9 Nov 2022


Hymn on Creation - John Milton

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The creation hymn is a religious chant that seeks to provide a reflective insight into the mystery of creation and reality ( Fisher & Bailey, 2012 ). It describes a mystical experience which transcends beyond the limits of rational thinking. The hymn explains an inexplicable paradox of origin by stating what existed and what did not. At the beginning, nothing existed, not even the universe. There were neither deaths nor lives and as such, everything in the cosmos was hidden in darkness. The hymn on creation asserts that the universe was born from the power of heat. Despite this unfolding, no one, not even the gods, know what happened or who created the universe. It recognizes the existence a super being but it does not explain from what material the creation was formed. Since the gods came after the emergence of the universe, then it is impossible to ascertain how the creation sprung into existence. 

Realize the Brahman 

The Upanishad refers to an inquiry into the human nature of perception. Brahman is the real power that drives the workings of the universe, both external and internal. It can therefore be referred to as the center of all consciousness in human beings, which is embodied within them and experiences what they experience. The description provided shows that Brahman is intimately united to each human being. According to the Upanishad, Brahman is the one God, present in the north, the east, the south, and the west ( Parrinder, 2009 ). He is the sole creator who enters all wombs and is therefore born in all beings. Brahman is beyond reason and as such, it is not accessible to the reach of our minds. Even those people who experience Brahman cannot describe their feeling. The Upanishads give Brahman different descriptions so as to help individuals in their search for this incomprehensible divine essence. 

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In the Beginning 

Genesis provides an account of the Hebrew belief on the creation of the universe ( Oxtoby & Segal, 2012 ). It establishes God as the creator of the heavens, the earth and everything on it. Since the universe is divinely conceived, then it follows that it can only be fully comprehended in the light of a divine disposition. Man was molded from dust and the woman was made from the man’s rib. This was the climax of God’s creation. They were not only made in His own image and likeness but were also given dominion over the rest of the creation. This shows that they were different from the other creatures. God made the universe in six days and rested on the seventh. In the Hebrew context, He is referred to as the creator, a supreme being and the sustainer of the universe. 

The Mosaic Covenant from Exodus 

The Mosaic Covenant refers to the ancient law of the Hebrews, which was ascribed to Moses. Fisher and Bailey (2012) note that it is a conditional covenant which was made between God and the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai. Like other covenants made to Israel, it promised blessings for compliance and curses for defiance. It marked Israel as a people distinct from the rest of the nations. The Torah covers a historical experience of the Israelites under Moses’ leadership by describing the instruction delivered by God regarding their obligation to obey his laws ( Oxtoby & Segal, 2012 ). It was comprised of the Ten Commandments, the judgments and the religious ordinances also referred to as the laws of Moses. The Mosaic Law promised condemnation and death to those who disobeyed it. 

Thirteen Principles of Faith 

The Thirteen Principles of Faith, also referred to as the Shloshah Asar Ikkarim , describe the fundamental truths and foundations of the Jewish faith. The principles are viewed as meditations that provide insights into the depths of a person’s being, the nature of God, His teachings and the Torah ( Parrinder, 2009 ). The Maimonides present the beliefs by considering five main aspects at length; nature of God, the universe, man, life and the afterlife. It talks of God as a supreme being and as the creator with an unparalleled authority over the universe. He existed before anything else and as such, He alone should be worshipped. Some principles talk of the existence of prophets and praise Moses as the greatest prophet who ever lived. The origin of the Torah and its immutability is also covered. The final section focuses on God’s omniscience, the day of the messiah and the resurrection of the dead. 

Basic Worldview of Hinduism and Judaism 


There are many contrasting theories that explain the origin of the universe. Hinduism bases its belief on Brahma as the maker of the universe. He is viewed as the source of all creation. Other contexts such as the creation hymn, however, describe the origin as a complex development that was not known, not even to the gods. They describe the cyclical nature of the universe by stating that the world is not created once, but repeatedly. Through Brahma, human beings were created and given life. Since he created man from his own soul, he lives through each one of us. The world is an evolving assortment of devotional, philosophical and religious traditions and as such, there are no fixed moments of the origin. 


Judaism bases its belief on the existence of God as a Supreme Being and the creator of the universe ( Champion & Short, 2003 ). Through him, all the creations including human beings, animals and the physical world were made. He is the origin of all life on earth. He created man so that He could fulfill his eternal Plan. The Bible says that He loved man even before he created him. Human beings serve a very important part in the universe. They are obligated to obey God and keep the commandments which he passed on thorough Moses. The creation of the universe demonstrates God’s glory, wisdom, love, mercy, grace, power and goodness. 

Comparison of Texts 


All the texts analyzed above talk of the existence of a supreme creator of the universe. They examine His role in the creation of man and other creatures on the cosmos. The creator is presented as a mystical being whose state is unknown to all human beings. Man has a direct connection with the creator. In Hinduism, he is created from Brahma’s soul whereas in Judaism, he is created from God’s own image and likeness. 


Judaism is monotheistic. The texts discussed above conform to this statement by establishing that God is the only one to be worshipped. The principles of the religion are based on the covenant that was made between God and Moses. Hinduism on the other hand is polytheistic. Even though Brahman is worshipped as the most superior deity, there are other gods who are worshipped in different ways. 

Polytheistic (Hindu) vs. Monotheistic (Jewish) 

Polytheistic religions believe in the worship of more than one god (Hopfe & Woodward, 2009). Hinduism worships Brahman as the superior God even though other deities are also worshipped. Monotheistic religion bases its belief on the existence of one God, the creator of the universe. It is a natural progression from polytheism because the early Hebrew religion believed in the worship of other gods. The difference is that in polytheistic beliefs, different gods are assigned to different aspects of nature. This implies that people will worship them at different times of need, depending on the role of the god. Individuals who believe in one God pray to Him for everything, since he controls every aspect of the universe. 


Champion, S. G., & Short, D. (2003).    The world's great religions: An anthology of sacred texts . Mineola, N.Y: Dover Publications. 

Fisher, M. P., & Bailey, L. W. (2012).    An anthology of living religions . Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson. 

Hopfe, L. M., & Woodward, M. R. (2009).    Religions of the world . New York: Vango Books. 

Oxtoby, W. G., & Segal, A. F. (2012).    A concise introduction to world religions . Don Mills, Ont: Oxford University Press. 

Parrinder, E. G. (2009).    World religions: From ancient history to the present . New York: Barnes & Noble Books. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Hymn on Creation - John Milton.


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