20 Sep 2022


Knapp's Stages of Romantic Relational Development in the Lorraine TV Show and 'Always Be My Maybe' Movie

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Lorrain TV Show and 'Always Be My Maybe' Plot Description 

First, the interview session on Lorrain show is all about survivors of the heinous terror attack in Tunisia, where 38 people died in 2015. A gunman, a member of the Islamic State Extremists group, entered Sousse, one of the beaches in Tunisia, and opened fire on civilians. In this show, Mathew James and his fiancé Saera Wilson are narrating about their narrow escape. The show host, Lorrain, is asking them relevant questions about the attack, how they survived, and what they felt. In this particular show, Knapp’s steps towards upward commitment are evident. Secondly, 'Always Be My Maybe' movie is all about two lovers, Sasha and Marcus, who encounters a disagreement and stop communicating for fifteen years. Later, they meet in San Francisco. At first, they avoid direct interaction. After some time, they meet in a wrap party where Marcus introduces Jenny to Sasha, but later on, Sasha leaves abruptly to New York. They again coincidentally meet in New York, but love between them is now too weak. 

Five Steps toward Upward Commitment in Lorrain TV Show 

First, the initiating step is characterized by setting an impression. Both parties in a conversation gain the urge to know the other one better. In the Lorrain show, the host welcomes them by identifying their names. Besides, she wonders how Mathew could make it to the show despite having gone through a terror attack that claimed many lives (Lorraine, 2015). On the other hand, Mathew James and his fiancé Saera Wilson thank her and proceed to talk about their experience. Thus, both parties set an impression that impacts their further discussions. Secondly, in the experimenting step, both parties speak more about themselves. It is in an attempt to establish whether they have common elements (Alberts et al., 2019). At this point, Lorrain expresses assumptions and her concerns about the two couples. For instance, she talks about what she knows about routines on holiday. On the other hand, Mathew James and his fiancé Saera Wilson talk about their routine (Lorraine, 2015). In this case, both parties are trying to ascertain whether they have common knowledge concerning habits during a holiday. Thirdly, the Intensifying step is shown by the frequency of communication, and "ownership" behavior. For example, Lorrain asks more short questions, and the couples respond to all of them promptly. Concerning "ownership" behavior, James uses the phrase "love noise" to mean Saera Wilson’s cry for help during the attack (Lorraine, 2015). Then, the integrating step involves fusing lives. For instance, Lorraine refers to couples as a family instead of using names. Finally, the bonding step is evident when James talks about "everything coming back to normal." It is a signal that their relationship will come back to normal. Therefore, all of Knapp's five steps of upward commitment are evident. 

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Five Steps toward Downward Dissolution in the Movie 'Always Be My Maybe.' 

First, differentiating occurs when two lovers, Sasha and Marcus, start thinking individually. For instance, Marcus tells Sasha that he will not be attending college. He makes this decision even without consulting Sasha, his lover. Secondly, circumscribing occurs when Sasha and Marcus stay apart, with each one of them engaged in their individual activities. After trying to inquire why Marcus has made such a decision, Marcus inappropriately responds to her and asks her to mind her own business (David Chen, 2019). Each of them continues with their lives independently. Thirdly, the stagnation stage occurs when there is no remarkable improvement in the relationship (Alberts et al., 2019). After they stopped talking to each other, they stayed for far too long, fifteen years before they met again. During the entire period, communication between them was limited. However, they had not separated officially but just stopped talking (David Chen, 2019). Then also, a step of avoidance is more pronounced in this movie. Even though the two coupled meet in San Fransisco, they at first, intentionally avoid each other. For instance, Marcus introduces Jenny to Sasha while at the wrap party. Besides, he mentions that Jenny is the one for him (David Chen, 2019). This is an intentional way of avoiding Sasha. Finally, the terminating step is when Sasha chooses to disappear, leaving behind her San Francisco restaurant. She goes to New York, depicting that she has completely given up with Marcus. Feelings between two have completely died, and each one was ready to relate with whoever they choose. 


Lorraine. (2015). Surviving Three Shots In The Tunisian Terror Attack. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aZahqVNYhM 

David Chen. (2019). Netflix's "Always Be My Maybe" from an Asian-American Perspective: Details You Might’ve Missed. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vap_90CmsYs 

Alberts, K. J., Nakayama. K. T. & Martin. N. J. (2019). Human Communication in Society . Pearson Education, Inc. print 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Knapp's Stages of Romantic Relational Development in the Lorraine TV Show and 'Always Be My Maybe' Movie.


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