18 Aug 2022


Henry Cowell's The Banshee

Format: Other

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 296

Pages: 1

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Composed and premiered in 1925, The Banshee was one of Cowell’s discoveries and new technique. It was a typical representation of sounds emanating from the direct playing of the piano as opposed to pressing of the keys. For the player to know how to produce these sounds, Cowell invented a notation that relies on keyed letters with brief instructions for each technique. Four types of sounds characterize the Banshee . The first is glissando realized by sweeping the finger across wire-wound strings. The second sound is produced by rubbing the finger along the wire, with the palm facing downwards, and fingers extended and pressing down. The third is the zingy sound made by use of a fingernail to rub along the nail length, on one string (F), five strings (J), and five strings using (K). The last sound is the most familiar compared to the rest. It is made by plucking strings with the finger (D) in a descending melodic manner. 

The first and last of the four sounds are imaginable from notation. Furthermore, plucking of the pitches is evident, and the inscription of glissandos is an adaptation from the chord. However, the two others bring a weird sound to the ear. The pitches differ from the ones notated. As a result of the differences, actual sounds of The Banshee can vary between performers and pianos. 

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The Banshee is organized into four sections resulting from the repertoire of sounds. In the first section is a quietness that introduces the glissando and finger rubs. It is followed by the second that becomes louder, adding three fingers and nail rubs. The third grows louder, with multiple fingernails and fingers. The last section becomes quieter, just like the first. A combination of these sections results in the sound of a banshee whose approach is marked by soft wails, intensified cries that eventually subsides, and disappears. Therefore, the name of the piece originates from Cowell’s encounter with the banshee. From the comprehension of that, this piece is a representation of new music resources, whose overall shape and effect are its most critical aspects. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Henry Cowell's The Banshee.


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