10 Jul 2022


How to Understand Generalizations and Stereotypes: The film “A Class Divided”

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Personal Reflection

Words: 310

Pages: 1

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The film “A Class Divided” is such a great film intended to make the world a better place by teaching against discrimination. Despite Jane Elliott being a white teacher, her determination to tech about brotherhood and against black people is desirable. I have seen the film before, but at that, I did not pay so much close attention to it, but now, I can appreciate what Mrs. Elliott did. The film took me by surprise, learning that discrimination can even happen amongst the white when there is a chance. 

Although Mrs. Elliott intended the blue eye scenario to be a lesson and teach against black people discrimination, it is astonishing how the third-grade students were emotionally affected. On the first lesson, the teacher succeeded in convincing the students that the best among them were blue-eyed and portrayed brown-eyed people as weakly. During the second lesson, she makes the brown-eyed people feel superior over their blue-eyed friends. Both the groups can recall how bad it felt as the weaker group, and this is demonstrated by how the kids feel relieved after Mrs. Elliott told them none was superior over the other and all were equal. 

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In the late ‘90s, I was walking with my friends across the Times Square area in New York and came across a young black boy in a phone booth. As well walked passed him, we noticed he was crying. In late ‘90s drug traffickers were using phone booths for drug transactions and what came into our minds was, “black kid in phone booth equals drugs dealings.” When we got at the end of the block, I suddenly asked myself why the boy was crying. I decided to turn back and inquire. Upon asking him, he burst into a tale of woe. The boy had come from the Bronx into Manhattan in the company of friends and an older cousin but got separated and was now lost. The boy was trying to get in touch with them unsuccessfully. 


A Class Divided (full film) | FRONTLINE. (2019). Retrieved 7 August 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mcCLm_LwpE 

A Class Divided. (2019). Retrieved 7 August 2019, from https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/divided/etc/script.html 

Raskoff, S. (2019). Everyday Sociology Blog: Understanding Generalizations and Stereotypes. Retrieved 7 August 2019, from https://www.everydaysociologyblog.com/2012/05/understanding-generalizations-and- stereotypes.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Understand Generalizations and Stereotypes: The film “A Class Divided”.


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