29 Aug 2022


Everyday Psychology: How to Use Psychology in Your Everyday Life

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 286

Pages: 1

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Many people think of mental health when they think about psychology, but it goes far beyond that. In fact, various approaches of real life experiences are what make up the huge percentage of psychology. From reading Chapter 1 and thinking of how it relates to something in everyday life, numerous options present. However, the discussion in this paper will major on intuition since it relates to my own life and it is something that I have observed. It will also explain how the chapter material applies to the topic. 

From life experiences, I have often found that there are numerous spontaneous decisions that I make. As highlighted in chapter1, I find myself applying intuition in making decisions without making an approach based on reflective problem solving. For instance, I find myself spontaneously making simple decisions such as choice of shopping place, use of public transport and so on. In fact, I rarely take time to consider such decisions which is in accord with chapter 1 which states that “we just follow our intuition, our fast, automatic, unreasoned feelings and thoughts”. In trusting an individual, I find that no reflective thinking comes up. This has at times implicated negatively on me where at one time, I easily trusted a con man who took some considerable money from me. Since I remember his appearance, I often find it hard to socialize with individuals resembling his appearance as it reminds me of the conman. This is in line with chapter1 that judgment can be distorted regarding other people due to vividness of recent events. 

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In conclusion, as discussed above, intuition applies to everyday life and is somewhat uncontrollable. The dangers of following the dictates of intuition are many but somehow, it is impossible to overcome it. I therefore agree with chapter 1 that “Three phenomena—hindsight bias, judgmental overconfidence, and our tendency to perceive patterns in random events—illustrate why we cannot rely solely on intuition and common sense”. 


Psychology chapter 1. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Everyday Psychology: How to Use Psychology in Your Everyday Life.


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