27 Nov 2022


How to Create a Genogram

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Academic level: College

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A genogram is commonly applied in psychology to map family relationship and to deduce the ways through which certain family health related issues are passed from one generation to another (Ruffin et al, 2011). For me, the creation of a genogram was fascinating because I came to discover certain things that I did not understand with respect to how the represented family managed the associated health condition. The development of this family genogram has, therefore, changed my perception of addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts. 

I now understand that in every generation, the families often pass a particular aspect of their condition to their close kin, and this can either be a positive or a negative trait (de Chesnay et al, 2011). While developing the genogram, it came out clearly that addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts exist among males in the family and this majorly stemmed from the paternal side in that even the great-grandfather struggled with these same conditions. This changed my perception of these condition in that; I came to learn that they are passed down from great family members and are not necessarily a matter of personal preferences. This understanding will help me relate more positively with those suffering from similar conditions since I now understand that it is not their making but rather, they were unfortunate to inherit the same from previous generations within their family lines. According to de Chesnay et al, (2011), the genogram is the most important structure when examining these patterns because I have been able to focus on the conditions identified within a family and how it has been passed down to certain family members. Further, it has played a critical role because, it has helped to bring my family strength and weaknesses into my realization. It, therefore, sets a primary foundation that’s important for nurturing generational strengths while at the same time overcoming potential weaknesses. 

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Upon reviewing the genogram of family history, I discovered various shared characteristics related to addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts which had been passed down to the present generation from the great parents. I came to understand that certain medical issues and disorders as indicated above are often due to nature and biology and thus, a parent might pass them to their children (de Chesnay et al, 2011). Addiction, Codependence, emotional issues, and compulsive acts are nurtured given a particular environment and will are passed down on a generational basis. 

The characteristic pattern of this family is interesting as indicated in the genogram, such that it cuts through generations and is manifested across specific sides (Ruffin et al, 2011). It is clear that those characteristics that are believed to be naturalistic are highly unpredictable, but on the other hand, those that are characterized by the nurturing influences of the environment are believed to be significantly predictable and also, are dispersed. It is worth noting that natural and nurtured characteristics become less predictable particularly as the family expands. 

The special features that exist in the family as indicated in this family genogram, and which I have come to understand are as a result of nature, include compulsive and addiction acts. Addiction, Codependence, emotional issues, and compulsive acts predominate the paternalside of the family whereby Kaleb and his son suffer similar conditions. This implies that initially, it is Kaleb who had the traits for this condition, and then passed them down to his son Laban, who in this case can be said to be a carrier. As such, he can transfer the same to the male family members of his generation. On the maternal side of the family, none of the grandparents has had any of these conditions. However, it happens that one of their offspring, Peter, has the condition hence can pass the same to one of the male children amongst his family members in a given generation to come. 

From my family genogram, I now understand that some of my relatives have in the past struggled with addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts and also have passed the same down to the coming generations. This has been possible because the genogram has gathered in-depth, dated information relating to the family members hence has clearly brought out the family history (de Chesnay et al, 2011). Therefore, it is evident through this that Kaleb, Laban and Peter have had these conditions and that these were part of the long-term family struggle. I can now use the information and dates provided to determine what exactly was done to manage the condition. Consequently, I can also use the same information to manage and deal with addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts as at present. 

I can now say clearly that addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts are all hereditary. Therefore, they will run through the generation and some of the male family members will carry the condition which they’ll pass on to their children. The information from the family genogram has thus, provided me with a considerable level of comfort and further, with the willingness to face addiction and emotional instability from the perspective of being the first member of the family to have overcome addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts (de Chesnay et al, 2011). 

In conclusion, it has been established that addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts are all hereditary and can thus be passed down from one generation to another. Focusing on this family genogram, it is evident that it only affects the male children and can only be transferred to the males within this family across the generations. I am now more capable of handling any members identified with these conditions, more specifically those ones that might be willing to share their personal stories which will in turn, contribute to my personal growth. Using, this genogram, a male patient struggling with addiction, codependency, emotional issues, and compulsive acts can be helped in that suitable treatment can be prescribed based on the family history. 


de Chesnay, M., Walsh, L. M., Sezekes, L., Kronawitter, V., Cox, K., Young, S. S., & Payne, H. (2011). Life Histories: Affluent Adolescents and Substance Abuse. Caring for the Vulnerable , 257. 

Ruffin, M. T., Nease, D. E., Sen, A., Pace, W. D., Wang, C., Acheson, L. S., ... & Family History Impact Trial (fhitr) Group. (2011). Effect of preventive messages tailored to family history on health behaviors: the Family Healthware Impact Trial. The Annals of Family Medicine , 9 (1), 3-11. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Create a Genogram.


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