26 Dec 2022


How to Tell if You're Introverted or Extraverted

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Academic level: College

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I have always had an interest in companies and how they function especially from the perspective of the people who work in them. My other passion in life is psychology, albeit I would not want to work in a hospital setting. This has, therefore, created in me an inclination to work as an Industrial and organizational psychologists in future. This position entails helping in management specifically in regard to making of the day to day decisions by understanding the individual and group mentalities of the workforce. Most importantly, as the resident psychologist, hopefully in a large company, I will be available to assist members of staff through a psychologist-employee relationship. This will involve helping members of staff who come for individual and group therapy when they have problems that are either emotional or psychological in nature. 

Are You Introverted or Extraverted? 

Purpose of Assessment 

The purpose of this assessment is to check whether my character is introverted or extroverted. This will enable determination of my relationship with people in general and particularly with regard to my professional obligations or otherwise. 

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Your actual score: 13 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: Moderately Introvert 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

Being moderately introvert will be a major asset for my obligations as a company psychologist. A moderate introvert is neither too outspoken nor too social. However, a moderate introvert is not a social misfit nor reluctant to interact with people. This is a perfect balance for the obligations that go along with a company psychologist. This is because fellow employees expect the psychologist to be able and capable of keeping their secrets. Psychologists get a lot of personal information from their clients and they should be able to keep them as secret as possible. Being a moderate introvert, I will be able to keep the personal information I receive from employees who come for therapies. A successful therapy session entails absolute honest of the part of the employee. Whereas there are professional ethics that ensure secrecy for psychologists, employees may not know the ethics, but they know the psychologist. An extrovert is outspoken and therefore speaks all the time. It is hard for people to believe that someone who speaks all the time about most issues will not accidently blurt out about their previous secrets. Further, without speaking too much, my words will carry more weight, and employees will trust me with their personal life secrets hence exponentially improve my capacity as a psychologist. 

Need Strength Questionnaire 

Purpose of Assessment 

This is a test for ambition and success in life, more so from a professional perspective. It assesses my capacity and drive to succeed. 

Your actual score: 25 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: High Need for Achievement 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

A high need for achievement is a mixed blessing for my professional affiliation. It means that I desire to succeed all the time, and this impetus pushes me to work to the uttermost in pursuit of success. It may however, also mean a desire to succeed under any and all circumstances. This calls for a twofold approach in using the score to improve effectiveness and efficiency respectively. With regard to efficiency I will pursue my impetus to succeed to ensure that I perform my obligations to the best of my capacity to succeed. To achieve this, I will need to have improved working hours and going the extra mile. However, with regard to effectiveness, it will be important to understand that I am dealing with people’s most sensitive aspects of life; their thoughts and emotions. It will, therefore, be important to avoid seeming to fix their problems instead of seeking to help them. When people come for psychological therapies, they hope to get their problems completely solved, and a strong desire to succeed in helping people psychologically may backfire and cause lasting emotional trauma. I will, therefore, be seeking to temper my underlying impetus to success so as to learn to be sensitive and professional during sensitive moments such as group and individual therapies. Further, I will also learn to be patient with people. 

What Team Roles Do You Prefer? 

Purpose of Assessment 

Individuals take different positions in a meeting or social gatherings. The purpose of this test is to measure my capacity as under several preset team roles. 

Your actual score 

Encourager 10, Gatekeeper 9, Harmonizer 10, Initiator 8, Summarizer 10. 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: Preference for medium roles 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

As a team member, one desires specific roles to enhance the effectiveness of the team and the organization as a whole. Being a summarizer is great for my envisaged job but it is not sufficient alone as there is a need for improvement in the other roles in order to play a holistic role as a company psychologist. The results on each role above will, therefore, enable me to understand which areas I need to improve on, so as to perform my duties efficiently and effectively. The first among this is the role of encourager. It is incumbent upon a psychologist to be able to encourage people, as most people who seek the psychologist’s assistance are in mental turmoil. Even before prescribing a solution, it is important to be able to offer reassurance. Secondly, proper encouragement after offering a prescription so as to give the client courage to adhere to the terms of the said prescription is essential. Another area that needs improvement is gatekeeping. During group therapies, the psychologist acts as the chairperson as has the onus to encourage people to open up and share. Being a perfect gatekeeper is an irreducible minimum for a psychology hence the need to improve. The improvement of these two roles coupled with the summarizer is sufficient. 

Active Listening Skills Inventory 

Purpose of Assessment 

The capacity to listen is a complex process and rises beyond giving an ear to people. It entails understanding before judging, analyzing what is being said and showing the speaker that you are listening. These three elements are being tested contemporaneously in this test. 

Your actual score: 47 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: Median Percentile 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

It seems that all the three aspects are intertwined and my average score arose from a combined poor score in all three of them. This is untenable for a psychologist making this self-assessment test critical to my effectiveness and efficiency as a future psychologist. It creates an obligation for me to strive and improve in the very least to the top 25 th percentile. It occurred to me during the test as per the active listening dimension that my problem lies mainly in pre-judgment. This causes me to already arrive at a conclusion before I hear everything. This then ruins the entire process as my evaluation will be prejudiced by the prejudgment and the response will be influenced by the said prejudgment. As a psychologist, I will be required to hear people out about critical issues and evaluate them in a manner that will enable me assist them. Further, my continued response will affect their openness and capacity to come again for help. It, therefore, needs to effectively work on the ability to withhold judgment until I hear the entire issue to conclusion so as to improve my effectiveness as a psychologist. 

How Do You Influence Coworkers and Other Peers? 

Purpose of Assessment 

This assessment gauges capacity to influence others within a group through both active and passive measures. 

Your actual score: 79 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: Top 25 th Percentile 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

This is another critical area for a psychologist in an organization. A psychologist in an organizational setting is indeed on duty all the time. During general interactions and meetings either formal or informal, colleagues will be studying the psychologist and their private opinions will determine in some way, the level of formal interaction when the psychologist finally handles the colleague as a client. The ability of the psychologist to be influential is therefore crucial. More importantly, during group therapy which is common in an organizational setting, it is crucial for the psychologist to set the pace and be in control of the meeting. This is mainly achievable through capacity to influence hence the relevance of this test to me. Silent authority was my strongest point with assertiveness being my weakness. I intend to augment my strong point and work hard on assertiveness which is crucial. Persuasion and exchange are more of skills than talents. It was crucial to understand my capacity in them to enable me hone and improve on them in theory and practice. This will enable me function more efficiently and effectively as a psychologist in my future place of work. 

Dutch Test for Conflict Handling 

Purpose of Assessment 

This assessment gauges capacity to resolve a conflict when it happens within my proximity by assessing the reactions that I make once the said conflicts are realized. 

Your actual score : 57 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: Bottom 25 Percentile 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

This assessment was a moment of self-realization as well as a wakeup call. The main factor of self-realization regards yielding. When I encounter a dispute, it is easier for me to yield to my adversary even when I am right. Clearly, over time this has developed into a habit. Further, when I encounter a dispute between two individuals unless they are very close to me, I will not intervene, although in most cases I seem to know the cause of the dispute an a means to solving it. This makes me an astute conflict handler in theory and a poor one in practice. A psychologist makes a career out of solving disputes among individuals. At the office level, I will be handling relationship based disputes between colleagues and private disputes of colleagues with their loved ones upon request. Acting as a wakeup call, this assessment has taught me the difference between knowing the solutions and learning to apply them. I will, therefore, endeavor to change by learning to stand my ground when I am right in order to unlearn the learned helplessness, which continued avoidance of disputes has generated. Further, I will learn to put into practice my talent and knowhow with regard to dispute resolution to enable efficacy when the time comes. Since the later is my strength albeit theoretically, learning to put it in practice will exponentially improve my abilities as a psychologist. 

Do Leaders Make a Difference? 

Purpose of Assessment 

The main purpose for this assessment is to check if I blame happenings on leadership, or circumstances beyond leadership. 

Your actual score : 23 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: Beyond Average Romance to Leadership 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

This is a crucial test for the position of company psychologist more so for routine group therapies for junior staff, and individual therapies for senior staff. The test is more important for the self-realization it teaches than the results it presents. Individuals are hard to change but circumstances are not. Focusing on an individual’s crisis is depressing and creates desperation. Focus on circumstances on the other hand creates hope since circumstances are not static and are bound to change. From the perspective of a commercial entity like the one I envisage to work for, it will important to guide the workforce to focus on changing the circumstances that are bound to change and work around the circumstances that cannot be changed. This cannot be done if they are blaming individuals. A good example would be when sales are down. If the workforce believes the problem is management, it will create lethargy and discouragement. If however they believe the problem lies with the economy, they will be encouraged to work harder and around it. This will also work well in individual therapy for the managers within the same scenarios. Instead of blaming themselves, they can blame circumstance and work harder because blaming other individuals will eventually result in stagnation as none will be able to face the problem and make a change. 

What Organizational Structure Do You Prefer? 

Purpose of Assessment 

This assessment tests the kind of an organization that one would want to work in from the perspective of authority and ranges from tightly managed mechanistic organizations to relatively freely run organic organizations. 

Your actual score: 21 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: Organic 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

Company psychologist is a unique management position akin to company lawyer or auditor as the holder of the position has influence in many levels of management. This assessment over and above teaching me where I stand with regard to management preference has also exposed me to the types of management styles and formula available as well as my general opinion towards them. First, from a psychological perspective, this will help me understand the colleagues who double up as clients better when they have a problem with leadership. It is now clear that having a problem with a leadership style that entails management does not amount to insubordination. It could indeed be a preference such as the one I have. From a perspective of influence, it will be crucial when dealing with management in regard to such disputes as I will be able to advice to relax extreme supervisory regimens. This will help management tend towards laying down rules and allowing for employee creativity. Finally it will enable be to temper my tendency towards too much freedom to avoid insubordination. A workforce that is tightly controlled tends to be rebellious while excessively free workforce tends to be reluctant to meet deadline. A balance between the two however, allows for a free and productive workforce. 

Which Corporate Culture Do You Prefer? 

Purpose of Assessment 

This assessment tests the nature of management preferred from an active strong management regiment to a relaxed formula that emphasizes on functional relationships between colleagues and management. 

Your actual score: Culture Control 1, Performance Culture 5, Relationship Culture 4, and Responsive Culture 3. 

The interpretation of your score, using the key : Medium 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

This is more relevant both to my effectiveness in the employer-employee relationship as well as being an efficient psychologist. From my capacity as an employee, this would be an important assessment to retake once I get my job I would seek to compare my results with that of the company. Where possible, I would thereafter seek to adjust my beliefs with those of the company to avoid a high propensity for insubordination. It would also help me better appreciate my relationship with top management to enable adjustment to a better employee. As a company psychologist, I would endeavor to influence the management to focus more on enhancing the relationship between the employer and employees, a fact that I believe would enhance a good working relationship in the office. Further, it would assist in the handling of employees who are accused of insubordination and risk losing their jobs or are struggling with leadership regimens. Finally, I would lobby for performance culture. This will ensure that all employees work towards producing the best for the company without feeling that they are being pushed to work. Performance culture can be enhanced through offering incentives to employees. 

Are You Tolerant of Change? 

Purpose of Assessment 

This is meant to gauge how I react to change as and when it happens or when it is imminent. 

Your actual score: 37 

The interpretation of your score, using the key: Moderately Tolerant to Change 

How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization 

Change is among the few things that are perpetual in life and this test shows an exponentially low tolerance to the same. This is a wakeup call for me as a human being, a potential employee, and a potential company psychologist. This is because change will continually happen. An inability to adjust properly to change is therefore a major handicap individually and a severe professional challenge. In my future capacity as a psychologist, this will have a twofold relevance to me. As an employee, the test enables me to understand that there is need for change, and more importantly where this need lies. Secondly, it will enable me to empathize with employees who become clients and are challenged in this manner. I was not aware that I am intolerant to change, yet the test shows that I am and I find its parameters quite valid. This will enable me to understand that the clients I will encounter in future are not rebelling but have a handicap. That understanding will be crucial to my being able to effectively assist them. Perhaps the main reason for low tolerance for change is an underlying fear, which may involve losing a job. Further, this can emanate from the weakness of judging situation before it reaches fruition. Seeking to overcome this and enabling clients to do the same would be a good outcome from this assessment. When clients accept that change in organizations is inevitable if profitability is to be enhanced, they will be able to cope with any eventualities. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Tell if You're Introverted or Extraverted.


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