24 May 2022


How to Succeed in Graduate Studies

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Academic level: College

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The graduate study workload is heavy and intimidating at times. Throughout the course, there are numerous reading assignments, projects, and other programs that a grad student is expected to keep track of. At times, there may be an overwhelming feeling of the need to keep up with the constant pressure. Although the result of it is more transferrable skills, and a given level of entitlement, the psychological and monetary sacrifices may be overwhelming. Nevertheless, the student should relax and adjust to the surrounding. The shift to a new institution with few or no acquaintances may be scary, but with careful planning and effective time management, fitting in will be easier. The student should strive to be patient, calm, and prepared for the next phase of their lives. By setting priorities and sticking to them, the grad student can access resource materials and embark on a 3-4-year long journey towards success.

The Value of Doctoral Studies

The doctorate is often viewed as a crucial factor in gaining employment and has, on numerous occasions, foreseen employment and promotions for the graduates in their various professions. Most graduates feel that they could progress in their careers by completing their doctorates, a feat that is usually accompanied by better salaries (Bryan & Guccione, 2018). After all, career advancements and monetary benefits are used to determine the value of a profession. However, the value has to be complemented by a period of professional experience. In the same way, doctorate studies equip graduates with many transferable skills such as critical thinking and communication. The skills are particularly nurtured through extra-curricular activities and experiences, for example, work placements and public engagements (Bryan & Guccione, 2018). During their participation in such activities, graduates add value to their doctorate as they complement the inefficiencies of the program. 

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Doctorate studies contribute to shaping an individual's sense of identity. Graduates are accrued the privilege of creating relationships with their peers, supervisors, and the academic community in general. What the privilege means is that graduates are exposed to varieties of cultural and social forms of society, which are crucial in building a sense of identity. An individual's learning experience not only affects their identity trajectories but also influence their sense of self (Bryan & Guccione, 2018). Nonetheless, doctorate studies are not easy as students have to deal with a competitive and academic rejection environment. Part of the rejection comes from fellow students; whose judgment is detrimental to academic, professional development. It is in adapting to such an academic environment that graduates become resilient, a trait that is cultivated through doctoral adversity. The educational value of graduates is the benefits and sacrifices that are interwoven. Such benefits, like pride, functionality, and prestige, arise from monetary and psychological sacrifices (Bryan & Guccione, 2018).

Best Time Management Practices During Doctoral Studies

Doctoral studies heavily depend on individual motivation and organization skills. For this reason, time management is an integral aspect of success during the course. Several time-management tips can be helpful to a doctoral student. For instance, one can use a calendar and have a schedule for effective time management. The student can divide the objectives by month, week, and day and fit them into the calendar. Having a personal calendar has several advantages in that it helps the student to point out how effective they are (Amaro & Mason, 2019). Moreover, the calendar helps doctoral students keep track of the project, especially those that take several days to complete. Likewise, another time management tip is multitasking, where the students fit several activities at the same time. The activities have to be interrelated, for instance, projects that have similar research topics. Consequently, when the student researches on that particular topic, several projects can be completed at the same time. However, the projects cannot be too many at the same time as the student will be overwhelmed.

During planning for the day, the student can start with an easy and straightforward task. For instance, one can begin with proofreading a pending assignment or project. In doing so, the student rectifies not only previous mistakes but also gets ready for the day's activities. In contrast to that, a student who begins a day with complex projects is likely to be stressed and may not complete them on time. Lastly, having plans after work, especially for part-time students, is an excellent booster for time management. Setting a timer for leaving the office or lab boosts productivity as an individual will work towards finishing a specific task before leaving. Leaving the office gives an individual time to refresh or rest before heading to the education institution for studies. On the other hand, an individual who overworks will be tired by the time they leave the office, and this means that they will hardly complete the evening studies and assignments.

Finding Relevant and High-Quality Sources

Doctoral studies require quality and credible resources to write assignments. Looking for resources becomes easier, unlike when it required one to visit a physical library and look for books. It was a troublesome ordeal that required the use of a librarian. However, with the advancement in technology, all relevant materials such as books, journal articles, and newspapers are available online. Nevertheless, the advancement also increased the availability of fake news and blogs, which at times confuse students by giving contradicting information. For this reason, the student must be careful in finding verified research materials. Whether in-person or online, the most credible source of research materials is the school library (Switzer & Perdue, 2017). Once granted access, the school library provides thousands of credible journals, books, and study guides that are useful for research. Through the reliable library databases, all the student has to do is enter a few keywords and access the articles. It is essential to keep track of the keywords in case there is a need to revisit the articles.

The other source of research materials is the internet. While there are millions of articles that may have the necessary information, it is always advisable to use peer-reviewed journal articles (Switzer & Perdue, 2017). However, before using the articles, there are aspects of the articles that the student should consider. For instance, the student can look for citations and references. Additionally, the student can check whether there is sufficient evidence in terms of facts and figures provided as well as the date of publication of the article (Switzer & Perdue, 2017). The student can also cross-check to see if the information is available elsewhere. Lastly, the student considers the arguments, whether they are biased, and whether there are any broad generalizations. When assured that the article meets all the requirements, the doctoral student can now use it for research.

Considerations for Selecting a Topic for Doctoral Studies

Before selecting a topic for Doctoral studies, it is important to read several dissertations on related subjects. Doing so gives the student a chance to familiarize themselves with different ideas and individual styles (Goodwin & Graebe, 2017). Having done that, the student can now develop their style. The student should also choose a topic that they are passionate about. In as much as it is important to follow the professor's advice, picking a topic that interests the student is equally crucial. The student should make the choice and not a professor since they are on their way to becoming independent researchers and hence should be capable of doing research and settling for an appropriate topic (Goodwin & Graebe, 2017). Moreover, the student will have to work on the subject for three or four years, which means it has to be interesting enough for them to handle. Investigating old ideas can also help as it can help revive the passion that the student once had regarding a particular topic.

However, the student should not consider one perfect topic, at least not at first. One should be open to the craziest ideas and multiple variations. Although most of them may not be workable, they will assist in choosing the most appropriate one. During the hypothesis stage, it is important to take time in establishing whether the topic in mind is a good idea. What this means is that the student researches on the viability of the idea. It is important to choose an ideal topic nobody has pursued before. When the student makes the mistake of following somebody's footsteps, authenticity is lost since they will use their research materials (Osanloo & Grant, 2016). The student should instead consider a new idea, research on the possibility as well as the accessibility to relevant educational materials. The idea should be simple and to the point in such a way that it can be narrowed down to a research question. The student should avoid overambitious projects.

Best Practices for Managing Information and Resources

Doctoral studies include lots of research, and researchers can be at any level, from students to staff. The best practices for managing information are differentiated into three groups which are the individual researcher, the research group leader, and the institution of learning (Al-Qallaf, 2019). Useful research records explain what, why, how, and when particular research was done. When it comes to recording individual research, the information should be accurate and complete. What this means is that it should show all the original data, important study details, as well as successful and unsuccessful studies conducted. Furthermore, such data should be archived and backed up regularly to avoid loss. For the information and resources that change, regular updating should be done. When it comes to group assignments, the research leader should set standards for record-keeping activities. The standards could be in labeling and cataloging and collaborating with other researchers.

The research leader should motivate group members by emphasizing the importance of good record-keeping and highlighting the complications associated with bad records (Al-Qallaf, 2019). What is more, the leader should establish temporary storage areas for research materials in use to avoid confusion and loss. At the department and school level, faculty training and mentorship research practices and management should be availed. The institutions should also encourage faculty members to have a written plan for research record keeping. The plan should adapt individual practices for mentoring and oversight of trainees and staff to enhance their management skills. Additionally, the institution should provide resources and record-keeping materials if possible. Such materials, which include bar-coding equipment, servers, and specialized software, can be used for storing electronic records (Al-Qallaf, 2019). Lastly, the educational facility should provide clear guidelines on ownership, access, retention, and transfer of research materials. The institution should clearly define what constitutes electronic, paper, and other tangible information forms.

Best Practices for Developing a Successful Assignment

Before starting an assignment, it is crucial to check and note the deadline. Doing so makes one schedule the assignment based on the deadline. Additionally, it provides ample time to research the topic of assignment without worrying about any surprises. It is also important to plan time effectively. The student can set mini-deadlines based on the topics of the research paper. Meeting the mini-deadlines keeps the student at per with the overall deadline for the assignment. If there is any doubt about the assignment, the student seeks clarification before embarking on it. Once the professor clarifies any unclear sections, the student then plans the assignment structure. The structure contains key introductory points, critical arguments, and a conclusion. Dividing the paper into those sections makes sure that the student covers all the requirements of the assignment. However, there may be some scenarios where the student is blank after beginning. The situation is referred to as a writer's block, which may be overcome by a change of scenery, taking a short break, or putting on some music (Watson, Moreland & Smith, 2018).

When writing the assignment, the student should refrain from informal text-like language. Instead, the student should use a neutral and professional language. After finishing the paper, it is essential to take a break before checking for mistakes. Stepping aside for a moment refreshes the student's mind, which means they will come back refreshed and more objective (Watson, Moreland & Smith, 2018). Therefore, it will be easier to spot mistakes and correct them. The student should make sure that they have answered the question. At times, especially with long assignments, it is easy to drift off when one is in mid-flow. Proofreading the paper thus checks that all the requirements have been fulfilled. Proofreading also helps the student double-check and rectify other mistakes such as spelling and tenses.

Insights for Presenting a Professional Proposal

As noted above, successful doctorate studies require thorough planning, preparation, dedication, and critical thinking. Such skills are mainly tested when writing and presenting a professional proposal. A research proposal, which is an outline of a proposed project, is designed to define a question and the strategic approach to answer it (Bartlett et al., 2018). Moreover, the proposal explains how it adds value, develops, or challenges the existing literature in the field of research. When structuring the research proposal, it is essential to capture the keywords in the title. The keywords should relate the proposal to the relevant supervisors and professors. Apart from describing the subject matter, the title should also indicate the approach or critical queries. When it comes to the overview, the section should include 1-3 research questions and reasons for asking them (Bartlett et al., 2018). The major approaches that one is to take, as well as the rationale, should also be included as well. The approaches applied can be theoretical, empirical, or conceptual. The last inclusion of the overview is the significance of the research.

When it comes to the positioning of the research, the student expresses the texts that are most significant to the text. In doing so, the student demonstrates their comprehension of the research issues while identifying gaps that the research intends to address. The research design and methodology section should address the parameters of the research and also discuss the overall approach (Bartlett et al., 2018). Additionally, the specific aims and objectives should also be stated as well as a brief discussion of the timeline to achieve them. Finally, the referencing section should portray a sense of grasp of the literature and how the student can contribute to it (Bartlett et al., 2018). Unlike normal essays, the reference list in the professional proposal is not a list of everything written on the research subject but rather a critical reflection in the selection of relevant materials.


Graduate studies are crucial for employment, shaping a sense of identity, and equipping the student with transferrable skills, especially from extra-curricular activities. However, the studies require proper time management skills. Some useful tactics to save time include having a calendar and schedule, multitasking, and starting with easy tasks. Materials for research for the studies can be accessed in the school library and the internet. Such resources are useful in researching the topic of study. When it comes to choosing a topic for doctoral studies, the student should read several dissertations related to the topic, be authentic, and choose one that they enjoy. Managing research information is done in three groups, the individual researcher, the research group leader, and the institution. Such materials help the student complete the assignment, where several vital practices come in handy. The student should check the deadline for submission, plan effectively, layout the assignment structure, refrain from informal language, and proofread the work. A professional research proposal should contain a relevant title, overview, research methodology, and references.


Al-Qallaf, C. L. (2019). Information Literacy Assessment of Incoming Students in An Information Studies Graduate Program.  Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication 68 (3), 223-241.

Amaro, J., & Mason, C. (2019). Reflections on Best Practices for A Successful Online Doctoral Program. In  Handbook of Research on Virtual Training and Mentoring of Online Instructors  (Pp. 311-324). IGI Global. 

Bartlett, J. E., Bartlett, M. E., Dolfi, J. J., Jaeger, A. J., & Chapman, D. D. (2018). Redesigning the Education Doctorate for Community College Leaders: Generation, Transformation, And Use of Professional Knowledge and Practice.  Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice 3 (2).

Bryan, B., & Guccione, K. (2018). Was It Worth It? A Qualitative Exploration into Graduate Perceptions of Doctoral Value.  Higher Education Research & Development 37 (6), 1124- 1140.

Goodwin, G. C., & Graebe, S. F. (2017). The Where, Who and What of Doing A Doctorate. In  A Doctorate and Beyond  (Pp. 15-23). Springer, Cham. 

Osanloo, A., & Grant, C. (2016). Understanding, Selecting, And Integrating A Theoretical Framework in Dissertation Research: Creating the Blueprint for Your “House”.  Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, And Research 4 (2), 7.

Switzer, A., & Perdue, S. W. (2017). Dissertation 101: A Research and Writing Intervention for Education Graduate Students.  Education Libraries 34 (1), 3-14.

Watson, A. L., Moreland, M., & Smith, M. (2018). Realizing Their Potential, Shaping Their Greatness: Using Self-Efficacy in A Graduate Reading Program to Shape K-6 Student Success. In  Critical Assessment and Strategies for Increased Student Retention  (Pp. 243- 256). IGI Global.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Succeed in Graduate Studies.


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