10 Jan 2023


Interviews on Paid Family Leave: The Pros and Cons

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Summary of the Findings 

The interview conducted on employer and employee perceptions about paid maternity leave exposed in-depth factors that guide the responses that each party has about the subject discussed. The employer has never offered paid maternity leave because the business is young employing less than 45 people but has considered, and initiative talks about the subject with other shareholders of the business and decision-makers. The employee also, on the other hand, has gone for unpaid maternity leave and, thus, the excitement about the subject and interview made the interview successful as she talked from experience about what she has undergone personally and what she has seen from people around her in her life presently and in the past. The Employee’s feedback indicated the benefits that would be accrued beyond personal life and relationships with their new ones to the benefits that the company that offers paid maternity leave would experience as a result of the decisions. Findings from other countries support the responses and positions taken by the employee about the subject. Notably, Canada and Europe that the subject of paid maternity leave is well supported by both governments and the private sector that has made the issue mandatory and extended the period spent when on maternity leave to include even one year in some states. 

On the other hand, the response from the employer about paid maternity leave and their perceptions about the subject was mainly shaped by the economic interest of the company. Labor, for instance, in the United States is among the most expensive, a factor that encourages people working in shifts and hours. Among other factors of production, such as capital, land, and entrepreneurship, when compared to labor costs, it has made many employers oppose the paid maternity leave idea. Even when most would have loved to implement such a noble plan and practice that has dominated many democratic and civilized countries bearing in mind that childbearing is a natural cause. And, the benefits that children bring in societies that include restoring hope about the future as they take over issues in the economic, political as well as social aspects when parents and seniors get old in life. The duration that mothers on maternity leave would spend also is considered among the factors that employers value and would think before they make and support paid maternity leave as advocated currently by many civil societies and feminism movements in the world. It has started bearing fruits as noted in some states such as California among others that passed necessary legislation and laws that require employers to embrace paid maternity leave. 

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Comparison of Employee and Employer’s Responses 

The topic of paid maternity leave responses from the employer and employee perspective had many differences than similarities regarding perception and factors that guide the argument and discussion. Each party pulled strings to their sides that would make them benefit more from the subject and topic. However, it is important to note that the perceptions that the issue attracts must be viewed from a neutral point of view that considers both the effort and sacrifices that the two parties have made. It includes the benefits that accrue from their bold and courageous decisions to advocate for a neutral position about the subject that would benefit both parties objectively. For example, the brave and bold decisions that employers make in the form of investments leads to creation of jobs and other opportunities and, therefore, a neutral positions that considers the input and value of each side would result in an area supported by the majority in terms of the critical issues and subject of paid maternity leave. 

The employee responses about the subject of paid maternity leave focused majorly on the benefits that would arise to the mother and newborn related to health requirements for mothers that have given birth as well as the born babies. Breastfeeding is an essential part for babies and their mothers that the health and medical profession advocate to be done exclusively for the first six months before babies get introduced to other types of meals. “I strictly breastfed my baby for six months,” she said supporting her statement. When mothers that have babies get paid leave, they have more time that they devote and spend with their new ones that enhance breastfeeding leading to healthy babies that also accrue other benefits such as lowers infant maternity rates. It also increases the duration that mothers breastfeed their loved ones improving on their health status. Studies have indicated that children that got enough breastfeeding time to grow into healthy kids and adults in the subsequent years and also it reduce the chance of such kids developing problems and diseases related to growth and development that might impact them negatively in their lives as adults and children. Vaccination is equally an important part and process in children health where diseases such as polio and measles have proved dangerous to babies. Paid maternity leave increases the chance that babies would be vaccinated as it gives mothers enough time to take their children to the health centers for such vaccination services. The chance of children missing such critical health services as vaccination and breastfeeding, for instance, increases for mothers that do not get paid maternity leave because they are compelled to go out and fend for their families in particular mothers that come from low-income households and families. “It is common in many developing countries and low-income families,” she said to support her words. Parents and not only mothers but also their partners reduces the chance of getting a postpartum depression that results in more output and production from the workers when they return to work after giving birth. The paid maternity leave, thus, enhances stronger family and social bonds in the family where parents spend more time with their children socializing and bonding. It encourages responsibility among the parents where Dads also join in taking care of their children and playing their duty in the house as dads. Companies and businesses that support paid maternity leave have a high chance of retaining employees and attracting the most top talent and skilled personnel in their companies. It is because the act itself is a noble idea that would give such companies or business a competitive advantage in the business by creating a positive image and brand through the action of paid maternity leave. The act itself provides morale and motivates workers making them more productive as the employees would feel that their employers are responsible and concerned about their affairs making them stay loyal, accountable and responsible. The companies that embrace and support paid maternity leave that leads to attracting talented workers in their business, motivated workforce and retention of experienced and skilled employees results among others benefits leads to more profits due to enhanced output and production among the workers. 

The employer’s response to the subject of paid maternity leaves mostly defended the actions and reasons that make many employers reluctant to implement and support the idea in full as advocated by activists and women organizations. The employer notes the business is yet to rich its full maturity and position that can make it sustainable financially when the advocated paid maternity leave is embraced. The employer indicates that for bigger business, the topic can readily be embraced because such companies or business have a stable financial position that such program of paid maternity leave would have minimal effect. The response from the employer also noted the type and nature of the company would be a factor to consider. She admits that there are companies that the majority of their employees constituting almost 90 percent are of the male gender. Such a policy of paid maternity leave, hence, would have less impact in such companies as they would be cautioned by default due to the majority of male employees. However, in a company or business with a higher number of female employees, the paid maternity leave can prove to be a costly affair that would make the effective running of the business difficult due to financial constraints. The high cost of labor in the US, for example, has also played and contributed to the reluctance that most employers show about the supporting the subject of paid maternity leave. One reason that they give as an example is the hourly rates paid for employees that enable employees to earn the exact amount and time that they have become productive in the business. They compare the costs of labor to other countries such as those found in Europe and among others developing countries that are very low and, hence, comfortable to support paid maternity leave as the businesses can recover and save more due to affordable labor. “Asian region provides a good example in particular China,” he said supporting his opinion. In such cases, supporting paid maternity leave becomes easier. 

Moreover, the law needs to consider options that the time spent on maternity leave and the amount paid need to be recovered even in portion by also formulating laws that would encourage women that come from maternity leave to work more hours including overtime as among strategies developed to help the businesses also save and recover on such costs. It is because it would be a good and balanced approach where both parties that include the employer and employee benefits. The employer said, “the media has mainly focused on the side of the employees about the subject and not us (employers).” It shows bias in the topic. The law should also encourage custom-made agreements and flexibility in terms of the subject where the two parties involved come to an agreement that benefits both sides that include the employer as well as the employee so that the topic can be supported objectively and interests from both parties considered and involved in reaching an amicable solution about the subject. It is also important to note that the interviewed employer is more than willing to embrace and support the paid maternity leave, but the business conditions make it difficult for him as the company is still young and not yet financially stable though it is operational and making reasonable profits. 

Relation of Findings to Course Materials 

The findings of the interview of the employer and employee about the subject of paid maternity leave posted similar concepts and ideas related to the course materials. It notes the factors that investors and employers consider in making decisions such as reducing costs of production and operations among others to enhance profit and move their business to the next level. It also notes how employees would want to maximize their opportunities and time working in a business or company. Employers and employees always look and view issues more often than not from two opposing sides as noted in the course materials that more often results in conflict in the production process prompting the formation of rules, regulations, and policy that would guide directly and indirectly the interest of each side. For example, it is the reason why employers have formed and joined associations that try to cover and protect their interests in the production process. On the same note, employees also have trade unions and related organization that enhance the interests of the employees that the subject of paid maternity leave also touches on among other interests that employee’s value. The findings, thus, relate to the course findings that show the two opposing directions that both the employer and employee have in the production process. 

Scheduled and Follow Up Questions 

Scheduled and follow up questions of an employed mother 

Q1. Do you think paid maternity leave is a good idea? Why so? 

Q2. What actions do you think can be done to make paid maternity leave mandatory for companies and business? 

Q3. Have you ever gone for maternity leave? If so, what was your experience like ? 

Q4. What factors do you think hinder most employers or companies from implementing paid maternity leave? 

Q5. If you put yourself in the shoes of the employer, would you support paid maternity leave and what reason would you consider in making your decisions? 

Q6. What should determine the duration to spend on paid maternity leave? 

Q7. How do you feel that the US is among the most developed countries in the world that is yet to embrace paid maternity leave fully? 

Q8.What roles should the civil society play to enhance and support paid maternity leave? 

Q9. Is the topic of paid maternity leaving a question for only women or should the entire society be concerned about it? Why so? 

Q10. If you were to change anything about the subject of paid maternity leave, what could it be and reason for that? 

Q11. Can you state the benefits that children get when their mothers get paid maternity leave? 

Q12. Do you think the topic of paid maternity leave affects all women irrespective of ethnic and racial backgrounds? Explain? 

Thank you for your time and response 

Scheduled and follow up questions of an employer 

Q1.Do your business support paid maternity leave idea and what reasons guide that decision? 

Q2. Do you think the question of paid maternity leave has taken a biased perception? And why do you think so? 

Q3. What factors should be considered when determining the time that paid maternity leave should take? 

Q4. Besides financial costs, what other aspects determine the topic of paid maternity leave? 

Q5.what policies has your company developed to support paid maternity leave? 

Q6. In your opinion, how long should paid maternity leave take? Why so? 

Q7. What benefits does paid maternity leave bring to a business r company? 

Q8. What initiatives can be done to encourage breastfeeding mothers to have a balanced approach to production in the company? 

Q9. Is the topic of paid maternity leaving a question for only women or should the entire society be concerned about it? Why so? 

Q10. If you were to change anything about the subject of paid maternity leave, what could it be and reason for that? 

Q11. Do you think each business or company should be allowed to develop its policies and decision about the subject of paid maternity leave or should there be a general policy and guideline about the issue? Why so? 

Thank you for your time and response. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Interviews on Paid Family Leave: The Pros and Cons.


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