4 Jul 2022


How to Expand Your Business and Ensure Sustainability

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In regards to certification, all the workers to occupy the stated positions should be university graduates with the required individuals in the managerial positions having attained doctorate degrees and higher. All candidates should have a minimum of three years’ work experience. The candidates should be able to work in an ethical manner. There are a number of reasons why the company requires its workers to be in possession of accredited and professional certificates. The same provides proof of the fact that indeed the appointed individuals have undergone the said training and many at times lead to an added prestige. It is worth noting that certification offers the holders with extra gain as opposed to uncertified fellows. Moreover, certification creates a collection of happy workers. Individuals are gratified working for employers who show some form of contentment in their professional development while assisting them to enhance and better place their careers. Such employees have the understanding and skills to attain business benchmarks ( Carayannis, Sindakis & Walter, 2015). Professionalism entails training to be able to operate under pressure while still meeting the set objectives. The availability of trained staff in a firm offers customers the confidence required when conducting business. Customers are safe when they are in the hands of trained personnel. Certified workers are more productive compared to unaccredited ones. This is due to the fact that the procedure of certification incorporates a person being assessed on a variety of sections. Employers use certificates to tell that individuals have undergone training and are ready to handle specific tasks as required ( Kara & Fırat, 2018). Certification, therefore, boosts morale and productivity in that workers understand how to handle technologies and tasks. 

Work experience, on the other hand, is essential when hiring. The experience required for a position must be specific to the discipline and fields under survey. In some positions, past experiences are not mandatory. They include sections such as answering telephones and sweeping among others. It is worth noting that some of the basics of an assignment are learned on-the-job and cannot be taught anywhere else. There are individuals who are academically trained for specific assignments but cannot deliver because of lack of experience ( Schaltegger, Hansen & Lüdeke-Freund, 2016). Candidates who are more detailed in their information about past employment are more experienced. 

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The strategy in this case is that all people identified will have to carry their academic qualifications alongside the recommendation letters from their last place of work in the course of the interview day. A human resource team will have to go confirm the applicants' documentation before employing them. 

The job recruitment procedure does not need it to offer a comprehensive description together with a vacancy. This stage necessitates that the human resource team and the hiring individual settle on the basic competencies and skills for the specific job. The HR department has the duty of finding the right skills and competencies for the position as required in the job market. The person hiring is required to apply basic processes to pronounce the job vacant upon which the procedure of recruitment starts after being approved by the management. Making a job vacant is essential even with the availability of primary recruiting procedures. The human resource should have a proper comprehension of the open position and the perfect profile for the applicant ( Carayannis, Sindakis & Walter, 2015). Selecting the proper sources of recruitment is attained by following what competitors in the same industry are doing. The fact that rivals cannot employ workers from a specific source is something the company is concerned with and therefore will not find candidates from the source. Using corporate websites, the company will get hold of a potential workforce. Such websites provoke candidates to send job resumes for considerations. Referrals from other employees are also means via which the process of recruitment is used to the source (Kara & Fırat, 2018). Companies are majorly advised to offer existing workers a chance to recommend their experienced friends. Conducting job interviews is a vital aspect of the recruitment procedure. 

The job interview skills are vital for hiring to acquire. The process of recruitment will be done through two rounds of job interviews. To start with, the Human Resource will book the candidates who have their profiles and capabilities matching that of the company for the second round. The hiring manager will head the second round. The manager will emphasize on the past information of interviewees and should be able to relate it to the firm's operations. The interviewees will mainly be done on educational backgrounds together with the level of experiences. People with higher experiences alongside academic qualifications will be considered for the job (Schaltegger, Hansen & Lüdeke-Freund, 2016). The hiring of retirees, therefore, will solely be considered in instances when the firm does not have the required expertise in some sectors. The recruiting and hiring will aim at improving succession learning for new workers. The human resource is tasked with making the offer and stands as the only people that make the job offer. The recruitment procedure has to respect this rule. The HR has the authority to decide on the rules of employment for the people to be hired. 

Branding strategies in this case start with talent is the primary strategy for branding since it is an essential element and has for many years become critical to all organizations. Most companies are today undertaking more complex, knowledge-based tasks and operating on a global platform. The quality of a firm’s workforce has a wide influence on its success. Good focus on talent will draw talented individuals to apply for the interviews ( Carayannis, Sindakis & Walter, 2015). Offering competitive compensation is another branding strategy. Workers work to get money and will tend to search for jobs where they are properly remunerated. The remunerations could involve providing attractive allowances and offering other inspiring packages while at work. Proper salaries together with allowances draw experienced and clever individuals. Gratified workers as far as pay is concerned always do work better and struggle to improve a firm’s production ( Kara & Fırat, 2018). The availability of an attractive job description is another brand strategy. Human resources managers when writing a work description should avoid using generic language for instance ‘great workplace’. Job descriptions should emphasize what the firm offers alongside what makes it great and dissimilar from others. HR managers should explain why the firm is in the specific business in the job description. Proper job descriptions are fundamental in creating a proper impression of the firm thus drawing applicants (Schaltegger, Hansen & Lüdeke-Freund, 2016) 

The three communication approaches that will be applied to communicate with applicants include using the internet via social media platforms, advertising through media channels, and placing posters on billboards. Social media represents one of the most favored means considering the fact that it is used by many people across the globe. The fact many people are currently connected to the internet will make it the most used platform for relaying information. Running advertisements through radio and television moreover improves the target population access to the information provided by the company. The advertisements will be more effective if they run while popular programs are ongoing ( Carayannis, Sindakis & Walter, 2015). 

The first scenario is interviewing . Face-to-face interviewing is one of the main methods that companies today use to perform employment selection. A variety of companies currently have diverse means of performing personal interviews. There are those that prefer allocating the entire day on the process with all candidates facing the panel. Others prefer performing the tasks on an hourly basis with each hour meant for a single candidate. Interviewees are given the opportunity to meet different employers in the course of the interview (Kara & Fırat, 2018). I would prefer that in this scenario, candidates meet key personnel on day one and top leaders on day two. Another scenario is screening which will be done by the human resource department prior to interviewee selection face them. Screening incorporates the process in which the human resource performs interviews through the phone . The procedure is effective in narrowing down the number of people who will be attending the personal interviews. Screening is meant to decide if the candidate possesses the required qualification to secure an interview (Schaltegger, Hansen & Lüdeke-Freund, 2016). 

The five criteria are notification, reviewing, interviewing, selection and testing. The hiring process commences with the human resource personnel communicating an unoccupied position. They decide that the position should be filed. Reviewing incorporates matching each applicant’s information together with qualification for the job requirement. The process normally involves categorizing candidates and classifying them based on their experiences. Interviewing is whereby managers perform face-to-face interviews. This is a process that begins with screening where candidates most fit for the specific job are chosen for the personal interviews. Such interviews could consume an entire day or done in bits with the aim of learning other attributes concerning a person. The selection process includes receiving feedback from the assessors. The notes are studied to determine the best individual for the job. It incorporates analyzing the qualifications, skills and their character .  Testing is the final stage with the candidate being tested before being employed. This includes drug screening for addiction and mental checks among other tests. After the checks, an offer is then provided to the chosen applicant. 

The five-step assortment process is imperative in the retaining process of the worker. It ascertains that the people being chosen for the job are the most appropriate. Through performing interviews, an individual is able to discover whether their goals are allied to those of the corporation or not. Notification is important because it guarantees that a big population is able to receive the message. Conducting checks and tests will confirm that the people being chosen are in a sober state of mind and will, therefore, endure the pressures of the job ( Carayannis, Sindakis & Walter, 2015). Hiring individuals without testing them surge their chances of mounting problems dipping their retention. 

The assessment methods to be used are situational judgments and structured interviews. 

Situational judgments incorporate how candidates decide to react to precise situation pertinent to the job. This procedure is valid because of its wide use in forecasting future performance. It is further reliable in view of that the best applicant is arrived upon founded on the scores achieved

Structured interviews is the process that includes the asking the candidate questions and their reactions scored using thorough criteria. Structured interviews are valid because they are a common practice applied by many entities. The reality that the questions are posed by a number of people and scores documented makes it dependable (Kara & Fırat, 2018). 

The four job predictors are screening, job previews, references and assessment hubs. V ia screening, a person can answer a series of questions via managers will decide if they have passed or failed. Job previews include the applicant solving a formerly existing issue in a means to decide their reasoning. In regards to references, a variety of employees would want to get rid of colleagues and therefore provide poor references. An assessment hub is the manner in which people conduct themselves in the course of assessments assists indicate the applicant’s skills and acquaintance. 


Carayannis, E. G., Sindakis, S., & Walter, C. (2015). Business model innovation as a lever of organizational sustainability. The Journal of Technology Transfer 40 (1), 85-104. 

Kara, M. E., & Fırat, S. Ü. O. (2018). Sustainability, risk, and business intelligence in supply chains. In  Global Business Expansion: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1424-1461). IGI Global. 

Schaltegger, S., Hansen, E. G., & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2016). Business models for sustainability: Origins, present research, and future avenues. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Expand Your Business and Ensure Sustainability.


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