15 Dec 2022


How to Write a Ceremonial Speech

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 249

Pages: 1

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Topic: Paying tribute to my teacher 

Purpose: To inspire the audience by honouring a special teacher to me and describing how she has impacted my life 

Thesis: My Mathematics teacher Jean Wright has had a huge influence on my life through showing examples of courage, warmth, and concern for others. 

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Organizational pattern: Topical 


Who has the biggest influence in your life? For most of us, a certain special relative, friend, or teacher comes to mind. 

Throughout my life as a student, I have interacted with many teachers, loved some of them and hated some, but none has had a bigger influence on my life than my Mathematics teacher, Mrs. Jean Wright 

Certainly each one of us has had a teacher who elicited strong emotions in us and today I want to pay special tribute to this wonderful lady. 

Mrs. Wright was the embodiment of warmth, courage, and concern for others as she proved both in personal and professional life. 


Mrs. Wright taught us by her example of warmth 

She always wore a smile that was infectious and an inspiring thought to share 

She helped through hard times and she always had the right words for me whenever I faced a situation 

Jean Wright taught us by her example of concern for other people 

Mrs. Wright volunteered in various local charities 

She always put the needs of others before her own 

Mrs. wright taught us by her example of courage 

Mrs. Wright always had a positive outlook even when faced by problems herself 

Even in cases where she was taken ill, she strove to come to school so that her students do not miss a lesson. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Write a Ceremonial Speech .


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