15 May 2022


In It To Win: The Jack Abramoff Story

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 272

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Ethical decision making presents the idea of making decisions that are in line with moral principles. For the sake of this discussion, ethical tenets mainly include beneficence, informed consent, autonomy, confidentiality and truthfulness. Jack Abramoff broke some of these principles in his business endeavours in Washington as presented by the story.

Jack Abramoff mistakes in ethical decision making came into light when he was working as a lobbyist in Washington (McCombs School of Business, 2016). Usually, it would not be expected that an individual of Jack's calibre and presentation would be involved in what is viewed as a crime. Jack appeared as an individual ready to stand for the best interest of everyone. In fact, during his job interview, he declared that he would not compromise his beliefs through his actions regardless of having a lot of money at hand.

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However, Jack was caught up in a crime scandal that was perpetrated solely by his decisions and endeavours. According to Jack, his actions were always rational and ethical. From the film, rationality is viewed as the excuses people create in the attempt to cover for their diversion of moral principles. Jack would choose clients that he believed in their courses and also whom conservatism ideologies were matching. In essence, the premise does not guarantee ethical decisions.

To conclude the discussion, Jack broke various ethical principles based on his mentality to win and achieve whatever he wanted for the team. Despite his rationality, his decisions caused emotional pain and other losses to different parties. Therefore, ethical decision making should firmly reflect adherence to all moral principles. As much as people are rational and attempting to remain ethical, the policy of using power to win in whatsoever means leads to the reality of unethical decision making. 


McCombs School of Business. (2016). In It To Win: The Jack Abramoff Story . YouTube Video. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmD8xLi4JvU&feature=youtu.be

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). In It To Win: The Jack Abramoff Story.


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