A philosophical and meaningful learning environment plays a big role in increasing children’s readiness to acquire education. Regardless of their social status, every child should be in a position to acquire quality education in a conducive learning environment. In this case, leaders play a large role in ensuring that these conducive learning environments are acquired.
We have seen children from poor backgrounds dropping out of school due to particular reasons; Child labor has been a major problem being encountered lately, which was likely because of a lack of enlightenment. In this case, leaders should take the initiative to educate each community on the rights of children to education as well as the effects of child abuse. Finance, as a major cause of increased child drop-out lately, is a field that calls for immediate attention to create a financially friendly environment for every individual. This may only be achieved if the government creates student investment plans, as proposed by Rubio, in his plan to reduce tuition expenses. According to Rubio's plan, Student investment plans, unlike loans, will not be paid back the full amount borrowed from private investors (OECD, 2009) .
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Health is a component that determines every individual's performance regardless of whatever section they are working in. The education sector is no exception, and the fact that acquiring health has been a big deal due to the rise in health costs, students from less fortunate families have been noted to drop out of school (IPEC, 2013) . The health issues arise due to poor hygiene in homes leading to frequent preventable illnesses such as dental caries, Lymphatic Filariasis, and chronic diarrhea. Therefore, leaders should ensure that: they promote healthy behaviors and educate the students and the community at large on the importance of healthy behaviors. The leaders should also ensure that health services and health services are readily available for children at an affordable cost to ensure students' constant attendance.
Therefore, leaders must ensure that every child receives a conducive learning environment regardless of their social status.
IPEC. (2013). International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour. Retrieved from Situation analysis on conducive larning environment for children withdrawn and prevented from child labour: http://www.ilo.org/ipecinfo/product/download.do?type=document&id=23677
OECD. (2009). OECD. Retrieved from Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS – Executive Summary: https://www.oecd.org/berlin/43024880.pdf