10 Nov 2022


Global Overpopulation: The World's Biggest environmental Threat

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Academic level: College

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Words: 397

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Overpopulation is a global environmental problem that we would tackle. Overpopulation is a scenario in which a geographical region has a large number of people and other living organisms beyond its capacity to sustain their living. Indicators of an overpopulated region include environmental degradation, inadequate food supply, inadequate amenities, and overcrowding. Currently, the global population is estimated at 7.6 billion with projections indicating that the population will double before the end of the 21st century (United Nations Population Fund, 2017). The current constraints on resources imply that the world is already overpopulated, thus a direct and indirect cause of other numerous environmental issues. I choose to first tackle overpopulation due to its causative link to other environmental problems. Climate change and global warming, deforestation, extinction of species, and depletion of natural resources all arise due to an overpopulated planet. Greenhouse emissions from human activities have led to global warming and climate change that is threatening the existence of future generations. Efforts to reduce carbon footprint are being globally implemented but continuous increase in population makes these efforts a futile battle. It’s only through the control of a population that emissions will reduce thus tackling global warming and climate change. An increase in population forces humanity to seek more space for agriculture and shelter. This gives rise to deforestation and encroachment into riparian land and water bodies. Deforestation due to overpopulation not only reduces the rate at which carbon IV oxide is consumed via photosynthesis but also results in the extinction of inland and aquatic life. Data from UN-Water indicate that 4 billion people face water scarcity for at least one month per annum (United Nations, 2016). The depletion of vital natural resources such as freshwater is directly linked to increased agricultural activities and industrialization, which are both linked to overpopulation. To curb global overpopulation, I will direct all states and national governments to adopt a mandatory one-child per couple policy. The policy will be backed by an adequate global supply of contraceptives for everyone within the reproductive age. I will actualize the inclusion of concepts on reproduction, overpopulation, and its environmental impact in syllabuses across the globe. This will help in spreading awareness and understanding of the issue. I will enforce laws for free and compulsory education for girls, and outlaw cultures such as early marriages, which often lead to early pregnancies. I will also terminate government policies that give financial support to parents with more than one kid and instead reward women who reach their infertile age with one or no child. 


United Nations Population Fund. (2017, August 29). World population trends | UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund. Retrieved from https://www.unfpa.org/world-population-trends 

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United Nations. (2016). Scarcity | UN-Water. Retrieved from https://www.unwater.org/water-facts/scarcity/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Global Overpopulation: The World's Biggest environmental Threat.


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