19 Jul 2022


How to Write in APA Format

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 598

Pages: 1

Downloads: 0

Text: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6 th edition

The table below discusses important concepts to APA format. Using your APA text, please complete the following questions. Be sure to provide the page number in the text where you found your answer. Please complete the table below and return to your instructor. 

Student Name: 


Page # 


How do you write numbers, fractions, and percentages? 

Numbers, fractions, and percentages which come at the beginning of a sentence should be expressed in words rather than actual figures. For example five students, forty-four percentage of the interviewees or one-third of the trainers. However, when they appear in other parts of sentence one should use figures. For example, 11 students and so on. 
What are the font and typeset used in APA? 

APA style requires one to use serif typeface such as 12-point Times New Roman for the text. More so one should use sans serif typeface such as Arial for figure labels. 
What is the spacing and margins in APA? 

Bottom, top and sides margins should be set to a minimum of one inch. The spacing should be double-spaced throughout the document. 
What are the components of an APA paper? 

An APA paper has eight components which are the Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, and Appendices 
How do you send the page numbers? 

Numbers should be located in the upper right-hand corner of the document. To set the page numbers to place the cursor to the right of the header, click insert, select page number, current position, and then the plain number. Page 1 should be the title page, abstract page 2 and the text begins on page 3 
What is the Level of Headings? List all of them and discuss how they are to be used in a paper. 

There is five level of headings in APA: 

Level 1 

The heading is centered, bold-faced in both uppercase and lowercase. 

Level 2 

The heading is flushed left, in boldface and both uppercase and lowercase. 

Level 3 

The heading is indented, in boldface in lower case and ends in a period 

Level 4 

The heading is indented, in boldface, italicized, in lowercase and ending in a period. 

Level 5 

The heading is indented, italicized, in lowercase and ending in a period. 


Title Page 

Discuss the components of the title page and how to set it up. 

The title page should include the page the author’s last name and the institutional affiliation. This information should be centered. Additionally, this page contains a page header which reflects the title of the paper. 

Citations in the Body of the Paper. 

Discuss how to cite in the body of the paper. Please include how to cite primary and secondary sources. 


Citing in the body of the paper requires one to mention the name of the author and then the date which is in brackets followed by a comma. Alternatively, one can put the name and date in brackets at the end of the author's quote. For example John (2013), or ….(John, 2013). 
Primary Sources 


Primary sources include books, magazines, newspapers, journals, and speeches among others. While citing these sources in the text, you can have the following two options: 

One: According to James (year), 

Two: Human beings are social by nature (James, date) 

Secondary Sources 


Secondary sources contain information created from primary sources. They include scholarly articles and books. To cite them in the document, quote the writer of the original document followed by date as in primary sources. 

Reference Page 

Discuss the components of the reference page. 

List a reference for the following items: 



Internet Journal 


Government Agency 







The components of a reference include the author, date, title of the work and publication details 

Author, date, chapter title, editor(s), Title of the book (italics), edition, place of publication, Publisher 

Author, date, title of the article, title of the journal (italics), volume, issue number, pagination 

Author(s), year, title the article, title of the journal (italics), volume, issue number, pagination, retrieval statement 

Author, date, website title (italics), retrieval statement 

Agency name, date, title, place of publication, author 

Discuss Plagiarism 


Plagiarism is using someone else's work and passing it off as yours without citing the source of information. One should give credit to the author of the work used for writing a paper. 
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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Write in APA Format.


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