12 May 2022


Issues that Affect Academic Freedom Today

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Academic freedom is an essential concept in institutions of higher learning. The idea has two essential definitions which will be defined and explained in this paper. In essence, the paper aims to address current issues and threats to academic freedom in higher education. The various threats and limitations to academic freedom will be discussed. The discussion will then focus on the forces that result in the threats and finally provide possible solutions that might be of great assistance in countering the threats and further enhancing the required ambiance for teaching and learning in institutions. 

Academic freedom is an institution’s right to entirely manage its affairs in academics without interference from the government of the day. In this case, institutions of higher learning have unlimited freedom to decide the course that should be taught and who should teach it ( Kirkwood and Vlaming, 1996) . The colleges and universities also have the mandate of determining and establishing their criteria for admission and requirements for graduation. Besides, they have the freedom to come up with their academic priorities, objectives, and missions. Academic freedom is an essential feature of university education in the world today because it highlights and advocates for the ideal separation of power, which significantly prevents the government from intimidating and forcing institutions to promote particular causes and adopt specific positions. 

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Academic freedom may also refer to the concept in which members of the faculty carry out research on the various controversial subjects and further discuss the results in classrooms without the usual fear of retaliation ("The Limits of Academic Freedom," 2018). This specifically refers to the academic subjects and nothing more or less. In essence, the famous AAUP’s statement states that lecturers are only expected and allowed to introduce controversial matters concerning their subject. In other words, professors are warned not to discuss controversial issues outside the subject of study.

Threats to Academic Freedom

Academic freedom currently faces various obstacles and countless challenges at institutions of higher learning. The risks include;

Limiting speech

The issue takes the form of speech code in the campus. The introduction of the codes intended to restrict speech (verbal harassment) that would play a role of showing disrespect or offending minority students in the campus. The codes further advocate for the punishment of those who violate them. The codes affect student's freedom of discussion in and out of the class. Students have a tough time disagreeing specifically in controversial talks including racism that may be offensive to the minority students.

Many universities have set rules that prohibit professors from introducing controversial matters in classrooms, which are primarily meant to promote critical thinking. Most students tend to misinterpret the divergent ideas and to term them as assaults. Hence, educational institutions have set stringent rules that significantly address free speech, privacy, as well as various freedom matters in internet and library policies. This has resulted in more compromise by professors on what they teach in class, which has, in turn, limited the various things that students are supposed to learn. Members of the faculty significantly avoid such controversial matters that are considered offensive to the minority group. Professors are currently cautious when it comes to student interaction, especially the minority group.

Limitations on the Academic Freedom in Grading

The academic freedom enjoyed by faculty members concerning assigning grades to students has accumulated more complications in institutions of higher learning today. The AAUP verified the universal right of professors and lecturers to exercise their academic freedom of assigning grades in 1998. The AAUP further claimed that the process should be appealed if necessary. It further recommended that the appeals panel is supposed to comprise faculty members in allied or the same fields. 

Recent years have encountered various rulings by the court, which allow institutions the right to alter the original grades assigned to students by the faculty member. In the Sweezy v. New Hampshire Case (1957), Justice Frankfurter reasoned that the institution had the freedom to decide what is taught to students and how the teaching should be conducted ("LIMITATIONS ON ACADEMIC FREEDOM," 2018). He claimed that this is not the mandate of an individual faculty member. Many courts have ruled against the faculty member requesting that they do not have the First Amendment interest with regards to the final grade that is received by the student. Such rulings give academic institutions the opportunity to alter the grade issued to students by the professor. 

Corruption in Academic Institutions

There is an increased influence of money in institutions of higher learning today. Academic freedom goes hand in hand with the adequacy of resources in a university. The resources cost money and the government, granting agencies, and donors chip in to help through funding. The administrations of colleges and universities entrusted with the funds are not responsible at all. They end up using the money to take care of their own needs other than purchasing the resources required by the university to facilitate learning ("Does Academic Freedom Have a Future? | AAUP", 2018). It is unfortunate that the donors and the government do not follow up to confirm if the money was used for the intended purpose. The irresponsible acts of corruption end up limiting academic freedom for a financial reason. 

Recent AUCC’s Emphasis on Institutional Academic Freedom

The AUCC recently came up with what can be referred to as a less elegant policy statement regarding the controversial academic freedom. The policy statement received criticism and opposition from the audience at the conference. It is shameful how the AUCC got rid of the intramural expression and the freedom of extramural (Freedom, 2018). Besides, the statement released by AUCC substantially based its emphasis on institutional academic freedom as well as institutional autonomy. It greatly opposed the idea of supporting academic freedom as a right of individual faculty members. 

AACC borrowed and adopted AAUP's idea of emphasizing on the established and expected role of professional norms concerning academic freedom. In essence, education seems to have lost meaning in institutions of higher learning. Students currently go through the system to pass exams and get employed. They do not achieve the expected goal of receiving an education. Education incorporates allowing students to think critically and air out their views without being restricted (Freedom, 2018). On the other hand, professors do not enjoy their work as they are also restricted on teaching what is in the books and nothing else. We are, hence, raising and encouraging a society that cannot think outside the box. The future sounds disturbing.

What accounts for the Limitations and Threats of Academic Freedom?

Various developments that occurred recently provided room and also facilitated the accumulating power of limitations to academic tenure, academic freedom, and faculty governance. The world today is highly litigious and polarized, and individuals are hyper-vigilant and hypersensitive. They unexpectedly react aggressively to unwitting and other innocent comments and ideas expressed by other individuals. They do not care if the comments are directed to them or not. Besides, faculty members have political views that are different from those of their students. Hence, the various reports of bias of opinions tend to undermine students' confidence in the classroom and outside substantially.

The total capacity of lecturers and professors who should be on the frontline of countering the new trends weakened long time ago. Others claim the capacity seems to be the reflection of the gradual developments. In other words, the membership of the body that guards and fights for academic freedom, which comprises the American Association of University Professors, reduced gradually from the 1970s. The initial total number of members was about 91,000 in 1971. The membership reduced to 66,000 by 1981 ("New and Continuing Threats to Academic Freedom: Causes and Solutions | W. Lee Hansen," 2018). There was a further drop to about 40,000 members in 1989. The organization currently has an inadequate membership and, hence, does not possess the power to carry out its mandate of pushing for academic freedom in institutions of higher learning. 

College and university administrators including Chancellors, Presidents, and Provosts are no longer principles of faculty governance and academic freedom like it were in the past. The mentioned administrators were active members of the faculty despite being managers of academic institutions. This enabled them to view themselves as part of the faculty. The current rules and regulations of the administration system only allow campus leaders to be hired via national searches ("New and Continuing Threats to Academic Freedom: Causes and Solutions | W. Lee Hansen," 2018). The leaders permanently get promoted up the ranks as they move and gain experience from one institution to the next. The spirit has imposed a different mentality in them compared to the past leaders where they currently view themselves as members of a new class of administrators. In essence, their career histories do not facilitate their understanding and appreciation of academic freedom. 

The governing boards of universities and colleges also play a role in promoting the limitations and threats of academic freedom. It is evident that the various committees do not pay any attention to the pressing yet important matter in the learning process. In other words, it is essential to note that nothing is done by colleges and universities to enhance the education of new appointees of governing boards concerning the stubborn issue of academic freedom as many of them come from the private sector. 

Solutions to the Issue

Understanding Academic Freedom

There is a need for individuals in academe including faculty, campus boards of governance, students, and campus administrators to know and understand what academic freedom essentially means and its importance. The concept also requires examination concerning the latest challenges experienced in college and university education. The problematic issue should be debated in public for the awareness of everyone in the society. Discussions and ideas on the manner in which private and public institutions of higher learning should put measures in place to ensure accountability and accountability must be brought on the table and aired to the public. 

Accountability plays a role in suppressing the growth of commercialization of education that has been in the frontline of undermining academic freedom. Encouraging a better understanding of academic freedom will promote the achievement of the purpose of higher education. We all look forward to a society where learned individuals can think critically and help to solve problems that may arise in future. Academic freedom gives students the ambiance to exercise their freedom of critical thinking and sharing their ideas openly. The administration and stakeholders should join hands and support the concept to achieve outstanding results. 

Academic Freedom as Social Responsibility

It is the social responsibility of both educational institutions and individuals to fight for and protect academic freedom. In essence, governments and states should commit to solving the myriad issues that primarily relate to the governance and educational policy of colleges and universities. Academic freedom must be protected and encouraged in the process. The state should further ensure that the concept of academic freedom is not undermined by the actions of the other actors in the process including political parties, the media, and other citizens in the country. 

Academic Freedom as a Human Right

It is essential for the fraternity of institutions of higher learning to recognize academic freedom as students’ and lecturers’ international human right. The guarantees taken care by the constitution may not have the required power to facilitate academic freedom and ensuring it is protected ("Academic freedom and higher education | Jindal Global University," 2018). This can only be realized if the state manages to engage and push for the democratic process with the assistance of stakeholders. 

Subjecting Corrupt Members to Severe Punishment

As explained above, corruption is a significant threat to academic freedom. Corrupt members of the administration should be warned about the dangers of indulging in the acts of bribery by utilizing funds meant to promote academic matters for personal use. Punishment for such mean actions should include being sacked and jailed if the victim is found guilty of the offense. Imposing such rules will help to reduce cases of corruption in the institutions because the funds donated by donors and the government will be used on the intended academic projects and, hence, ensure academic freedom. In other words, members of the administration should be held accountable for their actions to prevent and control the rampant cases of corruption in colleges and universities. 

In conclusion, colleges and universities should formulate appropriate ways of rebalancing their priorities for them to achieve academic freedom successfully. Lecturers and professors should be encouraged to activate their membership in organizations such as the American Association of University Professors where they will have a voice and the required numbers and power to advocate more on academic freedom. In essence, colleges and universities comprise students with brilliant minds who are primarily restricted by the strict rules imposed by the faculty concerning academic freedom. There is need to educate stakeholders and the society on the importance of academic freedom to have their support in pushing for the lift in the unnecessary restrictions and enhance independent learning. Promoting unlimited education freedom helps the learning process while restricting and suppressing only result in half-baked graduates who may not be of great assistance to the society in future. The future generation is equally as important to the world, and it should undergo proper educational preparation to safeguard their future. This can only be achieved through academic freedom.


Academic freedom and higher education | Jindal Global University . (2018). Retrieved from http://jgu.edu.in/article/academic-freedom-and-higher-education

Does Academic Freedom Have a Future? | AAUP . (2018). Retrieved from https://www.aaup.org/article/does-academic-freedom-have-future#.WvnWby2FPcs

Erazo, X., Kirkwood, M. & Vlaming. (1996).  Academic Freedom 4: Education and Human Rights . London Atlantic Highlands. N.J. Geneva: Zed Books in association with the World University Service.

Freedom, T. (2018). The Limits of Academic Freedom . Retrieved from https://fauwaterloo.blogspot.co.ke/2013/02/the-limits-of-academic-freedom.html

LIMITATIONS ON ACADEMIC FREEDOM . (2018). Retrieved from http://uauoregon.org/limitations-on-academic-freedom/

New and Continuing Threats to Academic Freedom: Causes and Solutions | W. Lee Hansen . (2018). Retrieved from https://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~wlhansen/?p=79

The Limits of Academic Freedom . (2018). Retrieved from https://www.chronicle.com/article/The-Limits-of-Academic-Freedom/49354

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Issues that Affect Academic Freedom Today.


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