16 Aug 2022


Improvisation vs. Composition in Music

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 288

Pages: 1

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I listen to different types of music all of which have specific meanings or purposes in society. I love Blues and R&B because of the way such songs address contemporary love issues. I find most of the songs fitting some of the situations that I have experienced throughout my life and, it is as if I mean every word that I say whenever I am singing along to such songs. I also like Reggaeton music because of the smooth flow of beats and drums, and the perfect mixing of different cultural styles. Reggaeton consolidates some European styles and African drum-beating to bring out sweet music. Additionally, most reggaeton songs contain educative content, which is suitable for any person. Occasionally, I listen to folk music because it helps me connect with the traditional culture. Some of the music is highly educative, and it always feels good to enjoy the type of music that my ancestors sang. 

Improvisation vs. Composition 

Improvisation of a song happens in real-time. To improvise means to make up music or melody at the moment that the improviser is performing it. When improvising, one cannot edit the parts that he or she has already sung. However, an improvised song can make reference to an earlier version. An improviser does not have the time to write a sing since everything is made up on the spot. Composition refers to the careful and deliberate writing of a song. When composing a song, one can manipulate musical instruments to a certain degree of complexity as is desired. A composer can work on a song for as much time he or she wants, unlike an improviser who has to make up everything on the spot. Composing a song also allows one to make changes to the song before releasing it to the public domain. Therefore, one can manipulate ideas to be contained in a song, and the length of that song among other things. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Improvisation vs. Composition in Music.


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