25 Aug 2022


How to Create a Strategic HR Plan

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Academic level: Master’s

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Welcome to the 2018/2019 Human Resources Strategic Plan for XYZ Media. A Human Resource Plan avails a framework that guides the application of all elements of an organization’s human resource practices. It spots a long-term vision, supporting success factors, as well as the immediate priorities required to attain the business goals. The purpose of this plan is to help XYZ Media to systematically improve on how it manages its employees as well as address its most crucial issues. It avails a long-term strategy for managing and directing human resources that are aligned to the XYZ media corporate goals. Additionally, the creation of this plan sends an important message to employees that XYZ media values its workforce and is committed to becoming an employer of choice. 

This Human Resource Strategic Plan comprises of both human resource elements and organizational elements because human resource issues involve both areas. The human resource elements need to be in alignment with the organizational elements and vice versa. Additionally, the plan also identifies the essential success factors as well as organizational enablers that are needed to back up and sustain initiatives in the end. The plan defines what needs to be done to ensure a positive impact on the effectiveness of people and the organization. The media industry is becoming very competitive, hence the need to have an equally competitive workforce. It is not only about hiring a competitive workforce, but also providing favorable conditions that help retain the skilled workforce. 

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About XYZ Media 

XYZ is a media company that started operations in 2010. The company comprises of two radio stations, a newspaper printing division, as well as a television station. The workforce is diverse, ranging from news presenters, editors, supervisors, as well as the technical support. The most fundamental function of the company is to relay crucial information to the public. Compared to other media houses that have been in existence for a long time, XYZ still has some steps to cover to gain a competitive edge in the media industry. The media companies that have been in the field for a long time are popular among members of the public. However, XYZ has been growing steadily, with recent reports indicating that it is the fastest growing media company in the country. These are positive indicators, which show that XYZ has the potential of becoming the leading media company in the country. 

Human Resource Vision 

To be the most effective and reliable function of the company.

Human resources role statement 

The role of human resources is to impart knowledge, counsel and support services to help XYZ media attract, develop, and keep a workforce that is talented, and diverse. 

Human Resources Guiding Principles 

 We collaborate and share ideas to provide consistent and seamless customer service 

 We are accountable and promote ethics by using our resources in an efficient and effective manner 

 We advocate and demonstrate value added personal and professional development 

 We embrace and uphold an environment that is inclusive where everybody is treated with respect and fairness 

 We nurture relationships that are built on trust by providing customer resolutions, which are consistent and that inspire confidence and credibility 

 We encourage creativity and innovation through an open exchange of ideas, responsible risk-taking, and progressive thinking

Workforce Demographics 

Since human resource management involves management of people, it is vital to understand the composition of XYZ media workforce. XYZ comprises of a multigenerational workforce from diverse backgrounds who are talented and dedicated professionals. By the end of 2017, XYZ had a workforce of over 1, 000 full and part-time employees. The number comprises of both the professional and technical staff. From the 2017 demographics, there was a balance in both the genders, meaning that the number of the male and female employees was approximately at 50-50. The employees are sought from different nations, hence the diverse racial composition. 


XYZ media relies heavily on the input of the particular employees to attain its objectives. Being a media company, the appearance, presentation, and performance of the broadcasters or presenters contribute immensely to the development of the brand. Although XYZ media uses technology in its key operations, the intellectual resource is needed to direct the operations. It is therefore essential that people are managed and guided properly to give positive outcomes. 

Talent acquisition 

Xyz media realizes that it has to source the best talent to compete favorably with other media stations. There is a severe need for computer experts in particular. Xyz recognizes that the US is currently experiencing a shortage of individuals with the requisite skills to fill positions being created by the private sector. In all the industry verticals, there is demand for skilled talent, but there are not enough qualified candidates to fill the demand. For instance, a recent survey forecasted that the US economy would create as many as 120, 000 new computing jobs annually that require a bachelor’s degree between 2010 and 2020. Nevertheless, the US higher education system is only creating 40, 000 bachelor’s degrees in computer science per year. Looking at such statistics, XYZ media must position itself favorably to attract the best talent. Since competition is so stiff, to hire the best few available skilled workforces, the company must use aggressive strategies to influence the best individuals. 

The first method that XYZ media will use to hire the best talent is gamification. Gamification is defined as the process of including games or game-like elements to something to encourage participation (Bryson, 2018). This strategy aims to challenge the participants in a recruitment exercise by using trivia, contests, and surveys. When the participants take part in the contests, they demonstrate their knowledge in the particular field. For example, if the company intends to hire programmers, it would embed job openings using a particular programming language. A code would be hidden whereby the applicants would be needed to find it in return for incentives. The participants would then compete to uncover the hidden code. In the process, the applicants would demonstrate their skill through healthy competition. Such an approach would not only ensure that the company gets competent personnel but would also make them develop a positive attitude towards XYZ Company. 

Because of the stiff competition in the media industry, the other best approach would be to identify skilled individuals while they are still in class. Xyz is determined to spot students with raw talent and nurture them. Xyz media will offer internships to exceptional students so that they are equipped with the skills that are needed in the media industry. The students on internship will also be paid in an attempt to woe them to work with xyz after they are done with their studies. Xyz media will also strive to follow the 2014 Glassdoor survey findings to appeal to diverse candidates (Lampikoski et al., 2014). The survey established that 67 percent of both active and passive job seekers retort that it is important for the potential employer to prioritize a diverse workforce. Diversity does not only refer to different racial backgrounds but also age, ability, and gender diversity. Xyz will demonstrate this diversity by showing real images of the diverse composition of its current employees. 

Employee engagement and retention 

Xyz media will improve the working environment of all the departments. People working in the media industry need an environment that fosters creativity and comfort (Balakrishnan, Masthan & Chandra, 2013). The human resource department will ensure that the environment is safe. In addition, the department will train those individuals in the supervisory capacities on the best way of handling the junior staff. It will be a way of boosting the communication process within the company. Any bureaucracies that exist within the company will be reduced if not eliminated. Any employee will have the opportunity to interact with anyone in top leadership. Therefore, the company will adopt a democratic leadership style which will enable any member of the workforce to present his or her views freely. Additionally, the company will create an online platform to allow those employees who may fear to raise some concerns in public for fear of being victimized. The platform will be designed in a manner that does not reveal the identity of the employees. 

Learning and development 

Usually, employees are keen to advance in their careers. Xyz media will provide opportunities for any employee who wishes to advance in his or her career to do so without any restrictions. The media industry evolves each day in regards to technology and strategy. It will be important that employees are equipped with the emerging skills so that XYZ gets a competitive edge over its competitors. As previously mentioned, the company will also give internships to students studying courses that are relevant to the media industry. As much as the company will be fostering its attempts to hire competent individuals, it will also be imparting students with real industry skills. 

Total rewards 

Rewarding employees for their contribution to the company is fundamental to boosting their motivation. Employee motivation through rewarding forms an integral part of the human resource management (Cascio, 2018). First, outstanding employees will be promoted to higher ranks. The promotion will be done according to merit and in a transparent manner. Transparency and recognition of exceptional performers will inspire other employees to offer diligent service to the company. Healthy competition among the employees will influence the company positively. The promotion will be accompanied by an increase in salary. In addition, several awards will also be introduced. Each of the divisions in the company will recognize their best performers, such as the best radio presenter, the best news editor, and so on. However, there will be an award for the overall best employee of XYZ media. The best performers will receive cash prizes on top of getting a paid vacation to a destination of their choice. Although the main awards will be conducted at the end of the year, exceptional employees will also be recognized throughout the year. Every month, employees of the month will be recognized. When employees achieve set targets, the company will sponsor them for outdoor activity. 


This section highlights the employee relationship with the management or those in senior positions. In all organizations, employees are required to exhibit traits that impact positively on the organizations in which they work. The management is usually not available everywhere to monitor the behavior of the employees. Employees are supposed to observe the culture of the organization and adhere to it. 

Employee discipline 

Observation of work ethics in Xyz media is crucial to the development of an appealing brand to the public. Some individuals in the media industry are often accused of engaging in underhand behavior that puts the media in the bad light. Xyz media is committed to ensuring that its employees observe the set media code of ethics. Any employee who will be caught engaging in corruption will be punished accordingly. Xyz encourages all the members of the workforce to uphold the highest standards of conduct. Any action, however insignificant it may seem, is usually emulated especially by young people. It will be important that employees observe decorum at all times. Display of obscene content or use of a language that is vulgar will not be tolerated. However, employees who go against the stipulated rules will not be punished in public. Employees who commit minor mistakes can be corrected and forgiven. Every employee will be summoned in private so that their colleagues do not undermine them. However, employees who engage in activities that have significant adverse effects on the company will be suspended or dismissed completely. Any member who also airs or writes something that causes alarm will have to deal with the law enforcement agencies on his or her own. 

Performance management 

Xyz media will manage the performance of the employees using various components. First, the human resource department will use reliable measures. It means that the measures will be both quantitative and qualitative. The measures to be used will also have to be accepted by the employees as fair and complete. Secondly, the company will set clear goals. The goals will have to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). As much as the goals will be slightly challenging, the company will not develop goals that are beyond the delivery capacity of the employees. The goals will also be announced to the employees and will need to be accepted. Third, there will be performance monitoring, which means that the stipulated measures will be reviewed periodically. Everyone will be informed when the performance measures are being reviewed. After the review of the performance measurements, new actions and initiatives will be set regarding what is learned. Also, there will be rewarding and recognition of the top performers as earlier mentioned. Lastly, performance management will end with the setting of new initiatives and corrective actions. When the performance system is monitored, it is likely that mistakes will be realized. The human resource manager has to ensure that the mistakes are rectified. Also, if the set targets are seen as too easy to achieve, the human resource manager will set new higher goals. 

Employee and labor relations 

In case employees have any grievances they want to have addressed, they are required to present them to the human resource department. No appointment is required since the human resource office recognizes that media issues ought to be treated with urgency. Also, XYZ media does not have bureaucracies that require employees to present their grievances using a ladder model. When the human resource manager is not present, he will delegate his duties to his assistant or any other relevant person in the senior management. In addition, employees are not forbidden to join other external labor movements, which act in the best interest of their grievances. If any member of the workforce feels that his or her grievances are not being addressed well by the management, they are free to explore other avenues provided they do not taint the image of the company. 


This section analyzes the external factors that may have an impact on the performance of the XYZ Company. 

Diversity and inclusion 

Xyz media desires to appeal to members of the public from diverse backgrounds and variations. The long-run objective of XYZ media is to appeal to a global audience. During recruitment, people will be hired only on merit. Race, gender, and disability will not be a factor to consider. As long as individuals fulfill the requirements set during the hiring process, everyone will be eligible to be part of the XYZ media team. If still by the merit process some groups of people are not represented in the company affirmative action will have to be taken. Special positions, for instance, will have to be set aside persons living with a disability or for the minority groups. Xyz recognizes that discrimination and isolation of certain groups of people will have a negative impact on the audience. Some sections may decide to boycott the services of the company citing exclusion as the contributory factor. The company aims to build a wide audience and hence discrimination of some members of the public may hamper the efforts of the company. 

Risk management 

The most prominent way of minimizing risk in the company is by ensuring members of the workforce operate in a safe environment. Employees in the media industry spend a lot of hours behind their workstations. It is important that the particular workstations adhere to the set ergonomic requirements. Therefore, the human resource department will recommend to the individual that deals with logistics to ensure that the equipment purchased do not cause any health complications among the employees. In addition, all employees will be insured so that in case they get an injury while at the premises of XYZ media, their medical expenses will be covered by insurance. It is often expensive to cater for the medical expenses of employees using out-of-pocket finances. Especially when catastrophes occur, the media company might become bankrupt when it tries to cater for the medical expenses of employees from its account. Insurance will help cover any eventualities that might arise. Accidents are often inevitable especially in a company of XYZ caliber. 

Corporate social responsibility 

It is essential that employees recognize the importance of minding the community in which they operate. The first way the company can mind the community is by upholding the highest level of ethics. All media personalities will be trained on how to promote the best social values. The media industry needs not to change people’s way of living to a downward trajectory. In fact, the media needs to be the custodian of positive change and a guardian of good morals (Cohen, 2015). There is concern almost everywhere, of how the media is inculcating bad values, especially in young people. Parental guidance will be provided accordingly to programs that have explicit content. Xyz media will also use the various media channels to champion for critical social changes. For instance, environmental conservation is an emerging issue that needs to be addressed. It is alleged that human beings are threatening their existence by irresponsible disposal of wastes. It is important that members of the public are educated on the importance of conserving their environment for posterity. Terrorism is another major issue that XYZ seeks to address, especially to the young people who get radicalized. There is a general concern that young Muslims are being radicalized on the internet to carry out terror attacks. Xyz media will occasionally carry out awareness campaigns to sensitize the public against engaging in anti-social activities. Additionally, XYZ media will participate in community programs that promote positive social welfare. 

HR in the global context 

Xyz media prepares its employees to work in any part of the world. The human resource department will mold the individuals to gain confidence when interacting with people from different racial backgrounds. It will be vital that the HR department sends some members of its workforce to different parts of the globe to familiarize themselves with different cultures. The most effective method would be to give some employees scholarships to get skills in institutions in other countries. In addition, the human resource will provide an environment that promotes interaction among members of different racial backgrounds. 

Behavioral Competencies 

Behavioral competencies refer to the set of skills and knowledge that distinguish best performers from poor performers. 

HR initiatives that support the people technical competency under the business domain 

Three HR initiatives are needed under this section, which includes business acumen, consultation, and critical evaluation. Business acumen refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required to understand the operations of the organization, functions and external environment, as well as to use business tools and analyses that are in tandem with the HR initiatives and operations consistent with the strategic direction of the company. Consultation refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are needed to work with the stakeholders of the organization to evaluate business challenges and spot opportunities for the design, implementation, and evaluation of change initiatives (Sharma, 2016). Consultation is also needed to build ongoing support for HR solutions that satisfy the changing needs of customers and the business. Lastly, critical evaluation refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required to gather and assess quantitative and qualitative data, and to construe and promote results that evaluate HR initiatives and inform business resolutions and recommendations. 

HR initiatives that support the people technical competency within the leadership domain 

The HR initiatives needed here are two; leadership and navigation and ethical practice. Leadership and navigation refer to the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to control the organization and fulfill the HR goals. Xyz media will use these initiatives to create a compelling vision and mission, which aligns with the strategic direction and culture of the company. In addition, XYZ media will use these initiatives to lead and foster organizational change, to direct the implementation of HR initiatives and support the role of HR as a crucial business partner. On the contrary, ethical practice refers to the skills required to maintain high levels of professional and personal integrity and as well to act as an ethical agent who fosters core values, accountability and, integrity within the organization. 

HR initiatives that support the people technical competency within the interpersonal domain 

Under the interpersonal domain, the HR will use three initiatives namely, relationship management, communication and global and cultural effectiveness. Relationship management refers to the skills and abilities that are required to develop and maintain an array of professional contact inside and outside the company. These skills are also needed to develop and sustain links, to function as an efficient member of a team, and to control conflict while supporting the company. Fostering good working relationships among XYZ media workforce is an important aspect of enhancing the best cooperation and coordination among the employees. It is the responsibility of the human resource manager to ensure that all employees relate well with one another so that they carry out the assigned activities effectively. 

Communication refers to the skills that human resource managers need to effectively draft and deliver informative and concise communications, to listen to and address the concerns of the employees, as well as to transfer and transform information from one unit or level of the company to another. One key element that the human resource manager will observe will be the way the top management, as well as the supervisors, communicates with the junior members of the company. The human resource department will see to it that the communication structure is clear and devoid of any bureaucracies. The media industry relays serve a fundamental function, and hence any breakdown in the communication structure puts the company in jeopardy (Shields, 2015). Lastly, global and cultural effectiveness refers to the knowledge and skills required to value and recognize the perspectives and backgrounds of all employees, to provide an environment that promotes interaction, as well as to foster an inclusive workplace. 


In conclusion, the HR initiatives cannot work in isolation. All the competencies will be integrated to place XYZ media in the best position to achieve its objectives. It is accurate to point out that all the behavioral competencies are connected in one way or another. Xyz cannot improve its communication structure, overlook fair treatment of people from different racial backgrounds, and expect success. Therefore, as a human resource manager for XYZ media, I propose that everyone in the management strives to accomplish all the competencies. 


Balakrishnan, C., Masthan, D., & Chandra, V. (2013). Employee retention through employee engagement-A study at an Indian international airport.  International Journal of Business and Management Invention ISSN (Online) , 2319-8028. 

Bryson, J. M. (2018).  Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement . John Wiley & Sons. 

Cascio, W. (2018).  Managing human resources . McGraw-Hill Education. 

Cohen, D. J. (2015). HR past, present and future: A call for consistent practices and a focus on competencies.  Human Resource Management Review 25 (2), 205-215. 

Lampikoski, T., Westerlund, M., Rajala, R., & Möller, K. (2014). Green innovation games: Value-creation strategies for corporate sustainability.  California Management Review 57 (1), 88-116. 

Sharma, P. K. (2016). Employee Engagement and Retention A Study of Software Professionals. 

Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., & Plimmer, G. (2015).  Managing Employee Performance & Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies . Cambridge University Press. 

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