16 Sep 2022


How to Write a Reading Response

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Academic level: College

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Words: 472

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10-point reading response. “Old Boys, Old girls” 

Prompt #1: initial reaction to the story 

The story was interesting at the beginning, boring in some spots but worth it in the end. 

Prompt #2: a brief summary of the story with cultural identification

The name of the key character in the story is Caesar Mathews 

The main plot events are built around the murder committed by Caesar that sees him taken to the Lorton prison where. 

The cultural identity provided in the story is the use of religion as seen with the presence of Immaculate Conception Church in the eighth street. Caesar's friend is also called Cathedral which symbolizes the practice of religion. 

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Prompt#3: Analytical question. 

How would have Caesar’s life been in case Yvonne his girlfriend would have stayed with him. Maybe life would have been better for Caesar if he had been there to keep her occupied. On the other hand, why did Caesar hate his father s much even after he was told “the Giant truth” that his father really did love him? Was it because he hated his father that made him leave his father”s home never to return. According to the writer, Caesar and his father had a war between themselves and his two siblings sided with their father. This could explain the reason why he never wanted to meet his family but the book doesn’t clearly state why he hated his father 

Prompt #4: Responding to the Question 

After searching for Yvonne for three months to no success, he resumed his old ways. Caesar loved Yvonne and had left his evil ways to stay with her. Caesar had loved Yvonne to the point they had planned to have their first child after two years of staying together. Yvonne described Caesar to be three doors away from the insanity and after the unsuccessful search for her, he later stabbed a man to death. Evidently, things would have been better with Yvonne around. Somehow Caesar could control his actions with her than when he was alone. 

6-Point Reading Response. “A Small Flame” 

Prompt#1: Initial reaction to the story 

The story was a bit slow at first, but then I got into it. 

Prompt#2: Brief summary of the story with cultural identification 

The chief character in the story is Called Bella 

The main plot of the story begins during the recovery holiday for Bella in China. 

The characters in the story represent a generation that values education as their way of life. Most of the characters in the story have attained high levels of education or instance Bella who had gone to college. 

Prompt#3: Analytical question 

Why had Bella wanted to be hungry, cold, forever begging, and forever dying? This could have been the reason as to why she cared less about her marriages never working. According to the story, when Bella”s grandfather came to visit Bella alongside her granddaughter Bella bossed the girl around. Why did she so much want to be that evil person that never cared about other people”s feelings? Maybe this was the main reason as to why she had been in two marriages that failed to work. 


Jones, E. P. (2004). Old Boys, Old Girls. Retrieved from 


Jones, E. P. (2004). FICTION" Old Boys, Old Girls".  NEW YORKER-NEW YORKER 


Yiyun, Li. (2017). A Small Flame. Retrieved from 


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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). How to Write a Reading Response.


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