necessary for determining how to handle students. The identity of the teacher allows them to control various covariates such as the development of their students. 

Methods used 

A survey was conducted to chosen teacher participants who were in their first year of education. The measures that were being taken were establishing how personal identity can be developed, how the identity of the teacher affects the identity of the student, generativity and control variables. 


When an educator have established their teaching and personal identity, it is easy to help a student develop self-confidence. The teacher is aware of the learning environment and what the student can do to excel and what they should avoid. The effort the educator put will be reflected in their later life. 


When the teachers learn of their strong points, they should use it to assist students in establishing their identity. When the students are struggling, they should be shown support, which is necessary for developing confidence. 

Practical Implication 

The results of the study can be applied in the school environment. During the first year of study, the teachers should establish their identity by learning where they can perform best. They can take subjects they excel at and in that way, they can assist students best. It will help develop confidence and trust according to the psychosocial development theory. 

Articles 5 

Nansel, T. R. (2001, April 25). Bullying Behaviors Among US Youth. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/193774 


Bullying is one of the forms of violence that is not addressed and most prevalent in most schools. There are different psychosocial adjustment indicators such as parenting, school adjustment, problem behavior and emotional/social adjustment which are responsible for bullying. Bullying results in the development of trust issues and the children develop with fear. 

Purpose of the article 

The article is meant to establish the factors that support bullying among the Youth in the United States. The psychosocial adjustment methods such as the way parents contribute to the bullying of their children will be determined. The social and emotional adjustments of children, such as fear of the way they appear especially at adolescent results in bullying. 

Methods used 

A representative sample of 15686 students who were in grade six in ten different private and public schools in America was used. The students had completed a School-aged children survey in 1998 as provided by the World Health Organization. The students were to establish factors that led to being bullied or bullying others. 


The study indicates that boys were likely to be involved in bullying than the girls. Mostly bullying took place from 6th to 8th grade more than the students in grade nine and ten. The victims of bullying indicated poorer psychosocial adjustment. 


Parents should establish the part they play in promoting bullying. There are parents who do not support their children in anything and even discourage them, making them feel inferior. Trust and self-confidence should be promoted from home. A child should be supported from a young age, and they will not face bullying in school. 

Practical Implication 

The results of the study can be applied in a school environment. The educators are aware of the classes they should monitor most so that they can stop bullying instances. The teachers and parents should participate in determining the factors responsible for bullying and addressing them. 

Articles 6 

McLeod, S. (2018). Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html 


Erickson developed the psychosocial development theory. Erickson indicated that the personality of an individual develops in a predetermined order and it is constructed upon the previous stage, a principle known as an epigenetic principle. The stages which an individual passes through are faced with a psychosocial crisis and it could either have positive or adverse effects. 

Purpose of the article 

The article establishes the theories that explain development an individual has psychological needs which in most cases may conflict with the society needs. The article analyzes the different stages as discussed by Erickson and how they can create conflict as well as the positive and adverse effects. 

Methods used 

Secondary research is done on expanding the psychosocial development theory by Erick Erickson. The eight stages have been discussed deeply and the conflict which exists between an individual and the social surrounding. The factors which promote the negative and positive outcome have also been indicated. 


It was found out that throughout the eight stages, there is a positive and negative effect and basic virtue guiding each stage. The virtues which guide children from birth to the age of eighteen, the school ages are hope, will, purpose competency and fidelity. If a child is brought up in the right way, she can develop all the indicated values which help in their future life. 


Teachers should be aware of the different stages in psychosocial development. They are necessary when helping the children in school in developing a sense of purpose and confidence. When the students are not supported or shown love and care, they develop mistrust, shame, guilt, inferiority and confusion in the role they should take. 

Practical Implication 

The first five stages of development can be applied at home and school environment. The parents should understand that they are responsible for establishing trust with their children from birth. When the teachers take over at preschool, they should continue to promote positive growth. 

Articles 7 

Witt, W. P. (2003, July 01). Childhood Functional Status, Family Stressors, and Psychosocial Adjustment Among School-aged Children With Disabilities in the United States. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/481369 


Children with special needs require specific care. Research indicates that these children have higher rates of psychological morbidity as well as family members. It is necessary to concentrate on the quality of the life of children with special needs on the psychosocial and role functioning on aspects such as productivity, emotional state, independence and relations with others. 

Purpose of the article 

The article shows that even children with disabilities or chronic illness pass through the psychosocial development stages and require assistance to improve the quality of their lives. Studies indicate that children with disabilities have increased risks of behavioral and emotional morbidity which should be understood so that they can receive help. 

Methods used 

Data collected between 1994 and 1995 in the National Health Interview Surveys and Disability Supplement was used. It was meant to examine the family stressors, the functional status of children and psychosocial adjustments in school for the students with disabilities. 


Regression analysis was conducted, and it indicated that the functional impairment of children in learning or communication, mental health, poverty and family burden are associated with the psychosocial adjustments of children with disability issues. 


Parents should learn the psychosocial needs of their children, especially those with a disability from a young age. They should help develop trust and support their children throughout their life. The teachers in schools should also support the children so that they can excel in both social and academic life. 

Practical Implication 

In the learning environment, the teachers should understand the specific needs of the children with disabilities. It will help when making the lesson plans, such as methods of creating an interactive environment, where the students can learn to interact with each other. 


Anthony, M. (2018). Social Development in 3-5 Year Olds. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://www.scholastic.com/parents/family-life/social-emotional-learning/development-milestones/social-development-3-5-year-olds.html 

Cherry, K., & Gans, S. (2018, October 10). Industry vs. Inferiority in Psychosocial Development. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://www.verywellmind.com/industry-versus-inferiority-2795736 

Darling, K. (2016, March 08). Early childhood social and emotional development: Advancing the field of measurement. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0193397316300053 

Friesen, M. D., & Besley, S. C. (2013). Teacher identity development in the first year of teacher education: A developmental and social psychological perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 36, 23-32. 

Nansel, T. R. (2001, April 25). Bullying Behaviors Among US Youth. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/193774 

McLeod, S. (2018). Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html 

Witt, W. P. (2003, July 01). Childhood Functional Status, Family Stressors, and Psychosocial Adjustment Among School-aged Children With Disabilities in the United States. Retrieved November 11, 2018, from https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/481369 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory in the classroom.


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