18 Jan 2023


How to Find Eternal Salvation

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 518

Pages: 2

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Mary's song foreshadows Jesus' ministry that would become his message of eternal salvation and shows the Israelites how God keeps his promises that stand the test of time. Not only is God-focused on Israel, but the new order incorporates all people from generation to generation. The story of the pregnancy with the "holy one" connects to the Israelites, where they were seen as people of a lesser, poor, God required to prove his commitment to his people. However, Mary pregnant with a child who becomes the savior to his people and the world. "He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy" (54). In the last line, she remembers God's promises to Abraham and his lineage. Just as he had made a promise to bless him and his people in Genesis, he fulfills that through Mary by showing them that the land he promised and a "holy" savior to rescue them still stands. Mary becomes the first witness of the salvation that will be for all Israel. 

For those in the Old Testament who have suffered due to hunger, poverty, and women who were disregarded, the song brings good news for all, emphasizing the periphery. Her pregnancy is significant to the Exodus, where Israelites are shown a way to deliverance. Those who were unheard, in years of king's reign can rejoice as God will exalt them. Despite her lowly status, God chooses Mary to be the mother of Jesus. A woman who is an Israelite whose people were oppressed and yearning for God's deliverance. Uniquely, in the New Testament (NT), God brings salvation to Israel and gives hope to future generations. "From now on, all generations will call me blessed" (48). Mary will become a mother to the savior, but as an Israelite, her nation will become blessed for the great things God has done and fulfillment of his promises in the OT. She uses the term "great things," indicating God's intervention that is relatable to the Exodus. The new changes bring restoration to Israel. 

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I am reminded of the importance of the connection with God. Mary's song reveals the conventional relationship between God, people, and the world. The pregnancy was unexpected, but it was a miracle of God, showing his perfect timing and faithfulness in his doing. I am encouraged that in the moments of despair and fear that what he has promised shall be regardless of the wait. Despite the oppression of the poor, amassing of wealth, and pride, God has a way to give justice to his people and create a new world order where we are all included. God intends to be part of all people, not just traditional Israel. In the same manner, in any instances where I find myself privileged above everyone around, the relationship should not deteriorate due to what I value in material nature. 

I am reminded to be humble and in fear of God who gives us life. God shows his might by scattering the proud who do not heed his word and turn to worldly riches for comfort. Throughout the song, the divine nature of God as a warrior who accomplishes his promises is outlined. Similarly, relationships with those who are less fortunate should be one full of compassion in wiliness to help not because I have pride doing I but because I intend to show mercy and not hold on to the world riches. For world leaders who take pride in oppressing the poor, the “holy one” engages on behalf of his people. By lifting the lowly, he comforts them, exerts mercy, and fills the hungry as he reorganizes the world. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Find Eternal Salvation.


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