21 Jun 2022


Family and Child Welfare and Social Work

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Kenya is a beautiful country that attracts millions of tourists and is famous for its world-class coffee. However, within the beautiful country lies a dark secret regarding the welfare of the country’s children. Kenya has a rapidly growing population which means that there is a large number of children at any moment in time. With the current population approaching being above 40 million, there are almost ten million Kenyans who fall under the age of minority, which under Kenyan law is 18 years. Based on my research, this segment of the population faces a number of vagaries that affect them physically, socially, and emotionally. Poverty is a major problem for the children, more so, because it is the relatively poor families that have the highest fertility rates. Such children are forced to face issues such as hunger, physical and sexual abuse, and child labor. There are also cultural issues such as female genital mutilation and child marriage. It is, however, the interaction between juvenile offenders and law enforcement that form the primary focus of the envisaged project. Criminal liability for juveniles in Kenya falls under the Children’s Act which inter alia sets the age of criminal liability at 8 years.

Children as young as 8 years old can be dragged to court, indicted, prosecuted and if found to be delinquent, institutionalized. Available research shows that as many as 2,767 juveniles are currently institutionalized in Kenya (UNICEF, 2015). The envisaged project seeks to alleviate the plight of these juveniles through inter alia seeking to have the age of criminal liability lifted to 12 years, seeking to improve the juvenile justice process, and seeking to prevent the institutionalization of juvenile delinquents by providing an option for family-based care centers. The instant paper presents a particularized plan for how the innovative ideas presented above are to be realized in the course of approximately the next five years. With Kenya being a Democratic country, the change process will require a change in legislation focusing on the amendment of the Children’s Act.

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According to UNICEF, children's protection plays an essential role in their survival, wellbeing, and health. Unfortunately, millions of children are abused, exploited, and have remained to be victims of violence. On daily basis, children are forced to work as prostitutes, on farms, as casual workers, and on the streets. The basic reason of selecting this topic for social work practice is because regardless of the measures which have been put in place by both states’ government and international organization for the protection of children, abuse, exploitation, and violence, disgraceful as they are, usually are still occurring in private.

Understanding and Describing the Community 

In achieving the purpose of this paper, the topic will focus on the UNICEF report of the research conducted in some part of Africa and specifically Kenya. This part of Africa has been on international news highlights for the cases of children violation. Kenya is a country with a population of about 45 million of whom 42 percent are under the age of 14 years. This country has continued to be plagued by frequent internal conflicts, vulnerability to insecurity and terrorism, and climatic risks. This has come along with gender insecurity and harmful social norms and thus, threatening the country's progress. Further, this has resulted in undermining the equitable realization of children's rights. Although the government has devolved since 2013, there are not set standards for addressing child rights and children services. Mostly, this compounding problem is due to lack of capacity and awareness to address issues relating to children protection. Based on the finding of the national survey conducted in 2010, some of the major children violence include sexual, physical, and emotional violence. Below are some of the core child protection indicators in Kenya:

Evidence obtained by the UNICEF suggests that the widening income disparities have been the major cause of greater disparities and inequality among Kenya, African population. This was supported by the fact that most of the children in Kenya live within the poorest 40 percent of households in informal urban settlements, counties, and certain regions.

Children Protection Service Gap 

In order to identify the existing gap in children protection in this part of Africa, it is important to analyze some of the existing programs under the National Child Protection Network. Program Strategy 2011-2014 lays out the national plan to strengthen Kenya’s child protection system and to improve the quality and access of services for children at risk of or experiencing abuse, abandonment or separation, neglect or exploitation. These programs include:

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: This program targeting the female children that are forced to undergo traditional genital mutilation where most of the underage children end up dying of excessive breeding. It aimed to promote the abandonment of FGM/C through legislation, public education and outreach programmers, advocacy, media coverage, the empowerment of women and access to reproductive health and other support services.

Human Trafficking: This programmer was launched with the motive of combating human trafficking where children are a major victim. It provided a national approach to address prevention, protection, and prosecution as well as regional cooperation on human trafficking.

Child Labor and Sexual Exploitation: The program aimed at eliminating worst forms of child labor and against exploitation of children.

Identified Gap 

Generally, “statistics or numbers never lie.” Based on the analysis of the existing programs within the children protection framework, there is no strengthened legislative framework with the practical side of the programs. This means that in Kenya, the Bills or Acts that are purported to protection children are inactive or too reluctant. Therefore, there is a need to adopt provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Child and other Optional Protocols within the national legislative framework. Similarly, the government should embark on a holistic review of the Children Act together with international standards to bring in it in line with Constitution . The success of international bodies such as UNICEF in improving children welfare depends on the legal structure laid by the government of the country. Some of the amendment that can be done in the Children Act include:

Age of criminal responsibility to be raised from 8 to 12 years.

Introduction of the diversionary measures for children in conflict with the law.

Strengthening protection for offenders under 18 years of age.

Promoting family-based care for children rather than institutionalization

The identified violation of the Children’s Act in Kenya calls for significant changes that will solve the existing problem. To muster support for clients in regards to this issue, I first consulted with my supervisor about the ethical issue of client confidentiality that I was faced with as I went about seeking support about my project. As a result of this consultation, I obtained guidance about the issue as well as approval from my supervisor as to the strategies that I would implement. To support the self-determination of my clients, I made it a priority not to influence my values on the clients in any matter they were dealing with in their lives. I ensured that I offered different options that had possible results with the intention of assisting my clients to make the best decision that fit them (Lee, Benson, Klein & Franke, 2015).

I also presented my plans and recommendations on a community resource center in Kenya at a time when we had a community meeting. I proceeded to hand out pamphlets that had information on the organization that I represented. I then informed the staff of the different agencies represented in the meeting about the different offers that my agency had and which would benefit the client base. Throughout the week that followed, I emailed several agency collaborators in regards to another meeting that my agency was hosting. I made sure that the emails were professionally presented and had all the necessary information as well as website links that allowed for individuals and agencies to register. When emailing providers, I avoided using the identifying information of clients in my emails. Before sending out an agency flier for an upcoming meeting, I acquired the document accuracy approval of my supervisor.

Because of the issue of poor healthcare of children, I viewed a webinar on practices of parenting with a refugee population whose main impact on clients was the provision of appropriate health care. I also plan to attend a conference on the increase of refugee populations in Kenya with the intention of sharing my findings with the agency staff at the following departmental meeting. During meeting with clients, I use an eco-map and a genogram. I also clarify all the issues that I discuss with clients and reassure them about anything they might be worried about or do not understand. This way, I muster their support about the changes that need to be made on the issue of child rights violation.

I will set up an advisory council to help me with understanding and analyzing the client needs. To establish this task force, I will select some individuals from the different departments of the agency in which I work to ensure that a balance is achieved. I will ensure that I use an agency assessment tool in client meetings after which I process the events with agency staff who are part of the advisory council to interpret the assessment results correctly. Analysis of the assessment results against client needs by the advisory council will help make clear any areas of conflicts of interest. Thus, a hypothesis statement can be created based on the assessment results.

Some of the potential stakeholders that I have identified as being important for the success of my project proposal are hospitals, churches, law structures like courts, non-governmental organizations, communities, and the government. Involving local organizations in the provision of services for food assistance, child health care, water, transportation, and housing will help in ensuring that children are treated well and their rights guaranteed (Green, Trott, Willging, Finn, Ehrhart & Aarons, 2016). Arranging case consultation meetings with doctors, nurses, advocates, and lawyers on a weekly basis will ensure that any information about client care and progress are discussed. Setting up an emergency crisis line will help in allowing the community members to share any important information about issues of child welfare. I will ensure that review meetings are organized to allow for the sharing of outcome data and formulation of new policies that will help in solving the problem.

Identify Assets 

Theory Base 

A community asset or resource can be an individual, a physical structure or place, a community service, or a business organization meant to improve the community life quality. Putting the definition to context , a community asset is any resource that can be used to bolster the life and welfare quality of a child within a community (Community Tool Box, 2018). Therefore, in ensuring the quality of the children’s welfare, I will apply the social systems theoretical framework that focuses on the human relationship with their environment, which in a community consists of organizations, other individuals, and amenities that can be referred to as community resources (Forder, 1976). Through this theory, the importance, mandate, and necessary improvements of the existing government structures and organizations relating to child welfare, support, or protection will be specified in the determination of the strengths of the project.


Funding from the project will be solicited from relevant stakeholders including NGOs such as Amnesty International Kenya, African Development and Emergency Organization, and Licasu that all address societal problems that directly and indirectly affect children and their families within the Kenyan community. While most of the funding sources will be donations from organizations above and similar ones, grants will also suffice. The three main grantors for this project are CASA, Ford Foundation, and SIDA.


Mailing Address: 1045 Independence Blvd. Charlotte, MI 48813. Physical Address 1033 Healthcare Drive. Charlotte, MI 48813. Advocate Supervisor: Eric Sweeney, Email: ericsweeney@casaforkidsinc.org and Phone: 517.543.6522.

URL: http://www.casaforkidsinc.org/about-casa.html

CASA for kids is essentially advocates for the rights and interests of neglected and abused children in courts through volunteers. As such, even though the grantor only specific counties in the USA, it will appreciate the efforts of this project in Kenya thus contributing to its fruition.

Ford Foundation 

Contacts: Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice, 320 E 43rd St New York, NY 10017, USA. Phone: (+1) 212-573-5000. URL: https://www.fordfoundation.org/

Ford Foundation focuses on social change in Eastern Africa through empowering the women and youth in the African communities. Thus, this mandate is in tandem with the objective of the project of fostering and promoting family based-care and the grant provided by the organization will help realize this objective.


Contacts of the head office: Valhallavägen 199, 105 25 Stockholm, T- Bana Karlaplan (red line), Bus 72 stop Hakberget and bus 76 stop Filmhuset. Switch: 08-698 50 00. Fax: 08-20 88 64. E-mail: side@sida.se. URL: https://www.sida.se/Svenska/

According to statistics provided UNICEF (2015), a huge proportion of the Kenyan children population resides with the poorest forty percent of households in informal urban settlements, counties, and other areas. In this regard, one of the objectives of the project is to improve the children’s life and welfare through the eradication of poverty. SIDA meets this objective as a grantor whose main work in East Africa, and in particular, Kenya is to eradicate poverty and ensure that the poor individuals will get the opportunity to improve their lives.


Staffing is not necessary as the organization I represent will provide the required personnel to complete the project. Nonetheless, to interlink, avoid language barrier, and ensure competent feedback with the local community, liaising with a local leader or personnel is necessary. Thus, compensation could be required based on the terms of the agreement and the job description of the liaison.

Physical Items 

For the validity of the project, I will be located in the capital of the subject country sharing office space with the population statistics department of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). Since the organization appreciates the research work as the main statistics board of the nation, office equipment such as desks, computers, and other utilities will be provided for . In the case of meetings regarding the project, the conference room of the organization will suffice.


As stated earlier, staffing is not necessary, but a liaison is. The liaison should be a Kenyan and fluent in both the local or national language (Swahili) and international language (English). Besides, the liaison will be an individual in a leadership position with a general understanding of the topic and problem at hand. In essence, the liaison will be a leader in a managerial position at the KNBS.


With a team of ten individuals, the project is set to approximately take between three to five years for the objectives to be fully realized . The rationale is that this is a macro-change program and the aims such as the amendment to raise the criminal responsibility age to 12 years requires legal and legislative processes that could take a long time .

Nothing brings more ecstasy to communities than harmony, love, and understanding amid each other and their neighborhoods. Over the past few decades, there is a compromise on these fundamentals; violence, insecurity, and racism dominate society. Pecora et al., (2017) reviews that the world’s most tragic problem today is the child’s rights violation which calls for the community effort to resolve. This factsheet brings to light the critical cohorts in community power; models of revolution.

The explicit objective of child welfare systems is to deliver family-focused and child-centered amenities to protect children’s privileges (Pecora et al., 2017) . Poverty repudiates youngsters’ their rights; weakening their protective environment. The number one goal of child welfare is to ensure families can afford to purchase childcare to their children. Attaining this requires the availability of child care subsidy resources to diverse families locally and nationally. Families in need of financial assistance to provide necessities to their children should receive support accordingly (Fong, 2017) . The government should ensure that organizations and agencies that help improve the affordability of childcare are financially viable and robust. Increasing limitless funding from well-wishers will go a long way to promote child welfare especially in low-income families.

Safety goal is the second aim of community child welfare system to keep children secure in their homes. Every child has a right to be brought up in an environment free from neglect, exploitation, and abuse. Parents and guardians have a responsibility to adequately meet their children’s mental, educational, emotional, physical and medical needs. According to Pecora et al. (2017) , child protection services should respond quickly to child abuse cases and prevent risk from maltreatment. The agencies have a legal mandate to intervene on behalf of the children make an example out of parents who abuse their kids. Formal assessments, consistent caseworker visits, safety, and risk supervision, helps attain positive well-being outcomes.

To move from child welfare tactic to bring revolution to community child welfare systems the ensuing action strides are significant (Pecora et al., 2017) . The initial action plan is to battle against child labor and human trafficking exclusively of children. The objective of this strategy is to develop the legal framework to safeguard children and fortify community centered child protection schemes. Additionally, designing and instigating community programs to educate individuals on child labor perils. An additional action plan is the abolition of child begging in the streets (Fong, 2017) . The goals of the idea include identifying and reintegrating all kids who plead and live on the streets. Taking measures to certify prevention of child begging at community and national levels helps achieve it.

Social work theories are a set of principles that provide guidelines for social work practice to help achieve solutions to social work challenges. The Systems theory is one of the leading arguments that suggests people living in a particular system are directly involved in resolving problems in that system. Analyzing this theory aids social workers to come up with pertinent goals and objectives essential to cause a change in communities. According to this theory, to assist an individual within a system, one must consider the interrelated parts such as family, organization or society.

Violating children’s rights blights their lives with malnutrition, ill-health, education, and impaired mental and physical development. A healthy community must be ready to make significant and sustained investments in children’s rights to education, health, safety, and nutrition (Fong, 2017) . An effective macro-change process involves reviewing the objectives, goals and action plans and working towards the accomplishment of every single element.

Implement the Plan and Neutralize Opposition 

Theory Base 

The leaders of family and child welfare programs have a key duty of ensuring that the efforts facilitate in the realization of vital outcomes for families together with their children. Whereas numerous things are at stake, it is crucial to focus on practices and initiatives that would work toward meeting the diverse welfare needs of children and their families. Nonetheless, it is crucial to realize that replicating the ideal outcomes needs effective implementation, whereas effective implementation needs the ideal resources (Casey, 2017) . In this sense, to deal with the family and child welfare needs of the Kenyan community, it is crucial to focus on deploying a plan that would help the administrators of welfare agencies in line with their partners to establish, finance, implement, and maintain programs that can facilitate effective delivery of services.

For the implementation plan, it revolves around interviews carried out with the leaders of family and child welfare programs who have followed a similar path and emerged successful in deploying an implementation plan that would address the overall needs of the community members, particularly children and their families in Kenya, which lacks adequate programs for enforcing sustainable service delivery. The target strategies revolve around costs, sources of financing, partnerships, as well as allocation of resources via a lens that target the key family and child welfare needs (Savethechild, 2019) . For the strategies that will be implemented in the implementation plan, they will reflect scenarios of the real-world success of success to ensure that the parties responsible for implementing the plan would have the capacity for deploy the family and child welfare resources that apply in the area of service delivery to the target market segment (Casey, 2017) . In this case, it is essential to realize that devising ideal programs would create room for operating them in an effective manner, while the families and their children would realize increased benefits.

Implementation Plan 

Regarding this section, it revolves around four key implementation stages while at the same time deploying an implementation mechanism that will assist the administrators in the area of family and child welfare to focus on the costs together with the resources that they will require during each phase (Casey, 2017) . The four key stages will comprise of the following:


For this phase, the administrators will focus on identifying evidence-based programs by assessing the areas that characterize the needs of the community to ensure that the programs together with the prevailing resources match the needs of the society.


This stage will entail developing the resources required to make sure that they are adequately prepared for deployment in the area of family and child welfare programs.


During the implementation stage, the staff and practitioners will integrate the skills, knowledge, procedures, and practices that they have learned in to ensuring that they deliver effective services to the family and children within the community.


On the area of sustainability, the staff and the practitioners will ensure to offer high-quality services of a routine basis. They will ensure that the new program will target serving as the means through which the organization undertakes its activities.

For the initial three stages, it is crucial to note that they mostly revolve around the area of exploration. They emphasize on identifying and studying models that are based on evidence to ensure that they match the needs of the target population. In the event of stages four to six, they revolve around installation as well as implementation phases (Casey, 2017) . For these approaches, they emphasize on aligning the resources of the staff and their practices to back the initiation of the support programs while at the same time leveraging on relationships with the providers of the services to ensure that the program is delivered in an efficient manner.

When it comes to the final approaches, including seven and eight, they mostly revolve around the stage of sustainability (Savethechild, 2019) . For these approaches, they require documenting for savings in costs while at the same time targeting ensuring that each involved individuals from the developers of the program to agency staff gain increased understanding of the roles that they need to play when it comes to monitoring, improving quality, and monitoring the success of the program.

Communication with Decision Makers 

To ensure the success of the family and child welfare program, it is crucial to devise effective means of communicating with the involved stakeholders. Communication plays an essential role when it comes to ensuring that parties working with a certain program are capable of undertaking the program in an efficient manner while realizing the different goals of the program. Therefore, when implementing the family and child welfare program, it would be crucial to ensure to communicate with the different stakeholders involved in order to facilitate in the realization of the goals of the program (Savethechild, 2019) . Poor communication among the involved stakeholders would lead to the collapse of the plan, which would mean that the needs of the targeted population are not adequately.

Plan to Neutralize Opposition 

When devising a plan to implement within an organization, it is probable to come across opposition from the different stakeholders involved within the organization. The kind of opposition that emerges would hinder the realization of the goals of the program. In this perspective, therefore, it would be crucial to hold meetings with the different stakeholders while convincing them about the importance of the program (Savethechild, 2019) . Making sure that the stakeholders agree on the issue would ensure that it gathers support while at the same time contributing to its efficacy once implemented.

Evaluating Progress 

The success of the social work initiative that will be undertaken is contingent on the feedbacks that will be used to determine fault lines that need to be filled and bridges that require gapping. A critical theory base for feedback system is the systems theory. Systems theory enables the professionals to evaluate the internal and external dynamics that are affecting the operations and activities of an organization while pursuing a specific program ( Posavac, 2015 ). In this case, the program is affected by micro and macro factors. A combination of the two levels of factors determines the sustainability and viability of the program. As such, it is essential to harmonize the factors in attaining a common ground where prevailing issues have a robust system of analysis with the aim of formulating proactive mitigation measures and resolutions. The systems theory requires a direct connection between the person and the immediate environment ( Carpenter, 2011 ). All impediments that can hamper the progress of the system must be removed . Furthermore, the program must be insulated from destructive and negative internal and external politics.

The process of monitoring outcome aims at affirming the project being undertaken is achieving the expected results. The first method that will be used to evaluate outcomes is through a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a broad concept that must be narrowed down to observation and testimonials. As the key individual running the project, I have keen observational skills that are vital in determining whether the daily activities of the organization are running smoothly. Through observation, the performance of the employees would be determined ( Posavac, 2015 ). For example, the time employees report for work identifies if they will finish the assigned task within the given timeline. In this regard, employees’ relation plays a vital role in determining how they work. Observing the communication and interaction skills enables a precise determination of the kind of internal relationship that is created and fostered in the agency ( Carpenter, 2011 ). An agency where employees are co-existing peacefully is likely to increase its productivity and efficiency . On the other hand, testimonials would work at the macro level. Testimonial shows how the target groups and other stakeholders feel about the program. Positive testimonials from different people is an indication that the program has a renowned reputation and should continue.

Another dimension of the program is evaluated using financial reports. A donation from other development partners supports the activities . It is essential that the financial management of the organization should be prudent and above board. An organization that fails to manage its financial aspect will likely fail in the long run ( Carpenter, 2011 ). As such, the accounting books will be evaluated every week to determine how the limited finances of the organization are put into use. Again, the financial input will be measured against the outcomes. In this process, data collection methods are necessary. The primary data collection methods will be through surveys and questionnaires. As the project touches of many people in the community, a sample of the population will be identified and the surveys and questionnaires administered. Emphasis will be put on the credibility of the results as it aids in making strategies and resolutions for the agency.

The evaluation methods will unearth the weaknesses and strengths of the agencies. Through evaluation, the strengths will be fortified . Conversely, the weaknesses will be solved after an in-depth analysis of the root causes. After the implementation of the changes, an intensive examination will be done to determine if the reforms work ( Carpenter, 2011 ). I will know that the change efforts have worked at it is appropriate to terminate them if the parameters for measuring organizational goal are indicating positive and tangible outcomes.

Closing Summary 

The innovative idea upon which the instant action plan is predicated relates to seeking to improve the lives of Kenyan children through a four-point approach. Each of the four points addresses an area in the lives of Kenyan children that I found to be in dire need of intervention. The first point entails raising the age of criminal liability for children as enshrined in the Children’s Act from 8 to 12 years. The second involves the introduction of diversionary measures for minors who happen to be in conflict with the law. The third entails the expansion of juvenile offenders who include any offender under the age of 18. Finally, there is the prevention of juvenile institutionalization through the promotion of family-based care for such children. The innovative idea is important as it involves the interaction between vulnerable children and the government in which interaction can irrevocably alter the lives of the children involved.

It is important to note that the innovative idea above is only a tip of the iceberg when it comes to the issues facing Kenyan children. Indeed, there are larger and more important issues but based on the scope of the project, they cannot be handled alongside the innovative ideas above. Poverty is a serious problem for Kenyan children living among the 40% of the populace that falls below the line of poverty. Due to the poverty , child labor is a big problem. On the other hand, there are issues such as child marriage and child labor that completely and adversely affect the lives of the children, in most cases, irrevocably. These problems not only require a change in laws but also a re-evaluation of cultural systems hence the need for a grander intervention than the one I am capable of. It is thus incumbent upon people of good will to invest in the transformation of the lives of Kenyan children in the interest of social justice and fundamental rights.


Casey, A. E. (2017). Eight strategies for funding the implementation of child welfare programs. Retrieved from https://www.aecf.org/blog/eight-strategies-for-funding-the-implementation-of-child-welfare-programs/ 

Community Tool Box. (2018). Section 8: Identifying community assets and resources. Retrieved from https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/identify-community-assets/main

Fong, K. (2017). Child welfare involvement and contexts of poverty: The role of parental adversities, social networks, and social services.  Children and youth services review 72 , 5-13. 

Forder, A. (1976). Social work and system theory.  The British Journal of Social Work 6 (1), 23-42. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordjournals.bjsw.a056695

Garbarino, J. (2017).  Children and Families in the Social Environment: Modern Applications of Social Work . New York: Routledge. 

Green, A. E., Trott, E., Willging, C. E., Finn, N. K., Ehrhart, M. G., & Aarons, G. A. (2016). The role of collaborations in sustaining an evidence-based intervention to reduce child neglect . Child Abuse & Neglect , 53, 4-16.

Lee, S. Y., Benson, S. M., Klein, S. M., & Franke, T. M. (2015). Accessing quality early care and education for children in child welfare: Stakeholders' perspectives on barriers and opportunities for interagency collaboration. Children and Youth Services Review, 55, 170-181

Pecora, P., Whittaker, J., Barth, R., Maluccio, A. N., DePanfilis, D., & Plotnick, R. D. (2017).  The child welfare challenge: Policy, practice, and research . Routledge. 

Savethechild. (2019). Our child protection work in Kenya. Retrieved from https://kenya.savethechildren.net/what-we-do/child-protection 

UNICEF (2015). Taking child protection to the next level in Kenya. Retrieved from: https://www.unicef.org/protection/files/Kenya_CP_system_case_study.pdf 

Appendix I

Grant Information

Ford Foundation

Contacts: Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice, 320 E 43rd St New York, NY 10017, USA. Phone: (+1) 212-573-5000. URL: https://www.fordfoundation.org/

Ford Foundation focuses on social change in Eastern Africa through empowering the women and youth in the African communities. Thus, this mandate is in tandem with the objective of the project of fostering and promoting family based-care and the grant provided by the organization will help realize this objective.


Contacts of the head office: Valhallavägen 199, 105 25 Stockholm, T- Bana Karlaplan (red line), Bus 72 stop Hakberget and bus 76 stop Filmhuset. Switch: 08-698 50 00. Fax: 08-20 88 64. E-mail: side@sida.se. URL: https://www.sida.se/Svenska/

Appendix II

Kenya Contact Details

Physical Address: Herufi House

Street Name: Lt Tumbo Lane

Postal Address: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, P.O. Box 30266–00100 GPO NAIROBI.

Telephone: +254-20-3317583 /3317612 /3317623 /3317622 /3317588 /3317586 /3317651

Hotline Numbers: 0701244533, 0735004401

Fax: +254-20-315977

Director General Office

info@knbs.or.ke, directorgeneral@knbs.or.ke

Advocate Firm Particulars


Kaunda St, Queensway Hse, 2nd Flr, Door 6 Nairobi

Appendix III: Laws and Policies Examined

1. CHILDREN ACT. NO. 8 OF 2001. Revised Edition 2018 [2012].

2. THE IMMIGRATION ACT. CHAPTER 172. Revised Edition 2010 (1985)

3. The Nairobi City County Inspectorate Service Act, 2017

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Family and Child Welfare and Social Work.


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