17 May 2022


How to Interpret Religious Texts

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Scriptures are a subset of religious texts that are looked upon to be especially authoritative, revered, and sacred. Several religious texts are simple discussions or narratives that pertain to the general themes, practices, interpretations, or important figures in a particular religion. In some religions, such as the Islamic religion, there is a proper establishment of supreme authority. Yet in others such as Hinduism and Buddhism, there has never been a definitive canon. That, therefore, calls for interpretation of the scriptures. However, the question still exists among the theological scholars is how these religious texts should be interpreted. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to present how and why the scriptures should be interpreted.

Before interpretation started to play such a significant role in the literary criticism, it was within the religious sphere that the primary debate of interpretation took place. Hermeneutics, the theory or science of interpretation, originated in interpreting religious texts ( Schmidt 2016 ). There have been constant changes of emphasis on hermeneutics since the reformation. For instance, the Roman Catholic asserted that the revelation that is being testified to in the scripture could be understood only in light of the church's tradition, which became the reformers rejected part of the solution to the hermeneutic problems. Against the traditional view, the reformers posited the sola scriptura principle. It further maintained that the scripture has its power of illumination.

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Religious people should carefully observe the religious texts which they are reading to help them avoid misinterpretation. That may seem obvious, but most people overlook this principle. It is essential to observe the religious text state. Jumping into interpretations results in many mistakes since one interprets the text based on what they think. While reading a specific text, one needs to pay attention to the different word types making up the text. Besides, one should also note if the statement is part of the dialogue. If so, then who is speaking? Can the reader note any repletion of some words within the text? Failure to carefully observe the religious texts may result in several misconceptions about the religious texts. For instance, many Christians have taught that Adam and Eve used to walk with God. However, the bible text records that after they fell into sin, they heard the sound of the Lord walking in the Garden of Eden, and they hid from him (Genesis 3:8).

Furthermore, careful observation of the text can protect the reader from making some common mistakes. Just because the scriptural texts contain some statement does not mean that those statements come from God from whom the religious texts lean. For instance, much of Job's book in the Christian Bible consists of a dialogue between Job and his friends (Chaffey 2020) . Some people may carelessly quote some verses from this book to give support to their ideas. They are keeping in mind that in the same book of Job (42:7), Gold told Eliphaz that what they have said together with his friends about Him (God) was not right. That, therefore, ties it perfectly with the next principle.

Understanding the context of the text is essential in interpreting religious texts. Context is the parts of a discourse that surrounds the particular text to give it the meaning. Critics of the religious books, at times, take the texts out of the context when they attack some books. That is because it enables them to take say just about anything if they provide the whole context. The context of the religious text is essential as it gives the text the specified meaning. It is also essential if the passage fits into the flow of history. It will make a big difference to determine the writer's intent if one notes whether the text was pre-flood, pre-fall, or at which particular time in history. That is essential when one needs to apply the text in practical life. Besides, Haleem ( 2005, 22 ) states that the Quran's highly concise style of complicates interpretation. Some verses may contain several short sentences, proverbial style, with pronominal references relating them to a broader context. Such proverbial statements can be uplifted from the text and used independently, isolated from their context. Besides, they lack guidance from other references in the Quran so that readers can get further explanation. That gives both non-Muslims eager to criticize Islamic religion and Islamic extremist's advantage to use such a critique to justify their views.

Having clarity of the religious text also helps in the interpretation of the text. Since the religious books are words from God to man, the readers need to understand each of its aspects. That brings out the critical differences between reformers and the Roman Catholic group. The reformers believe in the scripture clearness, specifically on its central message of the message. Besides, they believe that each person has the right to interpreted God's word.

On the other hand, the Roman Catholics' doctrines held that only the Magisterium could interpret the scriptures. Having clarity of the text means that religious people should not assume or keep finding the hidden meanings within the scripture, but rather assess the straight forward meanings. Besides, it means that all believers' overall texts from religious books can be understood regardless of rank within the religion. That can only be achieved by carefully praying and studying these texts.

Further, Stone (2016, 129-31) noted no difference between laymen and priests, religious and secular, or princess and bishops. That is only an exception for the sake of office and work but not differences in status. They are all of the spiritual estates. Their work is different. Therefore each individual must benefit and, at the same time, serve the other using their different work or office.

Another way to interpret the religious texts well is by comparing scripture with a related scripture. Using scripture to interpret scripture is also referred to as the analogy of faith. Since these religious books are believed to be words inspired by the same person, one text cannot contradict another text (Schüssler Fiorenza 2015). Since not all these texts are explicit, an exact text can shed light on the other one that may seem not to be precise. Besides, comparing scripture by scripture, there is a checks and balances system to help the reader stay on the right track. Studying other passages that may shed light on an issue that may be incorrectly interpreted helps the reader correct the errors. Since comparing religious texts provides a system of checks, it also provides certainty concerning a particular interpretation. Additionally, confidence is created when a passage is interpreted, and one discovers that every other related passage seems to teach the same thing that was interpreted.

Another meaningful way of interpreting religious scripture is to do text classification. That would help one not to understand the genre of the text under study. For instance, the Christian bible is classified according to different genres, such as history, poetry, and prophetic books. Such distinction is vital to always have in mind while interpreting the text. Each of the classifications makes use of the language in a specific way. For instance, historical books are specifically narrative of past events and should be given a straightforward interpretation. However, that does not mean that they do not make use of figurative language. 

Finally, it is also essential to know how the individuals who have used the same religious texts interpreted them. It is essential to be informed by other people's work who have spent more time studying the same scripture. Most of the doctrines found in the religious books and scriptures have been debated, formulated, and discussed throughout the places of worship. Therefore taking advantage of such resources is vital. However, there are also some of the interpreted doctrines that may mislead. For instance, inequality and discrimination of women in Islamic culture derive its way not from the Quran but the secondary religious texts, the ahadith and the tafsir (Barlas 2019, 3-4) . This calls for careful use of such religious books written by some human individuals. Average Christian can obtain information on their spiritual forefathers' teaching through their spiritual leaders who may have access to resources that permit them to search for such teachings. 

In conclusion, interpretation of the religious texts is not meant to accumulate knowledge to be considered the best in the particular religious books. It helps one study the accurate interpretation to know their God better, know their expectations, and lead a life that pleases their God. Hence the identified methods above are essential in interpreting religious texts to avoid misinterpretation of the text, which might mislead the religious people.


Barlas, Asma. 2019.  Believing Women in Islam . [Place of publication not identified]: University of Texas Press.

Chaffey, Tim. 2020. "How We Interpret The Bible: Principles For Understanding".  Answers In Genesis . https://answersingenesis.org/hermeneutics/how-we-interpret-the-bible-principles-for-understanding/ .

Haleem, Abdel. 2005.  The Quran . 2nd ed. New York: Oxford university press.

Schmidt, Lawrence Kennedy.  Understanding hermeneutics . Routledge, 2016.

Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth. 2015.  Wisdom Ways: Introducing Feminist Biblical Interpretation . 1st ed. Orbis Books.

Stone, Bryan P. 2016.  A Reader In Ecclesiology . London: Routledge.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Interpret Religious Texts.


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