15 May 2022


Gender Discrimination as an Ethical Issue

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 282

Pages: 1

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Ethical Issue

One of the sharp ethical and social problems of my neighborhood is the unfairly different attitudes towards men and women based solely on the sex of people. Residents of my area, mostly the older generation, have traditional views on the roles of women and men in society. They believe that the feminine purpose in the world is the continuation of the race, the care of children and the home, the preparation of food, and the cleaning. My neighbors have not radical views on the issue of women's employment, and they normally react if the woman is employed, while not neglecting her domestic duties. However, when by the age of 30-35 years, a woman is unmarried and has no children, they pity her and condemn a little, because she has not fulfilled her feminine purpose. Moreover, there is the other side of the problem, because many women hide their family life at work because they are afraid of being fired (Tankersley, 2018).

Ethical Theory

For addressing and resolving this issue, the theory of rights has been chosen. From the ethical theory of rights, gender discrimination is the violation of human rights, so it should be stopped in all of its manifestations. One of the primary rights of people, regardless of their gender, is freedom of expression. Accordingly, this theory fights for the free choice of people to choose their life goal. Moreover, women should not be convicted for choosing a working sphere instead of a family one. In the modern world, considerable progress has been made in the struggle for gender equality through the ethical theory of rights, as well as in the fight against gender discrimination. However, some US residents, who have traditional views and an understanding of the life purpose of people, depending on their gender, are used to judge women, who do not live for the consciousness of families and the birth of children.

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Tankersley, J. (2018). How Sexism Follows Women From the Cradle to the Workplace. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/business/sexism-women-birthplace-workplace.html

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Gender Discrimination as an Ethical Issue.


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