19 Oct 2022


How to Develop Buy-In From Various Groups Within the Organization

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 296

Pages: 1

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How should managers develop buy-in from the various groups and areas within the organization? 

One of the main challenges in the change management is for the managers finding ways and strategies to motivate people and other individuals in the organisation to buy into the process. Motivation is a crucial factor, and without is the change may fail to take place. For managers to develop a buy-in form, they need to understand three main steps which are first, understanding what makes a clear vision ( Aceves-Bueno, Adeleye, Bradley, Brandt, W. Callery, Feraud, & Pearlman, 2015 ). A vision is mainly a view of the future that lays down what the firm aspires to do. Primarily, the vision should be clear for all groups in the organisation to understand. The vision should also be desirable and appeal to the long-term stakeholder’s interest. 

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Secondly, they should share the vision that works. The vision at hand need to be feasible, and people want to believe that it is possible to achieve it and it is realistic. The manager should make sure that the vision is flexible to allow individual initiatives and alternative responses that are within their scope ( Vidgen, Shaw, & Grant, 2017 ). Thirdly, the managers should share the vision widely. Everybody in the organisation needs to be aware of the vision so that they can know what they are working to achieve. 

Does getting the support of employees and other stakeholders to require strategic planning? 

It is true that getting the support of the employee and other stakeholders in the organisation require strategic planning and this is due to several factors, and they include: 

To clearly define what winning looks like. 

It is a measure of what people can relate to, and what matters. 

It set the employees for success ( Vidgen, Shaw, & Grant, 2017 ). 

Gives plenty of recognition and feedback from both the employees and stakeholders. 

Build an atmosphere of trust. 


Aceves-Bueno, E., Adeleye, A. S., Bradley, D., Brandt, W. T., Callery, P., Feraud, M., ... & Pearlman, I. (2015). Citizen science as an approach for overcoming insufficient monitoring and inadequate stakeholder buy-in in adaptive management: criteria and evidence.  Ecosystems 18 (3), 493-506. 

Vidgen, R., Shaw, S., & Grant, D. B. (2017). Management challenges in creating value from business analytics.  European Journal of Operational Research 261 (2), 626-639. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Develop Buy-In From Various Groups Within the Organization.


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