14 May 2022


Family and Community Engagement

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 666

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Family and community engagement (FACE) is a program that integrates the family and the community of children in a bid to improve their performance in school. It also seeks to engage with the families and the community groups as serious partners in education in order help schools improve in their current performances. The paper will focus on the important of FACE in a child’s classroom management and engagement.

It has been proven through research that family engagement in a child's learning has got a six times more influence on their performance than the quality of school which they attend. Simple things are done at home by the family such as ensuring that the children have an early sleep, asking them how they are faring in school, making them understand behavior expectations, etc. boosts a child's learning attitude. This ensures that the teachers at the school have an easy work regarding management and engagement because the learning desire and attitude have already been built from way back home. 

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The parents have got a unique understanding of their children more than any other person. They understand their experiences and their various skills, and thus this can be of great help to teachers who serve as their second parents in school. Whenever a strange or unusual behavior is detected by a teacher on a child, the parents can always be available to give an insight on the possible problem and subsequently the solution (Epstein, 2013).

The FACE has a tremendous impact on the learner. It gives the children the morale to learn to ensure that the teachers at the school are always motivated to teach them even more. The concerns of the children can also be sorted very first if both the teachers and the parents have a hand in it. The children also become happy once they realize that there is somebody who always has their back at home. Furthermore, the children get the urge to learn even more, probably past the age of 16 because of the level of confidence they get from both teachers and parents. 

Family engagement is also beneficial to the school in its entirety in that it leads to a marked improvement in the performance of the learners. The combined effort from both parents is superior to either of them working single-handedly hence the results is a better and all round Learner. With all this in consideration, the school will automatically enjoy a good reputation due to improved performance and discipline.

The community also plays a big role in ensuring proper management and engagement of the learners. The community groups could be in the form of the church, private sectors, and voluntary organizations. The organizations play a big role in ensuring there is a sense of cohesion in school. Some statutory agencies ensure that children with additional learning needs such as the disabled are catered for (Molina, 2013). The support could be in a wide array of things such as monetary or material aid. 

The community is vital in ensuring that the staff in the school are well trained and meet the learning demands of the children at school. The community can also be of great help to the learner and the school in general by providing services that help in this effect. These may include services such as social services, health services, speech and language therapy, etc. The church, which is part of the community, plays an important role in ensuring that the learners are well conversant with matters of religion which will help them build their faith. Through this, the learners will acquire values that will model their character in school ensuring that they are manageable in school (Epstein, 2013).

In conclusion, FACE is a program that ensures that the family and the community become stakeholders in claiming the success of the children learners in school. It therefore, gives the teacher an easier task in school management hence yielding an all-round performance from the learner. It is, therefore, safe to say that such a program is worth borrowing a leaf and the entire world should employ it in ensuring quality in children's education. It further proves that education is not about the quality of a school, but it's about how well it is managed by everyone playing their role. 


Epstein, J. L. (2013). Ready or not? Preparing future educators for school, family, and community partnerships.  Teaching Education 24 (2), 115-118.

Molina, S. C. (2013). Family, school, community engagement, and partnerships: an area of continued inquiry and growth.  Teaching Education 24 (2), 235-238.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Family and Community Engagement.


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