According to personality theory, the personality of individuals is considered as fixed starting birth. In my case, I agree with the idea that personality is unchangeable. Here, even while websites and self-help books provide people with plans they can follow to allow them change their behaviors and habits, the prevailing belief is that the underlying personalities of individuals are unchangeable. Even when it comes to contemporary psychologists, they agree that overall personality is usually fixed in the entire life of a person. For instance, a considerable number of individuals have tried to change their personality. Shy individuals might wish to be more talkative and outgoing whereas the hot-tempered individuals might anticipate to ensure that they remain cool when they find their emotions as highly charged. Nevertheless, most of these individuals find themselves still exercising the same traits.
During various points of my life, I have come across instances whereby I have anticipated to alter various aspects of my personality. For instance, I have set goals toward addressing some of the problematic traits in personality. I have often set resolutions for the New Year, such as being a more kind, generous, outgoing, or patient. However, I end up forgetting the plans I set or experience challenges in doing so. In my perspective, therefore, I do not believe that my personality will be different 10 years from now. The reason for this is that despite the measures I implement to change various aspects of my personality, I usually find myself doing the same things I used to do in the past. In the event of the answer to this question, I believe that it matters to organizations. Various organizations look for people with diverse personality traits during their hiring processes. The traits assist institutions in determining whether individuals would make tremendous contributions to organizations.
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