12 Jul 2022


Homeschooling vs. Public Education: The Controversy

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 1622

Pages: 4

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The purpose of the paper is to inform a curious academic audience of peers regarding the controversy surrounding homeschooling vs. public education. Recently, homeschooled kids appear to be emerging “winners.” They have managed to obtain scholarships to exclusive universities in line with receiving numerous recognitions in the learning environment. In this case, owing to the various successes that homeschooled kids appear to be realizing, various questions emerge as to why public schools are meeting the exact needs of children. Just as many other questions surrounding the education of children, this one lacks an easy answer. Thus, the paper aims to allow the audience to consider the different forces worth considering before a choice can be made concerning whether children need to remain at home to learn or whether sending them to regular public schools would be the ideal choice. Evaluating the two systems of schooling would facilitate in determining which one is better for specific children learning needs.

Research Rationale 

Regarding education of children, most parents wish to make the right choice. The three choices available to them comprise of private school, public school, and home school. Most people cannot afford private schools, despite them being better than regular public schools (Courtney, 2018) . Children attend public schools freely, while they can receive appropriate and free education. Public schools are everywhere, which means that children can get access to one, while they also receive transportation (Astle, 2018) . This means that nothing much is worth doing rather than making sure that children arrive at bus stops on time. Children in public schools take part in many extra-curricular activities, including sports, band, and clubs (Chen, 2018) . The kids in public schools engage in significant socialization, which assists them in later years, since they encounter disti9nct kinds of personalities. Nonetheless, attending public schools has various faults. For instance, they target meet the requirements of average students, indicating that children are subject to neglect (Amy, 2018) . For the gifted children, they become bored, whereas the struggling ones remain behind. The sizes of classes are significantly large. Most public schools can assign 20 students to a single teacher at elementary levels while the number rises in middle and high schools at a ratio of 1:30 (Kunzman, 2017) . This indicates that kids face challenges when seeking the assistance they require. 

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Homeschooling serves as another education option that needs consideration, while numerous reasons prevail for adopting it. For instance, kids receive individualized education that parents require. The education offered revolves around the needs of the child, while it targets allowing them realize their weaknesses and overcome their weaknesses. Parents are able to spend sufficient time with their children at home allowing them to connect with their children while they are learning (Lewis, 2017) . For the gifted kids, they are able to work fast, whereas the struggling ones spend sufficient time that allows them to catch up with others. Nonetheless, homeschooling presents certain drawbacks. For instance, the kids lack the company of many children, which affects their socialization. Homeschooling also involves certain costs, such as those attributed to purchasing the required supplies, although they average at approximately $500 annually (Robinson, 2015) . However, it makes it possible to find a curriculum plan that matches the needs of children, while numerous plans exist. Concerning the homeschooling versus public school idea, making the ideal decision is dependent on work works best for children. Not all children are capable of working well in a home environment, while certain parents do not have the time of homeschooling their children (Thomson Jr & Jang, 2016) . As such, the ideal of public schools and homeschooling deserves significant consideration to determine, which one requires more emphasis. 

Research Questions: 

Which learning environment is better between public schools and homeschooling?

What are the ideal ways of improving learning in public schools to eradicate the need for homeschooling?

List of Source Citations and Annotations 

Amy. (2018). Homeschooling vs. public school. Retrieved from http://www.mommyedition.com/homeschooling-vs-public-school

In this article, the writer argues that parents having children who have attained school age face numerous choices on how to ensure their children realize bets education. The author also claims that private schools are significantly expensive, while homeschooling is intimidating, and public schools differ in terms of the quality of education they offer in different locations. This article will be helpful because it affirms the need for researching about schools, which serves as the ideal means of knowing what meets a child’s earning needs. The article will specifically provide more information on why homeschooling has been viewed as an intimidating type instructional setting.

Astle, J. (2018). Do schools really kill creativity? Retrieved from https://www.thersa.org/discover/publications-and-articles/rsa-blogs/2018/04/do-schools-kill-creativity

The author of the article posits that school does not kill creativity, but rather supports the idea that real creativity revolves around knowledge, which relies on the level of literacy. The author supports the idea that schools offer an environment for children to establish literacy, which learning depends on, thus not killing creativity. It offers a foundation for individuals to be properly creative. This article will be helpful in this research since it will offer more insight on which learning environment supports high levels or increased creativity among students.

Chen, G. (2018). Public school vs. homeschooling. Retrieved from https://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/public-school-vs-homeschooling

In this article, the writer states that children receiving home education are emerging as winners in various fields, including receiving scholarships to elite universities and colleges. The writer also points out that this allegations raise questions as to whether regular public schools are ideal for kids, since homeschooling is allowing kids to realize successes. This article is fundamental to this research because it discusses the various forces that need considered by guardians and paarents before determining whether a kid needs to learn at home or go to a public school.

Courtney, J. (2018). Public school vs. homeschool, what are the differences? Retrieved from https://members.classicalconversations.com/public-school-vs-homeschooling.htm

The writer in this article focuses majorly on the differences between public schooling and home schooling. Courtney argues that the public versus homeschool debate has emerged as the major educational question for a large number of families. The public school system is experiencing rejection while many parents are supporting homeschooling. Homeschooling has realized tremendous growth recently, raising questions as to whether it is better than public schools. This article is relevant because it highlights issues related to both public and homeschooling, which are worth consideration by parents or guardians before deciding on which type of instructional environment if favorable for their children.

Kunzman, R. (2017). Homeschooling and religious fundamentalism. international electronic. Journal of Elementary Education, 3 (1), 17-28.

The author of the article focuses the discussion on matters related to homeschooling and surrounding religious ideologies. According to the author, homeschooling offers an ideal educational environment that supports various fundamental principles, such as overcoming the influence of contemporary culture, parental control, family centrality, interweaving of academics, and faith, and suspicion of professional expertise. It thus perceives homeschooling as ideal on matters related to making sure that children receive quality education. This article is relevant since it introduces significant issues related to religion fundamental as they affect homeschooling, and are worth consideration by parents or guardians with school children.

Lewis, M. (2017). Homeschooling vs. public schooling: making the right choice. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/home-schooling-vs-public-schooling-making-the-right_us_57d277c3e4b0f831f7071a82

The article by Lewis (2017) focuses on the differences between public schooling and homeschooling. In the article, Lewis argues that parents need their children to access the best education possible. The three choices available to them comprise of homeschool, public school, and private school. A private school is out of budget, despite being better. Public school is free although it features various faults. Homeschooling offers various benefits, but presents socialization challenges. This article is very crucial since it offers additional insights into the advantages and disadvantages of both homeschooling and public schooling; information which is needed by every parent with a child who needs to be taken to school.

Robinson, K. (2015). How schools kill creativity. Retrieved from https://creativesystemsthinking.wordpress.com/2015/04/26/ken-robinson-how-schools-kill-creativity/

The writer centers the discussion on creativity in schools. The writer also argues that creativity serves a major area that needs adopting in education in the same manner as literacy. However, schools kill creativity when they fail to focus on the unique strengths of students aside from studies. This article is relevance since it focuses on creativity with regard to homeschooling and attending public schools, emphasizing on literacy which, leads children to areas that do not interest them, hence disregarding their creativity, which would have allowed them to progress in life.

Thomson Jr., R. A., & Jang, S. J. (2016). Homeschool and underage drinking: Is it more protective than public and private schools. Deviant Behavior, 37 (3), 281-301.

The article discusses the idea of underage drinking while comparing homeschoolers with those pursuing their studies in private and public schools. Thomson and Jang stipulate that homeschoolers are not subject to intense peer influence as it is the case with those in public schools. As such, it offers evidence that the chances of homeschooled children drinking alcohol are less than in the case of those attending private and public schools. Thus, their chances of excelling in school are higher. This article is relevant to this research since it points out several factors that can be considered for public schooling. Such factors are particularly crucial for guardians who need to know more about public schooling before allowing the children to be admitted in such schooling environments.

Topic Exploration Statement 

From the topic, I have noted that many debates prevail regarding which education system is superior between public education and homeschooling. Some argue that homeschooling offers children opportunities for concentrating on their strengths while at the same time overcoming any weaknesses they might have. However, children suffer from the problem of socialization because they do not interact with other peers. Concerning public education, I have noted that it is attributed to various drawbacks, particularly since the needs of students are not adequately met. However, the education system serves as an ideal platform for children to grow socially as well as learn ways of interacting with other individuals in the real world since they encounter different kinds of personalities in their education endeavors.

An additional issue that I have witnessed in the topic revolves around the role that education plays in creativity. Whereas certain individuals argue that school kills creativity, others argue that learning is essential in that it serves as a foundation for knowledge, which improves the creativity of an individual. In my case, I believe that learning institutions should offer children opportunities for utilizing their creativity in their learning endeavors to make sure that learning institutions are not accused of killing creativity among students. Nonetheless, regarding the issue of homeschooling and public schools, I believe that additional research needs carrying out on the specific strengths and weaknesses of each mode of learning. In doing so, it would be possible to identify the attributes that the two systems can share to make sure that realize best learning outcomes irrespective of the system of learning that they adopt.


Amy. (2018). Homeschooling vs public school. Retrieved from http://www.mommyedition.com/homeschooling-vs-public-school

Astle, J. (2018). Do schools really kill creativity. Retrieved from https://www.thersa.org/discover/publications-and-articles/rsa-blogs/2018/04/do-schools-kill-creativity

Chen, G. (2018). Public school vs. homeschooling. Retrieved from https://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/public-school-vs-homeschooling

Courtney, J. (2018). Public school vs. homeschool, what are the differences? Retrieved from https://members.classicalconversations.com/public-school-vs-homeschooling.htm

Kunzman, R. (2017). Homeschooling and religious fundamentalism. international electronic. Journal of Elementary Education, 3 (1), 17-28.

Lewis, M. (2017). Homeschooling vs. public schooling: making the right choice. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/home-schooling-vs-public-schooling-making-the-right_us_57d277c3e4b0f831f7071a82

Robinson, K. (2015). How schools kill creativity. Retrieved from https://creativesystemsthinking.wordpress.com/2015/04/26/ken-robinson-how-schools-kill-creativity/

Thomson Jr, R. A., & Jang, S. J. (2016). Homeschool and underage drinking: Is it more protective than public and private schools. Deviant Behavior, 37 (3), 281-301.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Homeschooling vs. Public Education: The Controversy.


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