14 Jul 2022


Historical context of “Susana and the Elders” by Artemisia Gentileschi

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Blog Writing

Words: 313

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“Susana and the Elders” is a painting done by Artemisia Gentileschi. This is an artwork that was completed in 1610 when she was seventeen years of age and as per the historical context of the art, it is a baroque period art. The work depicts a biblical scene where two voyeuristic old men spy on Susanna while she was bathing. The men were preying on Susanna so that she can have sexual relations with them as they blackmailed her to do so as they threatened to taint her public image as being adulterous (Artemisia Gentileschi Artworks, 2021). While some of the arts during the 16 th century presented this picture in different forms, Artemisia presents the scene as a traumatic event. 

From an observational standpoint, the postures of the men are lascivious and threatening. The way that the figures combine into one covers the painting’s full width as it takes a triangular form or shape. This thus gives the distinct impression that the woman seating under them was being oppressed. similarly, one of the men is whispering in the other man’s ear showcasing that they are either colluding or plotting something against the woman. The victim, who is Sussana, raises her hands in distress and her postures takes a defensive approach towards the men, denoting clearly that the intentions of the men are intrusive and unwarranted. 

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From a technical perspective, the painting does not have a frivolous scenery but in lieu, the three subjects consume the majority of the space on the canvas. A light color scheme consists of colors including sky blue, porcelain, and tan, which are utilized in the majority of the painting. The figures of the men have more shadows and they thus appear darker. Susanna appears to be naked and her figure is showcased clearly as most of the light is concentrated on her to show a contrast between her and the two men. Similarly, the whole scene is contrasted against a light background of a clear sky. 

Question: What typical baroque period characteristic does ‘Susana and the Elders’ art show? 


Artemisia Gentileschi Artworks. (2021). Retrieved 6 May 2021, from https://www.theartstory.org/artist/gentileschi-artemisia/artworks/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Historical context of “Susana and the Elders” by Artemisia Gentileschi.


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