23 Jul 2022


Hella India Lighting Company - The Best Lighting Solutions in India

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Changes at Hella India Lighting Company 

Employee’s Welfare Fund 

This strategy involved developing a framework where workers could contribute a certain amount of money based on an individual capability to look into the matters affecting each. Before it could be implemented, the Human Resource department had to convene a meeting with employees to agree on the formula to be followed in actualizing it. Some of the issues they could clarify include the mode of contribution, administrators of the fund, and timeline to be followed. The idea came as a result of observation by the management about some of the problems workers face in their day to day life. Some of them were unable to meet some of the urgent needs which required a huge amount of money. The significance of this project was that many individuals received much-needed assistance during emergencies. This in turn boosted their morale and were able to increase their productivity. 

Fitness and Diet Lunch Program 

As a way of keeping the workers fit, the management came up with a strategy of installing a fitness facility where the employees can exercise. As the company had noted ill-health as one of the reasons for poor performance by employees, it decided to come up with this initiative to allow each to participate and maintain a healthy body (Hella India Lighting Company: Transforming Human Resources, 2019) . This meant that the workers were more active and able to carry out their mandate more efficiently. They set up a gym within the company’s premises where each employee could access more conveniently. The HR department also started providing diet lunch to the workers to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. This ensured that they fell ill less often as they could get the necessary nutrients to fight off disease-causing agents. In turn, the program increased the employees’ productivity at a higher rate. 

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Town Hall Meeting 

This involved organizing a get-together where workers could meet and interact with each other and the management. The event was set outside the plant’s premises and entertainment provided for. The management also requested employees to come along with their families so that they could be acquainted with each other. The platform was used to showcase the cultural aspects of the workers and finally the awarding of each for his/her overall performance. The significance of this intervention is that it helped them to interact and share ideas among themselves which could be useful in their day-to-day work. The HR department also used the platform to recognize and appreciate each worker’s effort and award him/her accordingly. This in turn would motivate others to work hard to be recognized also. 

Reason for Retaining the Workforce 

It was the right decision for the management to retain the workforce for various reasons. First, it would create a strong relationship between the management and the workers. This was very vital as it could keep each employee committed to the goals and objectives of the firm. Secondly, the HR department would be able to identify some of the issues affecting the workforce thus developing solutions faster. This would not be possible where the management keeps acquiring new employees to their firm (Yazinski, 2009) . Failure to do this means that workers will not be productive as required thus the firm failing to meet its targets. The third reason why the company was supposed to retain the workforce was to minimize the costs that may arise from hiring new ones. It can decide some of the issues the employees face internally without incurring any money in hiring new ones. Lastly, retaining the workforce could help the firm preserve some of the best talents and ideas. This means that the firm would not spend on more resources and time in identifying the required skills. 

Common Human Resources Issues in Many Organizations 

Culture Audit 

Culture may include norms, values, and the philosophy a certain organization follows in achieving its goals and objectives. This is a common issue in many organizations as it dictates how the operations of each will be carried out. To determine the effect of culture on a firm, the management needs to carry out an audit regularly. From the one undertaken by Hella India Lighting Company, it was revealed that the system of addressing the workers' grievances was ineffective as it took a lot of time and concentrated much on theory than practice. To fix the problem, the HR department needed to set up a structure with the following characteristics. First, it had to develop a clear timeframe to address each issue presented by each worker. This meant that there was little time wasted while addressing each case. Secondly, the management had the duty of offering practical solutions to some of the problems the workers faced. This meant acting on an issue within the shortest time upon receiving it. 

Workers Rewarding System 

From the investigation carried out by the management, Hella India Lighting Company used an old rewarding system to honor its employees. This involves the top-ranking officials like the Managing Director presenting an award to the best performing workers with no fanfare. It had no spark thus the employee was less motivated to work hard. To make it more colourful, the management needed to organize a bigger gala where they could invite top officials from other organizations to grace the occasion. They could also allow the recipients to come with their families to witness their rewarding. This will encourage many workers to put more effort to be celebrated in such a manner. The HR department can also expand the rewarding system to incorporate more categories. 

HR Concepts from Fundamentals of Human Resource Management by Raymond A. Noe et al. 

Employee Development 

Employee development involves taking the initiative to improve the effectiveness of the workers. The organization undertakes certain strategies meant to increase the productivity of its employees. They may include training, relationship, and formal education for the future. Hella India Lighting Company has taken this initiative of increasing the development of its workers to improve their performance in various aspects. First, the organization decided to look into the inter-personal issues and address them for each worker (Raymond, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, 2017) . The company realized that health was an important factor in increasing the performance of each employee. They set up programs like gyms and the provision of diet food to help them achieve healthy bodies. Secondly, they started organizing meetings outside the company’s premises where workers and their families could meet, interact, and exchange ideas. Lastly, the management has taken the initiative of improving the relationship they have with the workforce. This helps in addressing the issues raised before they could hinder the operations of the firm. However, certain actions need to be taken to make employee development a success. First, Hella India Lighting Company needs to organize training sessions to its employees with a view of equipping them with the appropriate skills. They can use the knowledge acquired to come up with better and efficient ways of carrying out their duties. 

Employee Benefits 

Employee benefits are rewards that an organization offers to its employees in addition to their basic pay. They may include, medical insurance, overtime, retirement benefits, and vacation. The companies use such benefits to improve the performance of workers by safeguarding their interests. For Hella India Lighting Company, they have given their employees various benefits as a way of boosting their morale. The first one involves setting up of a wellness centre where each worker can exercise to keep fit. This ensures that each employee undertakes his or her duties more efficiently. Secondly, the organization holds an annual town hall meeting where employees can come with their families and interact with each other. This creates a special bond that is vital in achieving the company’s objectives. However, there are various strategies the organization can employ in making employee benefits serve its purpose more efficiently. First, Hella India Lighting Company needed to offer its workers a paid leave to give them time to rejuvenate. The fitness facility within the plant’s premises might not be enough motivational factor as one may want free time to bond with the family, relatives, and friends. This erases any thought a worker might have about being misused. Secondly, the company should have offered medical insurance to help its workers to help them access medical services more conveniently whenever sick. Despite this being a requirement in many countries, it also helps in boosting the morale of employees to work towards achieving the set goals and objectives. 

HR Concepts from HBR 


Inclusivity refers to a process of involving various stakeholders in an organization when making major decisions. A company using this strategy is assured of better ideas as the number of people involved is bigger. For, Hella India Lighting Company, the firm has extensively employed inclusivity in several areas of operation. First, the management made it their norm to consult workers concerning different issues affecting the firm (Mathis & Jackson, 2019) . This meant that it could develop better ideas for the benefit of the firm. Secondly, the management involved several people in managing the existing workforce thus making many workers part of the decision-making team. This meant that they could make independent decisions thus reducing the workload of the HR department. 

Employee Commitment 

It is the goal of any organization to make employees get committed to certain goals. This might be a challenge to some businesses especially the large ones as some employees might have different objectives from those of the company. Hella India Lighting Company has devised certain strategies to achieve employee commitment. First, the management set certain goals for every employee to meet for a particular period. This was communicated to various heads of departments who in turn informed specific workers. The second one involves the reward system where the management gave tokens of appreciation to the most performing employees. Initially, the company would organize a simple event where they could give various prizes to those who have performed exemplary. However, this did not achieve the desired outcome and the HR department had to add pomp to it to make it more attractive. The outcome of this concept is to increase the overall performance of the company and a better relationship between the firm and workers. 

HR Biblical Concept- The Sharing Principle 

From the book of Leviticus, 25: 5-7, the bible talks about the master sharing part of his/her unpruned vine with the servants and slaves during the Sabbath. From this perspective, one can see that God recognizes the need to share the success of a business with the workers. Basing this verse with the Hella India Lighting Company case, it is evident that the management needed to develop a plan that will see workers enjoy part of the profits it may have generated. By using this strategy, the management would have achieved certain outcomes easily. First, it would act as a motivation towards achieving particular goals. Workers would desire to get those benefits thus working hard. Also, it can bring teamwork as employees focus on meeting certain targets. 


Hella India Lighting Company: Transforming Human Resources. (2019). IVEY Publishing

Mathis, L. R., & Jackson, H. J. (2019). Human Resource Management : Personnel Human Resource Management. Harvard Business Review

Raymond A Noe, John R Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, P. M. W. (2017). FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 7th EDITION. In Journal of Petrology

Yazinski, S. K. (2009). Strategies for Retaining Employees and Minimizing Turnover. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Hella India Lighting Company - The Best Lighting Solutions in India.


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